Guest Squaffy Posted July 23, 2005 Posted July 23, 2005 Hey peeps - hope you all make the most of it - we sold our Voov tickets on to others at Full Moon as the quagmire of mud at the end was quite hideous getting a 7 ton bus out of - and it was COLD - so see everyone at Sonica.
thebadtrip Posted July 25, 2005 Posted July 25, 2005 Hey peeps - hope you all make the most of it - we sold our Voov tickets on to others at Full Moon as the quagmire of mud at the end was quite hideous getting a 7 ton bus out of - and it was COLD - so see everyone at Sonica. 302482[/snapback] News on VooV? See you at Sonica, Squaffy
krelmatrix Posted July 25, 2005 Posted July 25, 2005 Anybody who pussed out because of possible bad weather should kick themselves in the ass right now. There was a small bit of rain for about 30 minutes Friday night, then some light rain/mist on Saturday and Sunday morning. Also got a bit chilly Saturday night, but an extra shirt took care of that just fine. Other than that, there was nothing to really complain about with the weather - cloudy & cool, but that's no reason to miss a festival. The sun even came out on Sunday afternoon for the last few hours of the alternative stage. Absolutely perfect during those hours if you ask me. Oh, the rest of the festival was great as well.
Tox Posted July 26, 2005 Posted July 26, 2005 Had a great time as usual! From Sunday-afternoon on the sun was really shining even enough to get a slight sunburn. Musical highlights included: JAIA D-NOX BECKERS LAURETH & best DJ-set was by Banel, who unfortunately had to play sunny progressive in rainy weather. Still kicking myself for missing Reefer Decree, but by that time even the grass had turned fluo, so I wisely had to get some multivitamins. C U there next year again for sure!
GaySatanicHippie Posted July 26, 2005 Posted July 26, 2005 Everyone who missed this should really kick himself really hard, the weather was no problem whatsoever, it wasnt muddy and it was really rocking from beginning to end. D-Nox completely rocked the house as usual,but it was a lot more melodic than what Im used to from him. The best set I have heard in a very loooong time. Otherwise I concur with Toxs musical highlights, except that Montagu & Golkonda were awesome as well.
Ktrance Posted July 26, 2005 Posted July 26, 2005 The weather was no problem at all. Yeah constant sun would have been better but it was no real problem. Jaia kicked ass, even though his set was progressive, a friend of mine even got him to play mai mai as the last track, sweet! However I must say some of the stuff played on main stage sunday nigth, was UTTER crap! Popstream was playing something very close to being eurotrance *shudder*. All in all a good voov this year, nice people, and a nice vibe. Peace
Tox Posted July 27, 2005 Posted July 27, 2005 As promised: a selection from our pictures online here All feedback is appreciated
DeathPosture Posted July 27, 2005 Posted July 27, 2005 As promised: a selection from our pictures online here All feedback is appreciated 303896[/snapback] Nice pics man... So many beautiful people! ;o)
thebadtrip Posted July 27, 2005 Posted July 27, 2005 As promised: a selection from our pictures online here All feedback is appreciated 303896[/snapback] Man... Awesome shots... All I am asking now is.. SUNNY DAYS! 9 days... 9 days to Sonica!!! Daaaaaaamn!!!
heva Posted July 29, 2005 Posted July 29, 2005 Well what can I say - Voov never fails to bring a big huge grin to my face every year Landing in Hamburg and seeing rain was a bit of a worry (rain at voov - it can't be possible!) I ignored the weather reports all week prior to leaving and packed my flip flops, sunnies and suncream! Anyways, turned out not to be a worry at all, perfect weather (besides the odd shower) was had all weekend Had an amazing time, the alternative stage is clearly the only place to be. The opening ceremony on the aternative floor made me realise why I love this festival so much, the soundsystem rocks, it's perfect. Beautiful decor, amazing sounds and wicked vibe, what more could I ask for? Favourite set all weekend was Banel who played a wonderful set full of iboga goodness I was actually having a cheeky snooze when I heard some of my fave tracks being played, so I jumped up and literally ran (in the rain) to the dancefloor, it was perfect. Also loved jaia and reefer decree (who I listened to from a distance hehe). Have to agree that the main stage is a bit poo. And the last night just sucked musically over there. Antaro just played 3 hours of cheesy samples and build-ups, nothing psychedelic about it for me (pretty lasers though). For me there is only one stage at voov. Didn't sort out meeting anyone from psynews (expcept koolaid - nice to meet you dude). Jamez23 had a looksie at the meeintg point thingy to see whether there was any plans to catch up but couldnt see anything. Did we miss anything? Did you guys sort it out???? Hope everyone else had a good a time as me Hope to see some of you folks there next year. Unfortunately I haven't got any pics, as when I tried to use my camera I had a moment of 'specialness' and couldn't get it to work. I have some pics on their way from my friend, I'll post them as soon as I get copies. Mwah. Over and out.
w0p Posted July 29, 2005 Posted July 29, 2005 friggin AWESOME again!!! shame i didnt found anyone from psynews.. i think ive seen squaffys pink dog LOL (on fullmoon & voov???) i also left a note on the msg board - but was to fucked to check it again! also thought ive seen Koolaid once - yelled after him KOOOLAAAID - wasnt you... got your PM after i came back - just yerterday.... i stayed voov-ground till wednesday LOL what a trip once again - w000w - hope to catch some psynewers at sonica now!
