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Do any of you love any of your particular synths for making psy?


If you have a synth that is great for making psy and would like to share information about it (such as what it's particularly good at) with other music makers who may not have even heard of it, please do it here:


I love Zoyd, a mac only synth used for creating dirty, disgusting leads and basses. You cannot get a nice clean sound out of this synth! That is impossible!




I also love reFX Claw, even though I cannot use it on my mac. You can create some great distorted basses with this beast.


http://www.kvraudio.com (heh, I forgot the exact URL ;) )


Yes, I am very much in love with my Nord Modular.


If it wasn't for my wife... I could do some nasty things to this sexy piece of hardware.



linplug albino 2

refx vanguard

refx slayer 2

novation v station

muon tau pro


ohmforce minimonsta

rgcaudio z3ta


vst freak!!! :lol:




roland sh-101

waldorf q


thats enough for me B)


It used to be Waldorf Q and Korg MS-20. But yesterday i bought a Korg MS-50 and it looks like this will be my new favourite. Demented machine! :D


Waldorf Q - Pretty much everything (however, i don't use it for basslines). Mostly for leads, strings, pads.

MS-20 - Screams like a bitch :D Very good for all sort of weird sounds. Best self-oscillating filters around.

MS-50 - Same as above. But sounds fatter, less screaming.


Anyway those 3 machines are my favourite ones for Psy-trance.


Creamware scope modular.

Especially with the flexor modules.

Punchiest envelopes there is, and the NBL oscillators is great.

The step sequencers with slide makes programming twisted leads really fun.

Shapers, wavedraw, phase mod, envelope followers, waldorf wavetable oscs and a multitude of filters just make it impossible to get bored with playing around.


All the Zarg synths I used for scope (dark star, ambient, comb plus) is really great sounding as well.


Miniscope WE and plastic is other favourites.


Before I got scope my favourites was Sequential Cirquits Pro-One, Waldorf Microwave (the original one with analogue filters, the newer versions did not sound that good IMO) and Oberheim 8 voice.


MY WALDORF Q! (hardware)


Just bought it and im so amazed! You can modulate everthing on this beast! ahahahaaaa, it makes some really twisted leads, everything from noisy dirty russian style sounds to the breezy summerday pads of groovy morning music.

I agree with Filteria, the Q doesnt seem to be the best at basslines, although ive managed to get a few out with a lot of eq'ing and compression. So, in other words, I love my Q and i wouldnt trade it for the world hehe.


My next piece of harddware has got to be the Clavia Nord Lead 3, its just such a tight little synth with such awesome power... anyway, hope this um... well, informed you about which synth i love... heh


see ya!


I think I love ReFX Vanguard, I used it in almost all my tracks. I know it sounds kinda metallic, but if your going for the really distorted stuff, you cant beat this one.

Linplug albino is great for FXes, highly tweakable, I like it.

Audiorealism Bassline is just perfect for basslines.

Spectrasonics Atmosphere is another fave of mine, I love the amazing sound quality of it. Every single sound is totally impressive.


I soo agree about the vanguard... You can really make some crazy sounds with it... The Albino is one of my bread and butter synths too...


I swear by the Atmosphere, but I don't use it as much for atmospherics. There's this crazy lead patch on it that if tweaked properly makes some incredible sounds in it...

I used that for the main lead synth in M.o.E.


I have recently discovered how to make some good pitched leads with the Trilogy as well....


The key to any synth is trying to do something out of the ordinary with it...


My Blacet modular for amazing zappy squelch madness, even though it is not as convienient as a softsynth.


For softsynths, I think Absynth 3 is pretty nuts.


I also love reFX Claw, even though I cannot use it on my mac.


Just curious: Why can't you use it on your Mac? :ph34r:





Probably because there is only a VST version and not AU. Logic users can't use VST, even if they're for mac.


Well, at least not without using fxpansion's vst->au wrapper.


Well, at least not without using fxpansion's vst->au wrapper.


And it works like a charm... ;)


Anyway, my 2 cents thrown into the topic:






and the Crystal Synth, are amongst my favourites...


Cheers ya'll...


Probably because there is only a VST version and not AU. Logic users can't use VST, even if they're for mac.


Well, at least not without using fxpansion's vst->au wrapper.


Yeah that's right. Plus I only got GarageBand on my mac ¬_¬ which is terrible for writing anything (unless you have a MIDI controller) so I'm saving up for Logic and a decent MIDI controller.




I love my Clavia Nord Modular G2x. Very fine piece of hardware.



Btw : Since I'm new on this forum : does anybody know why on earth I get an error msg everytime I try to upload my pimp avatar?


Thanks in adv.


-Carthago :blink:


I love my Clavia Nord Modular G2x. Very fine piece of hardware.


Holy crap you lucky dog you. THAT is a synth.


My Yamaha AN200, was a "bad" thing in the beginning... but now I like It.

But I do Love My Korg MS 2000B....


Synths are funny like that. My first synth was a Yamaha CS1x. I got rid of it years ago, now I wish I had it again. :-)


Synths are funny like that. My first synth was a Yamaha CS1x. I got rid of it years ago, now I wish I had it again. :-)


Sigh... yeah, know the feeling... Got rid of my jp8000...miss it a lot now... and all the leds that seemed like sparkling stars, whenever I turned it on... :(

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