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Hey again, I have now finished my first song! :P - for practise only though. I would however really appreciate every sort of possible feedback, as I am at the moment learning the programs. Tips on how to get better quality etc. - every tip is appreciated. And keep in mind that I am a newb, so please point out even the most obvious flaws :P I know it's not a good song, but that's not why i made it, I made it to learn from it :P


Here's the url: http://www.swedenbbb.se/daze_-_practise_song.mp3


Thanks in advance.


Too much reverb...


I think usually after 4 loops of the same pattern you should add some new one so that the listener won't get bored...


Percussive elements, especially hihats need to be crispier. Try some compression.

Fill out the frequency spectrum.


But really not bad as a first track, my first attempts were much worse :P

Nice atmosphere!


I wish I could write more, but I dont have that much time right now, sorry.


Keep on making music! :)


Hmmmm..... not bad.. you need to add layers a lot faster than you are doing at the moment to keep listeners attention. Nice choice of effects and the vocal samples at the start are pretty cool.


bass is too low... can't really hear it...

the melody at 2:43... there is clipping, u have to lower the sound... yeah major distortion there...

other than that it's not my style too much but i have to admit that for a 1st try it's very good...

hihats have to be more clear as cybernetika said, maybe put some reverb on it (not too much though), it might work...


btw what pgm did u use?


Thanks a lot for the advice guys! :)


At the moment I am using Fruityloops, as I heard it's good to start off with.

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