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I wish I'd bought this CD. I bought the cassette tape, which is awsome but is holding up to well after all the listens it has gone through. Prepare your spirit is great stuff.



yeah i love that album, but my Fav would have tobe In the Nude or Abduction or maB Implant lol lets say they all good!! :D



*listning to*


Highpersonic Whomen-Des Pudels Kern


Sharigrama - Mexican Mushroom


This album is excellent, great basslines, sometimes a bit too much full on but it still works pretty good. The kind of full on that brings that big silent smile to your face. :D


Listening to a tune a friend and i made. Her voice is so pretty, yet so sad.


Posted Image

we want to hear that one 2!



genetic - transmission


this track must have the best use of samples there is. Unlike almost everything else from that era this track never dates, just amazing atmosphere.


very simple, yet classy.


genetic - transmission


this track must have the best use of samples there is. Unlike almost everything else from that era this track never dates, just amazing atmosphere.


very simple, yet classy.


Great track.

Coldplay - Hardest Part (listening to it on the radio might I add)


More nonsense from the most hyped band of recent years. I don't understand what happened to them, their first album was excellent, distinctive and original but since falling into fame they've released monotonous rubbish and, worse still, people lap it up like greedy, cream-loving cats.

Guest Cosmogenesis

RA - CRYSTALS (finally back at home) :D

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