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The new Electric Universe album.

Full on haters should probably steer clear of this one. Mostly it's above average full on. But it's got the rolling bassline through most tracks and a couple of tracks have guitars. Dear oh Dear!! While a lot of the ideas are nice I can see the anti full on crew ripping this to shreds.


It is NOT as good as Stardiver.


People who like full on should probably give this a listen, the sounds, melodies and samples are all pretty cool if not ground breakingly fab!


Everyone though should check out the last track, Future Excursions. It's the track that will make you ANGRY  :angry: because the style is not full on and a whole album like this would probably be up a lot more alleys.


All in all it's okay.


Radi - don't waste your time on this. You'll hate it  ;)


Oh my god, it sounds it is the worst of the worst, fullon with guitars and killargh rolling basslines, even the thoughds about it hurt my ears very much, must check the last rack out though when you say it is not fullon, he should make another album like stardiver and one love which were really great.


Space Cat - Cat On Mushroom!!!!!


AArgh! Strong music to the face, mos def!

But I like Space Cat - Space Cats more :)


Vibrasphere - Seven Days to Daylight :)

awesomr feelings (especially when the piano play)



V I B R A S P H E R E R o c k s

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