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Hello my dear friends ,

hope everyone is fine since we last met here.

Since life is very hard in portugal i had to shut down my internet connection.thats the reason why i was out from psynews and everywhere.

At the moment im in Anoebis place (im in belgium) and today will be the party so i hope every goa fans out there would be present and check out my live act.

After the party the Lost Buddha project will hibernate , me and my family will move to Ireland , all of we will work , i also want to establish a life of my own and things take time. But you all have my word that i will be back. I will try to get a computer as soon as i can , and maybe it will take 3 months or more so that Lost Buddha can return again.

Im planning a full lenght album maybe for 2006.

Lets see where God will lead me..


Hugs and may God be with you all ,


Guest al3xandar
  Lost Buddha said:

Hello my dear friends ,

hope everyone is fine since we last met here.

Since life is very hard in portugal i had to shut down my internet connection.thats the reason why i was out from psynews and everywhere.

At the moment im in Anoebis place (im in belgium) and today will be the party so i hope every goa fans out there would be present and check out my live act.

After the party the Lost Buddha project will hibernate , me and my family will move to Ireland , all of we will work , i also want to establish a life of my own and things take time. But you all have my word that i will be back. I will try to get a computer as soon as i can , and maybe it will take 3 months or more so that Lost Buddha can return again.

Im planning a full lenght album maybe for 2006.

Lets see where God will lead me..


Hugs and may God be with you all ,



Posted Image


Wishing you all the best and come back sooner...


why did u never told me u move to ireland? thats really :o

well however, best wishes from me too !

and seeya soon you old crank :D


Indeed a very good life act, never expected that it would be that good. Don't know which track it was (think second or third one, very strong melody) but it brought me high up there, from then it was getting messy. But thanks alot for this wonderful act. Keep up the good work, you're not only spamming the forum about goa :P but you're realy making it .


Excellent Live act. Only problem is I don't really remember more then the first few tracks. But I can still feel the rest was very good, it's out there somewhere deep in my mind or in galaxies far far away...


greetz keep it up :D


peace mate

hope you will be able to do whatever you like soon!

money is just resources to do what you really.

if i was millioner i could help u without thinking twice ;)


enjoy the life .


Big respect

i will wait for ur next album.


wish u the best.


hey brothers and sisters , thank you so much for your support!!!

im living now in Bangor (Ireland).

im working now 10h per day and 3 weeks left to get my money and i want to bring my pc bak and maybe the buddha will be back if God permits it.

Lost Buddha found in Ireland.


May God protect us all.

  cryion said:

why did u never told me u move to ireland? thats really  :o

well however, best wishes from me too !

and seeya soon you old crank  :D


hey man do you live in ireland???

big hug!

  Lost Buddha said:

hey man do you live in ireland???

big hug!


what? i never said that

u already asked me two times where i'm from and everytime i gave u the same answer: austria :P

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