Tox Posted July 29, 2005 Posted July 29, 2005 didn't see any notice on Message board Had a fucking great time though! feel free to look for yourself in our pics which are posted above... Anyone going to Morocco? No Sonica due to my J.O.B...
thebadtrip Posted July 29, 2005 Posted July 29, 2005 friggin AWESOME again!!! shame i didnt found anyone from psynews.. i think ive seen squaffys pink dog LOL (on fullmoon & voov???) i also left a note on the msg board - but was to fucked to check it again! also thought ive seen Koolaid once - yelled after him KOOOLAAAID - wasnt you... got your PM after i came back - just yerterday.... i stayed voov-ground till wednesday LOL what a trip once again - w000w - hope to catch some psynewers at sonica now! 305162[/snapback] sherlockalien gave me your MSN. Me, him and your sister likely to meet tonight for a drink. See you on the Chill Out when Ott lays the beats on the dance floor?
w0p Posted July 29, 2005 Posted July 29, 2005 Hew Kewl!! another mad Raphael from Rio HAHA for sure see ya when Ott´s playing - probably before .. gonna keep my eyes wide open for brasilian flags... and yeh Tox - hopefully going to Marroco too - you know allready how and what date you leaving? gonna challo now - cyaz
Tox Posted July 29, 2005 Posted July 29, 2005 and yeh Tox - hopefully going to Marroco too - you know allready how and what date you leaving? gonna challo now - cyaz 305196[/snapback] We're in Marakech on 20/8 so we'll catch a Grand Taxi or Bus to the venue a coupple of days later. Feel free to contact me if you'd like to travel together as our whole point in doing foreign festivals is meeting ppl from outside Belgium... (this goes for anyone) PS w0p: how about that Element cd?
thebadtrip Posted July 29, 2005 Posted July 29, 2005 Hew Kewl!! another mad Raphael from Rio HAHA for sure see ya when Ott´s playing - probably before .. gonna keep my eyes wide open for brasilian flags... and yeh Tox - hopefully going to Marroco too - you know allready how and what date you leaving? gonna challo now - cyaz 305196[/snapback] haha I'll be buying 3 brazilian flags today at lunch!! woooooohooooo!!!! I'll be wrapped around in one of them. The other 2 should be given to the 2 funnest foreigners I meet so... haha (1 to a lady, come on haha)
jamez_23 Posted July 29, 2005 Author Posted July 29, 2005 yes - wicked time at the voov again !! as always ..... Got a bit wet when we arrived ....... he ehe ..... understatement .... But by friday morning our camp was all up and everyone started to relax ....... the opening ceremnony was cool .... stayed awake until daybreak then caught some more zzzzzz's ..... I reckon saturday / sunday at the proggy stage were the best for me ..... nice and cool weather for dancing ...... even had some sunshine at stages ( it came out when reefer decree were playin !!! wooo ! ) .... Sat night / Sunday has to be the best though ...... Sensient rocked - totally ..... wicked music ...... around about this stage we started drinking lots of coktails so things got a bit sketchy .... Reefer Decree were wicked !!! Loved that ..... enjoyed all the dj's during the day ..... Beckers / BaNEL / Thai guy with the phone ...... all fantastic !! D-Nox rounded it all of off with a wicked set which ended up in the realms of dirty elctro / acid house ........ lovely stuff !! I didn't really get into the music on the main stage ...... but the laser / light show was stunning - I spent quite a while there on sunday night just looking at the pretty colours !!! Pop stream were absolutely awful but there was smile on my face anyway ........ !!! Cant be bothered to go into it here but we had an interesting journey home ...... pulled by customs in Germany and again in France ( missed our ferry ! doh ! ). ..... he he eh ..... everything is cool though ...... I mean come on .... Do we really look that dodgy >>??? ok, dont answer that ...... Did have a quick look at the meeting board ....... didn't see any notes from psynewsers - it didn't occur to me to leave one .... I'm a bit stupid like that ... probably didn't have a pen anyway ...... he ehe he !! Good to hear everyone else had a good time !!!! I think I met you Koolaid ....... hope you had a good one mate !!! First day back at work today Heva >? Recovered yet >? he ehe h ... roll on 17:30 !!!
heva Posted July 29, 2005 Posted July 29, 2005 First day back at work today Heva >? Recovered yet >? he ehe h ... roll on 17:30 !!! 305208[/snapback] hehe yesh, back at workies, how's that for bad planning- coming back to work on a friday? Anyhows, yesh all recovered now, thanks to air berlin we had an extra day in hamburg! I'm still gutted that after all my planning I missed most of Sensient's set, I rocked up at 3.55am after spending about an hour and a half faffing about trying to sort my life out to get over there. *feels like a chump* Seems like it rocked though - everyone was having a right good stomp when i got there for the last 5 mins of his set. So did anyone see S-range on the main stage? I was gonna go but (once again) didnt sort it out. It was the fact they were playing on the main stage that put me off. Whats all this rumour I hear that 'they've gone full on'??? Is it true??? *slaps on 2001 for a moment of nostalgia*
jamez_23 Posted July 29, 2005 Author Posted July 29, 2005 hehe yesh, back at workies, how's that for bad planning- coming back to work on a friday? Anyhows, yesh all recovered now, thanks to air berlin we had an extra day in hamburg! So did anyone see S-range on the main stage? 305221[/snapback] he he !! yeah - bad planning on my part too ....... was back at work yesterday ... still, it feels like a tuesday - I keep reminding myself that its the weekend in a few hours - whoo hoo !!! ( thank god - fuzzy brain still !! ) Shame you missed sensient .... it always happens ...... I set my alarm to wake me at 10:30 sat night and managed to surface about 02:50 - lucky really .... he eh e ! Julz did go to see s-range ( i was sleeping !! ) He said he was good ! I'm afraid that its true though - he's gone all full on ... it is pretty good full on ....... I wonder what it sounds like slowed down .... hmmmm 3 1/2 hours to go !!! mwah !! I'm gonna sleep like a baby when I get home tonight!
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