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looking for a multi day festival in december anywhere after the date of the 23rd. pref europe .. spain portugal ect.... had a look and have not seen any posted yet.. just planing my summer .. Prefer something with a killer line up lol . also anyone want to join me for the partys in europe as I will just be with one oother person...


It's a bit early to find something for December.... Check goatrance.de/goabase and you might find something but i'm sure if the line ups are 100% confirmed yet...!! But don't expect to find multidays fests in Europe in December cause it's too cold for outdoors...!!


There aren't too many multi-day festivals in december, its the middle of winter. But you never know. You should come here in June/July/August if you want to experience the best that Europe has to offer!!


There aren't too many multi-day festivals in december, its the middle of winter.  But you never know.  You should come here in June/July/August if you want to experience the best that Europe has to offer!!


I know stoopid HALEE my friend told me sat night that it is winter in december dam thats a bummer thats australias summer and thats when I GET my holidays .. ok guess its back to the drawing bored for next year. very dissapointed now..

obviously brazil.. they throw universo parallero always around new year, no? that's were i'm planning to be..


obviously brazil.. they throw universo parallero always around new year, no? that's were i'm planning to be..


Cool Is there any partys that come to mind at the moment or you just find the partys on your travels.. Is it the winter there too. Dont realy mind just as long as it dose not snow becuse I DON NOT HAVE AN ESKIMO suite to dance in. :P


Cool Is there any partys that come to mind at the moment or you just find the partys on your travels.. Is it the winter there too. Dont realy mind just as long as it dose not snow becuse I DON NOT HAVE AN ESKIMO suite to dance in. :P


Well Brazil is on the southern hemisphere, so it'll obviously be summer there. And besides northern parts of brazil are pretty close to equator so it's always warm there. Doesn't get too cold in rain forests does it?


universo paralello <--I think they'll arrange it again this December/January..


This is last year's Line up


Dancefloor 29/12 untill 3/1


Bamboo Forest (MP records - FR)

Altom (Neurobiotic Records - FR)

Son Kite (Digital Structures - SW)

Protoculture (Nano Records - SA)

Tristan (Twisted Records - UK)

S-Range (Spiral Trax - SW)

Triptych (Turbotrance Records - FR)

Dickster (Dragonfly Records - UK)

Genetic Spin (Nervine Records - DK)

Tikal (Neurobiotic Records - FR)

Minilogue (SOG/Baroque Records - SW)

Psypilot (Turbotrance Records - CH)

The First Stone (Vagalume Rec. - BR)

Burn in Noise (Vagalume Rec. - BR)

Penta (Spectral Concepts - RU)

Zaraus (Sub-Atomic/Ketuh Rec. - PT)

Oxyd (Plusquam - BR)

Ecliptic (Psyclon Rec. - MEX)

Aerophobia (Vagalume Records - NL)

Trold (Glowing Flame Rec. - NOR)

Hyperceptiohm (Solarflares - BR)

Esperança (BR)

Ital (Metatron - Chile)

System Brothers x Dizzy Mind (Solarflares - BR)

Sequipa (Alchemy Rec. - BR)

Yagé (Tupinambá - BR)



Ali3nato (Pulse - BR)

Anna (Annarchy - IL)

Alpha (Interzone – DE)

Alexis (Altom/Neurobiotic - FR)

Akasha (Alchemy Rec. - BR)

Bishop (Proton Rec. - BR)

Caramaschi (Pulse - BR)

Charles (Triptych/Turbo Trance - FR)

Cram (FR)

Dahan (Tribe - BR)

Danyel (Neurobiotic - NL)

Dick Trevor (Dragonfly - UK)

Dio (Good Mood - PT)

Du Serena (Tribe - BR)

Edoardo (Neurobiotic - IT)

Ekanta (Vagalume - BR)

Feio (Chemical Crew - BR)

Felzener (Deep Trance - BR)

Gui (Psicotrance - MG)

James Monro (Tropical Beats - UK)

Falcão (Solarflares - BR)

Josko (Neurobiotic - IT)

JP (Tip - BR)

L'elf (Turbotrance - FR)

Leptit (Hadra Rec. - FR)

Livia (Tribe - BR)

