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forecasts shows showers/thunder showers thursday/friday :(

But then again 5 day forecasts aren't that accurate.. let's just hope for the best

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Erm, rain is not an option. [shouting]You hear me mother nature????[/shouting]




Erm, rain is not an option.  [shouting]You hear me mother nature????[/shouting]




100% with you on that one!

Parasols over umbrellas :P !



This YEar NEUTRONYX will be there!! We will be under the name of DREAM TUNNEL crew,

The Irelands Psytrancers going to Germany!!!!

Pop up and say hello .YOu are all wellcome to our campsite. We might have a present for you!!

Looking forward




anyone got any wheatherforecasts?





Unfortunately yahoo weather is being geigh, and i certainly won't be accepting rain as the weather forecast for one of the worlds best psy-festivals!! Oh well it can rain during astrix's set heeheee, I shall be hiding away during that :P


I'll pm you my mobile number w0p and krelm and hopefully get the chance to meet up! You too heva (you the same heva from psy-forum?), wooooooooooooooooot. Don't know you other guys / girls yet, but hopefully we'll get the chance to meet for a boogie :)


Come on DP, you may as well make it!!!!!!!!!!!! Sure there'll be plenty friendly faces about to help with any messiness ;-)


PS If the music was anything like last weekend at the Glade Festival in England, it's gonna rock!!!

PSS I'm really game for a chai w0p, i'll try bring some nice tea's down from england... i have some nice white tea, green tea chai and some other mixes heheehehe. been really getting into my tea's recenty :lol:



Unfortunately yahoo weather is being geigh, and i certainly won't be accepting rain as the weather forecast for one of the worlds best psy-festivals!! Oh well it can rain during astrix's set heeheee, I shall be hiding away during that :P

That's the spirit!!!


I'll pm you my mobile number w0p and krelm and hopefully get the chance to meet up! You too heva (you the same heva from psy-forum?),

Yesh tis I of psy-forum! Looking forward to meeting some psynewser's over there. I think someone said before, first one to put up a note at the meeting point can suggest an area (or meet at the meeting point during astrix heheh, not missing much then eh)




30 mins till I leave workies, then it's holidays!! Huzzah! VooV-a-Rama :D


The message on tha meeting board sounds good to me heva!!!! :D


Wooo the boom hour is nearly nigh, tomorrow this time we shall be camped out in the Boom tenting area. I've nearly finished chucking everything important into a bag and am getting ready for waking up at 3am :o tomorrow morning to catch a taxi to the train station!


Boom festy here we come!!!!!!!!!!


Bleeeh!! I'm climbing my walls here :lol:


PSS I'm really game for a chai w0p, i'll try bring some nice tea's down from england... i have some nice white tea, green tea chai and some other mixes heheehehe. been really getting into my tea's recenty :lol:


Who the fuck needs tea when you have warmed Jägermeister???




Anyways, little more than a day left until we catch our train. The excitement is building in me like the gas after a tex-mex feast. I'm sure that I'll miss any planned meetups, so if you see the guy in the picture below, grab me and say hello. I promise that I don't bite. :)


Satan's Fluffer


fuck off everyone who is going :(


maybe this will make you feel better:






Rain all weekend <_<


maybe this will make you feel better:




:(  :(  :(


Rain all weekend <_<


Posted Image



eh.. sort of suxxor thou. i wish ppl still have good time :)


i wish ppl still have good time  :)


Thanks heavens humans are waterproof :P . Should be a good time anyways.


gonna see on sunday if things clear up, my babe and I will drive through. It's only 1hr15min away!


VOOV last year was fantatsic! I hope the weather doesn't fuck this one up!


just found out I wont be going, damn...


Posted Image


FrozenRealm just told me that full-moon has been a big wet soaking mud pool, and the VooV terrain is close to the full-moon terrain, so good luck y'all! :P


Yup, im in Berlin right now, 100km from Putlitz, and its been raining like thers no tomorrow, Im standing at the window waiting for Noah to sail around the corner with his Arc...


I hope he takes me and Pam Anderson


mega shit fuck arse !


the weather is fucking things up bigtime :(

Gonna reconsider my travel..


Everyone who's still got time to read this:


Due to the MASSIVE amount of confiscated dope at Full Moon (> 40 KG!!!) there will be searches of cars & possible drugtests from drivers; both conducted by German police.

So be smart & get there sober & thén go mental!


C U @ the Proggy Pool ;)


Voov 2005 is cancelled!
















































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