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Guest hach

now with the new gms album more than anything i noticed that many ones go and wrote something good, and others go and say "i hate them", but what i see is that everybody hurry up. anyway the ones against them reply they are bad musically speaking... dont misunderstand me, i love psy and is my favorite music now.... But since when popular music (and im talking the music made the last 50 years) is good musically speaking?? i mean thats exactly what the psy teach us... no one need to be a mozart or a beethoven to give us something that listens good, thats because hi tech is at the hands of anyone this time. those who say gms arent good musically speaking go and take a basic learning of music, of melodic armony and rythm, and youll see that everything in psy, is pure @!#$ compared to any master piece the mandkind has done before. anyway, trance is the future...


i think people are just tired of the same old thing... people got sick of mwnn's signature sound, and now they're tired of the hundreds of GMS songs that sound the same (with different samples straight out of hollywood)..


frankly i still think their best albums are their first two. they were creative... after that, i dont have a damn clue what happened to them.

Guest Avogaden

I totally agree.... some time ago i liked GMS more than I do now.

I was never a big fan, but now I like it even less.

Sometimes they surprise me, but most of their tracks are too GMS(hehehe).

As basilisk said.... samples from hollywood and the same hardware effects on every track!!


ITs ok to have a unique sound, but see iron maiden( i dont know if you like it or not, but either way, you have to respect and admit that they are genious).

They have been making music for 30 years or more, and still every cd is a hit, and every cd has a different atmophere, but NEVER scaping the classical iron style.


Know what I mean??


I think, psy artists HAVE to surprise you in every new release. If the new cd sounds like the one before it's really disapointing.


Dont you think??

Guest mk-11

man this topic goes round and round and round.....


one thing i can say for gms though is when their sound

becomes the same as some say least they don't change their

artist name and try and flog the same style off under a new name so

people with no clue, will buy their stuff....which has happened so much

in this scene..they stand and be counted for and take what criticism

comes their way under the name and style they play for... like it or loath it it is down to the individuals taste.....

and if all you people that hate gms did like them this scene would be a sad

state of affair....everyone liking the same tracks and artist would add proof to

the arguement that all trance songs sound the same....


I like their sound in moderation.


The sample in 1.3 Crumbs, when the girl talks about the alien and the ray, is the most amazing sample I've ever heard. Makes me smile. She sounds so innocent. :)

Guest Elysium Project

I will try to put in my 2 cents of words here :-)


I agree that many artists / bands should try to experiment some more and it's sometimes frustrating to see some talented people stick to a fomular instead of having the nerve to break out and do innovating and different music.


I know it so very well from my own music....It's much easier to stick to what you know instead of trying new ways but I also feel that you're obligated to your self as an artist to grow and seek new ways which I try to do.


As for GMS I can say that I agree that they should change track and look in another direction but I can also understand why they stick to their fomular. It's always a big risk to change your music. What if people don't like your music anymore? Again the risk of no changing your direction is the same: You risk that people get tired of your music.


So the balance is very delicate but in the end I feel that a true artists is an artists that make the music that he/she like...not what the crowd like.


Taste is such an indivdual thing!

Guest dam10n

EP you're on fine form this morning :o)


I love the GMS vibe - it works so well, yeah maybe they should think about changing elements of their sound (erm... change the drum sounds perhaps?) but if it works, why?


Their shitkicking style works on the dancefloor, works in the car, works in the living room, I think it's kind of an if-it-ain't-broke-don't-fix-it.


That GMS growly bass and deep kick is bread and butter as far as I'm concerned. I think they rock.

Guest Greg

I think that too many artists aren't diverse enough... they latch onto one good "formula" and then ride it out till its dead/hated!


Loads of albums I've listened to are like that too... same sounds and similar sequences in many tracks... especially kick drum and bass lines... same sounds and sequence! It gets very boring... Even if the first track you hear is good... by the end of the album, you wish it was just a single.... (like the Absolum album and Fractal Glider, that I listened to earlier in the week) But then I listened to Wizzy Noise, and was more impressed ;-)


That's why I often buy compilations... cause they are more diverse (of course) :-)


Just my thoughts..



Guest JanUa

i used to like gms sort off, than i didn't like them anymore because they didn't change that annoying sound, but now i'm back into SOME gms, there are song's i don't like at all but their are song's that really are good.

GMS is imo very standard electronic music skills, but yes, it works ...


Ok, I don´t like GMS 'cus I think the sounds they make it's berly psychedelic.

They use a psychedelic structure in theyr songs but that's it, no atmosphere or non of those things in theyr trax IMO

The only thing I hate about GMS is the samples they use... so pop and so lack of creativity that I can only think they use those samples just to make a song a hit or popular... and allow me to say that I'm not the only one that think that way. In Mexico most of the people that had heard GMS think the same...

But any way, that's just me, feel fre to heard what you like...




Guest ironmonkey

It doesn't get more full-on than GMS. Yes, there is a commonality between their tracks. Its called their style.


People bitch about minimal, people bitch about full-on. You just can't please everyone. When I want to get things going with some crazy energy I often reach for some GMS.


rofl this is the strangest topic I've ever seen!!!


some people don't like ice-cream either.


-=- Matt/Strumpling -=-

differen' strokes!

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