Mack (Brain XL/Zigzag - BR)

Manoel Lobo (Outline Rec. - PT)

Marko (Glowing Flame - UK)

Marcus (Son Kite - SW)

Matera (Tropical Beats - BR)

Michael x Simon (Genetic Spin - DK)

Nate (Protoculture/Nano - SA)

Noronha (Zig- Zag - BR)

Ocean (Psykick - NL)

Paulo Lopes (PT)

Pedrão (Vagalume Rec. - BR)

Pin (Cachoeira Alta - BR)

Rica (Xxxperience - BR)

Riches (Vagalume Records - BR)

Rex (Nano - SA)

Rush (Odd - PT)

Swarup (Vagalume Records - BR)

Shove (Sounds of Earth - MEX)

Teco(Klatu - BR)

Thomas (Neurobiotic - FR)

Tati (Tropical Beats - BR)

Tristan (Twisted - UK)

Vazik (Spirit Zone - MEX)

Yasser (Vagalume/Spun Rec.- BR)

Xamã (Pulse - BR)

Zeo & Flow (Trance4friends - BR)

Zen (Psykick - NL)

Zumbi (Universo Paralello - BR)


Chill Out: 28/12 untill 3/1


Bode de Luxuria (Androginis Project) BR

Boom Babaji (Quantika Rec. ILLUMINATI Rec.) BR

Cine Mad in Chaos (F4R - WFC) BR

Divinae Metamorphosis (Shamanic Brothers) BR

Fuzzy Project (Quantika Rec/Killerloop Music) BR

Liquidus Ambiento - BR

Lunar Sound (Sound of Earth) MEX

Ooze (SpiritZone) SW

Pedra Branca (WFC) BR

Riches (Vagalume) NL

Shwe Dagon (Synergetic/Kascabel) BR

Tribo Espiral - BR

Trotter - BR



Alex (Conspirasounds) BR

Alquimix (InS.P.irado GROOVES) BR

Angelo (Psyfullmoon) BR

Ayahuaska - BR

Battan (Sunrise) BR

Beto Lima (iD) BR

Bishop (Enzyme Rec.) BR

Brainkiss - BR

Cacau (Solarium Prisma) BR

Cairy (Psycholand) BR

Cami (Vagalume) BR

Cels - BR

Clarys - BR

Djoke (Vagalume) NL

Ekanta (Vagalume Rec.) BR

Feio (Psyfullmoon) BR

Fernandom 175 (Planeta Terra) BR

Fino (Environment Sound) BR

Harmsala (Ruigoord) NL

Inge (Psygo) BR

Jack (Chillum) BR

Just in Chaos (Cosmic Trance) ES

Kelly Lima - BR

Kiko (Psyfullmoon) + Live Percurssion - BR

Leo Faustino (Psyfamily) BR

Livinha (Universo Paralello) BR

Lleh (Jarakillers/Amazontribe) vs Netaum(Amazon Tribe)

vs Nose (JaraKillers) BR

Lottus (Tuff Gong) BR

Lotus (Ketuh Recs.) BR

Maga (Solar Flares) PT

Mak - BR

Nathy(Universo Paralello) BR

Neerav(Interchill Rec.) CAN

Pablo RST(PsyGo) BR

Parms (Sunvibe) BR

Peri vs Poti vs Yuri (Shamanic Brothers) BR

Pier (Vagalume) NL

Querol (Androginis Project) BR

Rafa (Tribal Heart) BR

Rafa San (Solar Sound System) BR

ReNaTa - BR

Rex (Nano Rec.) SA

Rica (Xxxperience) BR

Sada (Wajanga Rec.) BR

Schasko - BR

Seb (Spirit Zone) SW

Smurf (Chillout Company) BR

Soneca (Zig Zag Rec.) BR

Sumitra - BR

Taty vs Danilo - BR

Uver (TMTA) vs Wash (TMTA) BR

Vivi Seixas (Sonic Lizard) vs Lenox (Sonic Lizard) BR

Xamã (Psycerrado) BR

Zé Mira Lavrador - BR


You can also see loads of photos @ the site.. looks like a paradise to me :D


Well Brazil is on the southern hemisphere, so it'll obviously be summer there. And besides northern parts of brazil are pretty close to equator so it's always warm there. Doesn't get too cold in rain forests does it?


wOW I think I am i love what a line up and rainforrests are my fave thing in the wholw wide world in australia our partys are always in the bush so a rainforrest would be magigical thanks :P


just a note - Bahia (where universo paralello is) is definitely NOT rainforest area....


