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i'm heading for cape town on the third of april and will stay there until somewhere end of june. does anyone know where i can party ? outdoor would be nice (if there are still any, whith winter coming)... merci beaucoup :)


Well, youve missed the summer trance season in capetown (and its always bloody brilliant). not to fear though, there are some wicked indoor parties too. a good place to start would be Organifix in cape town.


also check out www.aliensafari.co.za

  • 3 weeks later...

3 psy sites in ZA are:






Theres Tryptych and Protoculture headlining a 3 floor gig on the 30th of April

check either of the above sites for info.



  natkejs said:

september huh ... :)


anything schedualed there for NYE?



There's always a big NYE party in Cape Town! Usually the two biggest organisers together> Vortex + Alien Safari. 3 days. Expect big names :D





yeah, the summer season is wicked indeed..! Really miss the real outdoor parties :( , as im in London.


But i still keep it real by going to as many parties here, and seeing all the big names in trance every 2/3weeks i would say :D


How the indoors in Cape Town been last year, the last indoor i went to back home was when Astrix played at Culomborg Warehouse, that was a great one! :D





every party i have been to in london sucked compared to the outdoor festies we have in capetown. you cant compare to locations i capetown to the ones in london.

  Ov3rdos3 said:

every party i have been to in london sucked compared to the outdoor festies we have in capetown. you cant compare to locations i capetown to the ones in london.



yeah its definately true, miss that feeling that you can go wonder off trippin ur ass off, having a sleep, havin a stomp, etc!

All i can say is the first thing i do when i get home, is go to one :D it will be so GREAT!! :lol:


BUT to keep myself true to passion, psytrance i still have a good time at the indoors in London, purely cause of the acts they bring here.




Overdose r u capetonian too. Heheheh, this place is full of us.

Psychocell, I was too at the astrix party you went to. It was soooo wickid. Upstairs, downstairs, outside, hippy gas, upstairs, downstairs, more hippy gas... on and on. People were molding all over the place and colours where changing everywhere. I don't remember much more than that and sipping on coffee in the chill lounge upstairs.


Fark those stairs where long and dark hey!?

  Subsonik said:

Fark those stairs where long and dark hey!?



LOL, yeah they were :huh:


But that was a good one though.

I dont mind going to indoor here in London, cause you really got no choice, and i like to see as many bands as i can, their stage peformance, the way they interact with their equipment, etc...

You know where im gettin with this??? :D


But i do miss the cape town outdoors :(

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