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Hey everybody,


Ive been making music for roughly 5 months now, starting with fruityloops, but I quickly moved on to Reason 2.5 which ive been using since. I recently bought myself a Waldorf Q synthesizer (a real beast!) but am still in the process of figuring it out.


This track is my latest attempt at combining some sounds from reason and a few tweaks from the Q.


Hope you enjoy it and please give me some feedback!


Bubba's Bugs 192kb Download





Feel free to check out my website as well. www.vonoom.com

Its in the making however, so please dont expect too much :)



first of all please make it smaller, it's over 11 mb. you can use variable bitrates for example. from 32-160kbps or so.


the quality surprised me, very good, especially since you're only makin music for 5 months. The bassdrum sounds very nice and tight too.

It's too repititive for me to really enjoy though. Also there are many spacy sounds but miss a melody, sounds more like 2 basslines (isn't that called a layered bass?) + sound effects. Could me me though, I just like good melodies ;)


keep up the good work B)


Thanks for the feedback grimoire!


The track is 192kb, personally i think anything below doesnt do the music justice, but i suppose i could make another copy for those who prefer it. The track is still in progress, although im sort of starting a new one at the moment. I'll also try to spice up the melodies a bit B)


ever tried variable bitrates? you can choose that it makes a track drom 32-192 for example. the quality is not realy noticably different than just 192 but some parts don't need that much. it takes off a few mb and the sound quality is still good B)


Good idea, I'll give it a go sometime...

Ive been too busy making this new track. feel free to give it a listen, I'll find one of your tracks :D


Evolutionary Telescope 96 kb (5mb)


Evolutionary Telescope 192kb (10mb)


Its still in the early production stages, so its still quite repetitive, but i think ive got something good going :)


The first track you posted is a bit repetive, and not really to my taste. But I could imagine other people liking it... it's quite professionally made.


vonoom, it`s well made but I think it`s way too filled with psy sounds - for me . And a noticeable main theme wolud be better I think :)


Thanks for the feedback... I agree that it could be more coherent, I was more experimenting with putting together synthesizer sounds and reason sounds than anything else :) I'll give the theme an extra push in my next tracks!


hi vonoom!!!

i hear your track...i like the intro..nice one!

i thing the bass is a littel bit low...great sound!

i wish you the best keep up the good work!!!


you try cubase sx 2 ??

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