Its not just warm, its FUCKING HOT........ Be prepared...


I suggest you come to Brazil for universo paralello, but stay more in Brazil to go to other kick ass places.. I could give many hints if you are coming...I will probably be at Universo Paralello too, considering I stay in Brazil in the end of the year

  • 1 month later...

Greenspirit festival in Thailand



Live Shivajoerg(Shiva Space Japan)

Trauma/Beat Hacker(Agitato rec)

Azax Syndrom (3D Vision)

Gataka(Phonokol rec)

DJ's DJ Goblin(Psysex HOMmega)

DJ Shivajoerg(Shiva Space Japan)

DJ Matan Sesto Sento [ Com.pact rec/Phonokol Rec ]

DJ GUY Beat Hacker (Agitato)

DJ Scotty [VooV Experience]

DJ SabaiiSabaii [spiritzone]

DJ Naikido (Nandan CH)

DJ Nad(Mandarin Swe)

DJ J.A.O (Harmony club Ko Phangan)

DJ Pat(Blackmoon KO Phangan TH)

DJ Leung(Blackmoon Ko Phangan TH)

DJ Note (Potaram TH)

DJ Goagummy(DJ Center TH)

DJ Minoom (DJ Center TH)

DJ Nitrox [Wannas Tribes]

DJ Dust (Citronix org CH)

DJ Sanuk [Psychonautic mindlab]


Chill DJ Dominic Allen (www.stargate-universe.org)


Deco Wannas Tribes

Dream Mushroom Team

Loopusphere (AUS)

Tre-d(T.A.P 303 SVE/UK)


just a note - Bahia (where universo paralello is) is definitely NOT rainforest area....


Its not just warm, its FUCKING HOT........ Be prepared...


I suggest you come to Brazil for universo paralello, but stay more in Brazil to go to other kick ass places.. I could give many hints if you are coming...I will probably be at Universo Paralello too, considering I stay in Brazil in the end of the year



I was going to come down to brasil for this fest! Could you pls help me and provide some info where can I stay during the fest, some hotels near the place, something like that. Would it be very far from Rio de Janeiro? (cos I wanted to go sightseeing too :))) What about tickets prices from Rio to Bahia? THANKS!!!!


ps: and the maps!! what about the Pratigi beach, I couldn't find it on the map, so I was not able to dislocate the place where I was going to)))))))


Theres are Real Psy outdoor parties in Cape Town, South Africa every weekend in summer (summer is from Oct-Apr)


Killarrrgghh venues, and great line-ups..! Check out these party organisers: Vortex, Beartrap, Alien Safari, Free-Range




  • 4 weeks later...

[hello im going to camp desertview in morroco on new years eve, need to find out if its going on this yr tho.. will keep u posted, i think i found something about it on google but cant remeber what it was... tell me if u find out anything

  • 1 month later...

If you still want to come to europe in dezember come to switzerland for this line up on the 24th


S-Range (Liquid Rec.) Sweden


Dali (Hommega Rec.) Israel


Elec3 (Turbo Trance.) Israel


Hux Flux (Spiral Trax) Sweden


Ibojima (Yse/spliff Rec.) Sweden


OOOD (Organic Rec.) England


Fromem Ory (Liquid Rec.) England


Sensifeel (Domo Rec.) Frankreich


Meller (Plasticage music) Deutschland


Peaking Goddess Collective(Peak Rec.) Schweiz


Psypilot (Turbo Trance) Schweiz


Celles (Woodroom Rec.) Schweiz


Goma (Nandan Productions) Schweiz

Braincell (GlowingFlameRec) Schweiz


Orgon Flow (Woodroom Rec.) Schweiz


Liquid Disko (Substream) Schweiz


Sinaptyc Juice (Niemandsland) Schweiz



with a big smile :lol:

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