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Hello Hello,


Im ready to get myself a pair of headphones to master on. I have studio monitors but in the event that i need to keep the noise levels in the house down, i need a pair of decent mastering headphones that will give me sound as near as possible to my monitors.


If anyone has advice on a good pair please let me know.


similarly, if anyone has any further sugestions that would cover the best value for money in not only the High end headphones but also for the low end and mid range headphones, it could be valuable info for other people looking for a similar thing.


Much appreciated






I don't think what you're looking for exists, but there are lots of nice headphones on the market. People seem to like Sennheisers.


I don't think there are headphones out there with flat frequency response, but I could be wrong.


simply no


but there are nice headphone that may give you nice spectrum of sounds...the Sennheizer as mentioned are the most known for Dj's is best headphone but i'm not sure if these are the best for studio.


you don't master in headphones, you master on high quality reference monitors. headphones are more or less incapable of accurately representing an audio signal, which is the first requirement for mastering. headphones should be avoided for accurate mixing and mastering tasks in general. i use grado headphones when i'm producing at night so as not to disturb my girlfriend, but i wait till daylight to check my mix and certainly to master so i can use my monitors (mackie hr824s), and even then i feel like they're not up to the level of quality i need! just can't afford anything better...


I have the sennheiser HD-590 and the quality is superb and they're also very comfortable to wear.

but like the others said: don't master on headphones.

when you do it will sound different on speakers (not better).


also I thought you don't want to master with high volumes either so maybe just turn the volume down a little to keep the noise levels in your house low.


Still it's good to have some nice headphones, even for just listening to music :D


Hi guys,


Thanks for all the advice...i wouldnt acctually master on headphones as i do have studio monitors but am looking for the flattest frequencey response headphones to decress the difference in sound between when i am using my headphones ie at night to when i use my speakers to master on.


i had a look at the sennheiser HD-590's....they seem to be what i am looking for. The Grados are undoubteble the best but im not willing to pay over $400 for a pair of headphones.


thanks again for all the advice guys. Much appreciated




I tried all the models from sennheiser and the Beyerdynamics when I worked in a music equipment shop a few years ago.


I went for the Beyer DT-250 in the end.

Beyer have by far the best build quality, but their old DT-100's sounded crap.

The 250's on the other hand sounds great and have an awsome bass response.

Not exaggreted, but somehow you actually get som idea of what going on down there.


Otherwise the bass is the main problem with using headphones for mixing IMO.

Although I agree it's a bad idea to try to mix a track on headphones I have manged when I been using the DT-250's to make a decent mix that sounded fine on the monitors after.

They are fully closed and a bit clumpsy and less comfortable than the sennheisers though.


The Beyer DT-250 looks very good, I may just give that one a try...

Also closed back etc, probably very comfy.

I noticed that its freqs are 10 - 30,000 Hz too.

Where as the sennheisers go 8 - 25,000 Hz.

But I guess it's all in how those frequencies are tweaked up/down, no?


What turns me off though is that the Beyers only isolate 16 dB, where as the Sennheisers do 32 dB (which kicks ass, because I'm often in a pretty high-noise environment).


The Beyer DT-250 looks very good, I may just give that one a try...

Also closed back etc, probably very comfy.

I noticed that its freqs are 10 - 30,000 Hz too.

Where as the sennheisers go 8  - 25,000 Hz.

But I guess it's all in how those frequencies are tweaked up/down, no?



Yeah, the Sennheisers have a much better bass response.


I would reckommend the Sennheisers because they were originally made for studio use. Only recently they moved into the DJ market. They won't help much for mastering, as you have read, but they are sweet if you are doing a live/dj show! And for making music they rock too, cos the bass is sweet! It almost feels like it's coming out of a giant rig!


go Sennheiser!


@dj mylo

And what is Beyer made for...to use with a walkman??

Have you compared the bass response on the DT250's and sennheiser?

Or is it the 2hz lower response that make you convinced.


But like I said, the sennheisers is more comfortable. The beyers is not bad, but the fully closed design gets a bit how and sweaty for prolonged use.

And clumpsy as hell for DJing.

So it's about priorites, but soundwise, and especially for producing, I sure prefer the Beyerdynamics.


@dj mylo

And what is Beyer made for...to use with a walkman??

Have you compared the bass response on the DT250's and sennheiser?

Or is it the 2hz lower response that make you convinced.


But like I said, the sennheisers is more comfortable. The beyers is not bad, but the fully closed design gets a bit how and sweaty for prolonged use.

And clumpsy as hell for DJing.

So it's about priorites, but soundwise, and especially for producing, I sure prefer the Beyerdynamics.


Dude. I use Sennheisers. For 5 years so far. And I must admit I haven't had as much working experience with the Beyers. You seem to know more about em than I.


I guess what I was trying to say is that if you produce music then you probably also want to do live performances or maybe DJ too ;) . And Sennheisers are great for both! Bargain! :D:D:D


Oh, and even 1hz of lower bass makes a difference to a bass-junkie like myself. :P


get both!


Shit man, buy em all! Even the little ones you stick in your ears!

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