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drugs help...


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Guest x-clone

I don't want to take chemicals drugs any more( E - lsd - anfetamin etc)

do you know something natural for me. not too strong maybe like mushroomm.

thanx to all the trancer in thaplanet

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Guest DjBlondiE

try not taking anything.... clear out your mind for a while instead of trying to do a drug that is considered "less hard"...that's the great thing about psychedelic music! get INto the music, it's a trip in and of itself...that's what I do...i rarely take drugs or smoke weed (on occasion)....just try being sober for a while, afterall, it can't hurt, so there's no point in not trying...

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Guest hoffy



(I personally recommend Vodka/RedBull for a night of trancing.. and spliffs don't hurt too much either ;))

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Guest defbydelta...

Standar Psy Night:

1. Angel dust

2. Lsd and 3 phat spliffs screws ur head 360..

3. Then vodka red bull.. (Maybe Some E's)

In Taxi home:

1. Rohypnol

2. MARIJUHANA (When getti'n off Taxi..)

3. @!#$ girl friend (If she want, and if u can..)

4. sleep like a baby

5. wake up somewhere..

6. go to work.. listen psy Trance..



live short as u can do much as u can!!



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Guest rocko

if you want to get more info about drugs go to www.erowid.com, there you can find the basic data of a lot of drugs, by now i can recomend you:

don´t do any opium (it´s very addictive)

despite lsd is chemical it isn´t harmfull for your boddy, it may mess with your mind but thats the risk off all drugs,

all the anfetamines and metaanfetamines are something to take care about cause they do real brain and body damage,

mayby you should try some mushrooms or peyote, they aren´t addictive, neither psycological nor physical, but beware, especially with mushrooms cause they are one of the most powerfull psychedelic drug, besides i wouldn´t use them at a party or even in the city cause their are natural substances so their effect is way lot better if you ate them at a quiet and natural open area, try them at the woods or a near forest with people you enjoy being with,

and if you´re smoking pot, also take care with the amount and the frecuency, it isn´t physical addictive but can became psychological addictive very fast.

so happy trips and feel free to mail me if you want more info or have more questions.

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Guest Honguito

defbydelta, I hope you didn't really mean that. And, "live short as u can do much as u can". Did you mean "life's short so why not take a lot of drugs"? I would say "life's too short to do A LOT of drugs". Defbydelta, don't think of this reply as some kind of offence towards you. But please man, GO EASY WITH THE DRUGS

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Guest pratik

funny thing, i used to smoke weed every day before i discovered psy/goa. and now when i am really into psy/goa i dont really feel like smokin weed. i do that occausionally but thats more like once in blue moon. but stilll i find that interesting that i dont do it after i got into this music. music it self is drug like. takes me to another dementions withought getting my nerves intoxicated.


hare sambhu!

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yep! I´m with blondie on this one too, although I rather smoke a joint and than DJ, psytrance is good enough to keep you high during a party.


I like to take weed and ginsen for partys... energy and psychedelia whit a mental trip throu psychedelic trance.



See you in the 4th dimention


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Guest defbydelta...

I really like Dj-Bl0nDi€'$ point though.. its very nice listen high psy trance in headphones and just chill out and find u self trancei'n for a while thugh

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Guest x-clone

to all. expecially to rocko . very cool site www.erowid.com ! ! !

I need need drugs like everyones.

someone need coffè or co*aine

someone need marlboro or medicine

someone just chocholate or vine or tv or what you like...call it drugs.

I need drugs

better if I know the best one for me

thanx to http://www.erowid.org/psychoactives/psycho...hoactives.shtml

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Guest lespagnol

Where do you live dj Blondie ?in Usa ?Why not in paris so that you could meet me .Then we could go to a psy party and make something else after..

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Guest akindo

I thought defbydelta's post was quite funny though! Especially "@!#$ girlfriend if she wants it and you can" and also "go to work and listen to more psytrance"

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Guest beuh-air

he he ... le gibus c'est de la merde ... faut pas y aller !!!!!!

c'est pas ca la trance....


sorry , that was for the guys from paris :))

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Guest defbydelta....

Pcp does really f.u.c.k with ur head, thats right..

but its soo f.u.c.k'n flipped that u dont know whats up and whats down

thats why i love hallucinogen drug so much, cant help it but thats the caze..



(so there bee more for me)

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Guest necro

my suggestion


1) a couple of drops of liqiud acid to start the party off.

2) 2hours down, with the acid really kickin some pure MDMA capsules,if not available some good quality pills will do.

3) when the more progressive music starts kickin in, a few short lines of Special K will go down nicely.

4) if startin to feel tired, a couple of hits of ice (aka methamphetaine) will do the job.

5) phat ass skunk joints all throughout the night goes without sayin ofcourse.

6) after party, 2-3 codeine tablets and/or 2-3 xanexes will paracute u down nicely.

7) next day ,skip work and feel like the biggest @!#$ ever.

8) repeat next weekend.

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Guest cunny

my suggestion : blow job !



Seriously.... Mixture of Ephedra (for the energy) and for the psy effect ( good weed....a real sativa......)

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Guest defbydelta....

Man Special K is for Newbis...

its like eati'n mushrooms or other things like that.. leave that for the bitchez..

Real men do real Drugs..

Ice is soooo nice!!

It dont fucks with ur Eye-pills, u can eat on that, no side fx, soo fuccin goood!!

hard to catsh in sweden thogh...


hashisht javisht!!


sWeeden Weeden!!

"Pop a couple of these,, and u aint gonna remember a dick"

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