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i am coming in spain in friday 15/04 for 9 days.i will be staying in madrid,valencia and bilbao.any nice tips and advices as far as don't miss things,rave scene things and anything- interesting things is concerned. :rolleyes:


i was in madrid in february

excellent city !


unfortunately there s not much i can tell you like places to go etc.. there seems to be no rave scene -forget psytrance


if you re looking for a smoke just go to retiro park and you ll probably have no problem working something nice out ; )


other than that, the city is perfect for exploring and walking around the whole day..

i remember that the ''hip'' area is around plaza dos del mayo where there r some nice restaurants bars etc.. of course this is a big area not just around the plaza..


now dont ask me for big clubs because i didnt bother looking for any...


I bet that you ll get more tips by spanish psynewers....


Have lots of fun there!!


p.s. how come you re not passing by barcelona?? been there many years ago but still remember how beautiful it is...




edit: try to put this on the travel talk forum.. its more appropriate and maybe you ll get more answers!


:D thanks man.it is progammed not to go to barca :angry: it is not in my hand to change that.

i'll put it in the travel talk.i totally forgot it! :rolleyes:


Hi Ritual Om.

For better advices i need to know what are you looking for (culture, nigthlife...), but let's go with some things you should know.


There is a psy club in Madrid on Saturday nights. The name of the club is Yasta (Selenium on saturdays), C\ Valverde nº 10, it's located just in the center of the city (next to Gran Via) and it's a small club (about 500 people) with great public. This saturday comes Marco Sherer from Meller. The rest of the clubs just have house or techno programmation but some of them are very advisable if it's the first time you come, like Space of Sound at Macumba (from sunday morning to night).


The raves season starts next month (with good weather). Now there are some indoor parties but not in your dates, known by me at least.


DON'T go to Retiro park for hash: you'll be cheated for sure


Bilbao it's an amazing city, i love it. You have to visit the ''casco viejo'' (downtown), where you can eat and drink the best food and wines. Also you should go to Guggenheim museum.


I've been to Valencia just once as a child so i can't give you any information.


Feel free to ask anything you want.


of course im not gonna argue about retiro park with someone who sure knows more about the subject than i do, but from info i ve gathered from other people as well you shoul be safe if u just play it a *bit* knowledgeable..



besides, spanish folk have it so good that what they describe as a ''rip off'' might actually be a fairly good deal! ; )


Retiro Park is a huge park located in the center of the city. It's really beautiful, with a small lake inside, you should visit it on a sunny day. On Sundays there are lots of hips and party animals playing the drums, dancing, smoking, and drinking just in front of the lake. It's a show :blink:. In this park there are loads of moroccan and african dealers, but there's constant policial activity so...


As unikos said, another hilight is the ''hip area''(very funny haha). Well, this area is composed by some famous districts. Malasaña is the alternative district (rock and metal pubs, Dos de Mayo square, Fuencarral street), Chueca is the gay district (clubs, fashion clothes shops, Fuencarral Market), and then it's Gran Via (one of the biggest streets). You MUST take a walk by this places (by night and by day, in order to compare ;)).


One of my fav districts is La Latina (old downtown), specially for it's famous bars, great food and drinks, and very nice surroundings. In this place, on sunday morning opens the most famous street market called Rastro. Great place to visit.


Enjoy your stay!!


btw i might be able to get u small discount in a sex shop just off fuencaral! although i dont think you gonna ask for it ; )


and there s something u must know ritual, you MUST try a paelia.. especially the one with fish, etc... i ate one of these in an old school restaurant for old people in gran via and it just rocked :D:D:D


paellia de amariscos ? ?


besides, spanish folk have it so good that what they describe as a ''rip off'' might actually be a fairly good deal!    ; )


haha :D true that , still its obvously that foreigners/turists get cheated really hard on the streets :P



paellia de amariscos ? ?


Paella yeh ... de mariscos , a MUST B)


nice!i'll try paella de mariscos!thanks unikos->euxaristw patriwtaki! :rolleyes:

something else:i want to buy a digital camera.are prices lower in spain?

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