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can someone pls tell me a little about using pulse width and also detune on a bassline..

i find that when i use detune the bassline gets much more depth but it dosent remain constant..it keeps changing like a phaser or flanger..

how can i gain more control over these parameters...

what is the right way to use these ??




not sure about detune...


but with pulse width u can assign it to an lfo..

then u can set the lfo to restart at a constant rate, like 1/4, 1/8 or 1/16...


not all synths allow u to do that but i can do it easily with my nord or with the ES1 in logic... what do u use for bass?


hope that helped...


About the detuning: I suppose what you mean can be achieved by using a chorus FX. Or in vanguard, use the "fat" controller, if im not mistaken, both duplicate the audio signal and slightly detune the second signal so that everything sounds fatter. I personally dont have good experiences with that settings on the bass, but that might be a matter of taste.

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