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i know Empty Space would appreciate this.


i was at a GWAR concert last night. oh my god what an excellent experience. i have bruises all over. ive lost my copper arm band ive worn for 4 years, i got covered in head to toe in fake blood, sperm and vomit, i am deaf and hungover.

incredible. and i would do it all again.


the best part is when a fake micheal jackson came on stage swinging a fetus (complete with ambilical cord) over his head, and it started spraying fake green vomit into the crowd (i got it in the face). then the main dude walks up to micheal jackson and rips his face off, exposing the bone and flesh (this sprayed more fake blood into the crowd, much to their delight) and preceeded to put his ripped off face over his own and dance around with it. sick. but funny.


i would recommend their shows to anyone who likes rock music. its vile entertainment at its best. recommended :)

he eh !!


Sound like fun !!    :)


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thats just it. it was REALLY fun. at one stage they also brought out this monster (known only as "the enemy") and they all start attacking it with swords and stabbing it and clubbing it huge spiked clubs (tons of blood spraying out) then he punches through its head and bites his brain out, then shoves it in the monsters own mouth. after the whole room was soaked in bolidy fluids it eventually died. but its supposed to be very OTT, thats the whole point. they are just taking the piss basically. and people love it. (well some of us, hehehe)


to quote "Jizzmack the Gusher": "We F**king love you London....but now....you must DIE!!!!!"


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its probably a side effect of the freak show these guys put on last night... 

just look at the horrific pics!



its not horrific, its cool B)


i especially love the picture of the dude mopping all the blood up afterwards...


we were able to play at an afterparty from gwar here in belgium.

but ar guitarist couldnt make it :(

that would have been wicked


this is insane but understand it.... I listend to black and death metal before goa :D


Gwar isn't death or black metal they soud almost punkish from what I've heard.


I wasn't saying they are just referring to my personal background that I know the atmosphere at such a type of conerts...


that's all ;)


I love it bro!!!! Fuckin eh man!!! Those pics are just great!! Most places here won't let you bring a camera into the place for shows.


I'll have to remember to not wear my best clothes, hehehehe


Wow it really looks like a wicked time, can't wait to see them myself!!! Soon soon soon!!!

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