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hello all. the style is weird :wacko: and screams amature, but it also screams much more! some things arent done with them and some are misplaced, but theyre still works in progress. one thing i noticed is they all start off a bit random then bam, flung into a shaman banging a drum infront of me :o


tear them apart, it should be easy pickins -_-



Red Robbin

Alien Aliens


cya! :D


You have made some nice sounds and the beat is ok. The mix is actually not bad.

But there is one thing that makes it scream amateure. The lack of scales! The notes in pro trance may seem a bit random but there is always use of a scale - mainly a one with 6 or 7 notes, and sometimes a little "blue notes" added in carefully to increase the feeling of chaos. Try to learn minor, phrygian and hexatonic scales - those could be useful - but experiment with other ones too. But always remember that to break the rules you will have to know them


(note that i only listened to redrobbin, you may have improved your knowledge since then)


But you had some very nice ideas and some psychedelic sounds. Just polish the synthesizing and learn the scales and you're on the way =)


You have made some nice sounds and the beat is ok. The mix is actually not bad.

But there is one thing that makes it scream amateure. The lack of scales! The notes in pro trance may seem a bit random but there is always use of a scale - mainly a one with 6 or 7 notes, and sometimes a little "blue notes" added in carefully to increase the feeling of chaos. Try to learn minor, phrygian and hexatonic scales - those could be useful - but experiment with other ones too. But always remember that to break the rules you will have to know them


(note that i only listened to redrobbin, you may have improved your knowledge since then)


But you had some very nice ideas and some psychedelic sounds. Just polish the synthesizing and learn the scales and you're on the way =)



thanks, ill have to look into these "scales". i know whatcha mean, but at the same time i dont, ive never looked at music beyond listening, but by listening i found patterns. i think ill find myself in music theory pretty soon :lol:


tear them apart, it should be easy pickins  -_-




I think the main thing I want to say is the tracks all seem a little on the quiet side. I don't know what host (sequencer) your using but you may want to look at putting a compressor (multiband if possible) on the main out and then follwo it with a limiter (such as Classic Master Limiter http://www.kvraudio.com/get/650.html ) to get a spot more volume.




Aliens Aliens,

is that a therimen I hear in the background...? lol if it is, that's awesome.

Anyways, on to the song, you have ideas, but you have still yet to arrange them in a good way so that it isn't all a jumbled mess of sounds. A lot of your melodies sound out of tune, and the vocal clips, while as excellent as they are, just don't seem to be placed in the right parts. Also, try replacing the snare that hits on every other beat with a hi hat.


This is the stage were everything gets sorted out, so gl man


Aliens Aliens,

is that a therimen I hear in the background...? lol if it is, that's awesome.

Anyways, on to the song, you have ideas, but you have still yet to arrange them in a good way so that it isn't all a jumbled mess of sounds.  A lot of your melodies sound out of tune, and the vocal clips, while as excellent as they are, just don't seem to be placed in the right parts.  Also, try replacing the snare that hits on every other beat with a hi hat.


This is the stage were everything gets sorted out, so gl man


yeah im definately killing that snare. ill mess around with them later tonight. well see how it goes :D

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