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yes this is the best example of emotional downtempo-ish goa. :)


and I was quite surprised when I got it, looks like it's just been opened from a shrink-wrap.


what are you listening charlie boy?


I still have no speakers at the moment as I lent them to a friend who's just got into using those eJay music-making programs. I might ask him for them back soon, sitting at the PC with no tunes is no fun. :(

I still have no speakers at the moment as I lent them to a friend who's just got into using those eJay music-making programs. I might ask him for them back soon, sitting at the PC with no tunes is no fun.  :(


whaat, you have no headphones?!?!?!?!?!etc


pleiadians - taygeta


whaat, you have no headphones?!?!?!?!?!etc


pleiadians - taygeta


I have headphones, but one pair are for a sony minidisc player and have a silly square plug (for the remote control functions) next to the normal plug, so aren't compatible with normal headphone sockets, and my other pair have too large a plug for my soundcard. Maybe you could send me yours, reger? I'll give you give them back, honest. :P
Guest Astro Cortex

Spyra - Sferics (Album & right now the Track too)




Hiscore Xor - True Freedom


nice B) !




I have headphones, but one pair are for a sony minidisc player and have a silly square plug (for the remote control functions) next to the normal plug, so aren't compatible with normal headphone sockets, and my other pair have too large a plug for my soundcard. Maybe you could send me yours, reger? I'll give you give them back, honest.  :P


hehe, there you go, you can take them :

Posted Image

sennheiser 212pro










edit : pleiadians - merope

Guest Astro Cortex

An Ao?????


You mean an original?



He meant the CD in your avatar ;)


An Ao?????


You mean an original?


Son Kite - Let Us Be (Vibrasphere Remix)




He meant the CD in your avatar ;)


mr Cortex is right :)
Guest Astro Cortex

Spyra - Crossing the Channel .....almost forgot how good it is! :D


Hoover - Wardrope


The new Electric Universe album.

Full on haters should probably steer clear of this one. Mostly it's above average full on. But it's got the rolling bassline through most tracks and a couple of tracks have guitars. Dear oh Dear!! While a lot of the ideas are nice I can see the anti full on crew ripping this to shreds.


It is NOT as good as Stardiver.


People who like full on should probably give this a listen, the sounds, melodies and samples are all pretty cool if not ground breakingly fab!


Everyone though should check out the last track, Future Excursions. It's the track that will make you ANGRY :angry: because the style is not full on and a whole album like this would probably be up a lot more alleys.


All in all it's okay.


Radi - don't waste your time on this. You'll hate it ;)


The new Electric Universe album.

Full on haters should probably steer clear of this one. Mostly it's above average full on. But it's got the rolling bassline through most tracks and a couple of tracks have guitars. Dear oh Dear!! While a lot of the ideas are nice I can see the anti full on crew ripping this to shreds.


It is NOT as good as Stardiver.


People who like full on should probably give this a listen, the sounds, melodies and samples are all pretty cool if not ground breakingly fab!


Everyone though should check out the last track, Future Excursions. It's the track that will make you ANGRY  :angry: because the style is not full on and a whole album like this would probably be up a lot more alleys.


All in all it's okay.


Radi - don't waste your time on this. You'll hate it  ;)


is it as good as cosmic experience or better?


derango - fnatt


The new Electric Universe album.



Wow, you've got it already? I don't see it available yet anywhere. Thanks for the quick thoughts on it. I am interested to hear it.


is it as good as cosmic experience or better?


derango - fnatt


I've just given in the one listen so far, but based on that I'd say No! I wasn't really doing anything as I listened to it a most of the tracks failed to keep my attention. The guitars caught my attention but not in a good way.


Wow, you've got it already? I don't see it available yet anywhere. Thanks for the quick thoughts on it. I am interested to hear it.


On the shelves in all good record stores here. And a few bad record stores too. Saw a big wall of this CD in HMV & thought I'd give it a whirl. I'm an impulse buyer.


Ultimae Records - Oxycanta


Ambient time for me at work.  B)


Ambient time for me too as I prepare for bed.


NP H.U.V.A. Network - Distances (also on Ultimae)

Guest antic
Posted (edited)

AP - Enlightened Evolution (Trust In Trance album)


To be honest, I bought the Trust In Trance album few weeks ago and only now I can tell I finally understand what's all the fuss about old AP's stuff. I myself started listening their music with rather crappy "Another World" and couldn't understand what people see in their music. But TIT is whole different stuff - a lot faster, less dreamy, lots more trippy with acid swirls and much better (clearer) production... Love it! :)

Edited by antic

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