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Not because they're melancholic but cause they're so beautiful.

I only cried once with the last melody of MFG-To Eternity. I still believe is the best melody ever made in history.

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  vc0n said:

Orbital - Halcyon On & On


I still feel the same way when i listen to it even after many years




Also BT - Content, Juno Reactor - 10000 Miles... Chicane tracks...


But you asked for goa tracks... or did you?


Chi-A.D. - Purity

Doof - Blue Sun Shrine

MFG - New Kind Of World

Astral Projection - Axis Vo.99

Xerox & Passenger - Angel Kaya

California Sunshine - Tears In My Eyes

Terra Ferma - The Scream

Cygnus X - Turn Around

Vernon - Wonderer

Zyon - No Fate



They are too beautfiul, not melancholic or cheesy...:)

  Ormion said:

Not because they're melancholic but cause they're so beautiful.

I only cried once with the last melody of MFG-To Eternity. I still believe is the best melody ever made in history.


I agree.

X-Dream - Rewind ? ? ? :blink:

Different strokes for different folks... :huh:


Anubis - Invocation


I may mention 2 tracks by the great master himself (ambient , not goa)

Oöphoi / Tau Ceti - Tholus

Oöphoi - Lord Of The Starfields


Autechre - "Vletrmx21"


...and lots of stuff by Björk. Never shed a tear to psy/goa though, that I can think of at least.


Halcyon by Orbital is a no brainer... :)


ti's not psy, there is this Deep Forrest song they made as homage or something to Global Communication (that ancient IDM project), i've googled it and checked it discog's for a name but i can't find it. It's just has deep... drum on top of kids softly chanting the most tear-dripping melody i've heard... I don't have my old cd's with me they're in storage in another continent so i can't check for that right now :o


I bought exclusively for my last journey into the realms of consciousness... It was 6:30 in the morning, i was all alone sitting on the whitest sand this land can offer looking up at a perfect caribbean-sea. i'd been trippin my balls off all night on two strong... strong... i mean strong blotters and finally things were starting dissipate...


The birdies where circling the headphones were on, the sun is coming up... and theres tears coming off my eyes... one of the most powerful experiences i can recall... not feeling like repeating it either... don't thik my sanity could take it eitherway...


Led Zeppelin - Stairway To Heaven

Pink Floyd - High Hopes

Sting - Fragile

King Crimson - Epitaph

  seraph said:

X-Dream - Rewind ? ? ?  :blink:

Different strokes for different folks... :huh:


Yeah, sorry. I forgot that if it isn’t from the glory days of psychedelic boom shankar trance, it isn’t worth talking about.


My new list in honour for Seraph:


Hallucinogen – LSD

The Muses Rapt – Spiritual Healing

Pleiadians – SomerandomtrackfromIFOtheworldsbestalbumforeverandeverandever












;) ;) ;) ;)


Toi Doi - D-liss

Synsun - Quazar

Synsun - Hoffman's Delivery

Synsun - Awakening

Synsun - Zak zebulion pike

Astral Projection - Liquid Sun

The Misted Muppet - Toward the castle

Synsun - Up in the sky

Numina - Recluse

Numina - Tattered Illusions

Numina - Dream recognition



probably more.....

  pr0fane said:

My new list in honour for Seraph:


Hallucinogen – LSD

The Muses Rapt – Spiritual Healing

Pleiadians – SomerandomtrackfromIFOtheworldsbestalbumforeverandeverandever




;) ;) ;) ;)




Irony or for real ?


In any case it sounds too mediocre... <_<

  Ormion said:

Not because they're melancholic but cause they're so beautiful.

I only cried once with the last melody of MFG-To Eternity. I still believe is the best melody ever made in history.


Could you point out the exact time when this melody accurs? I cannot find any superior final melodies in To Eternity :(


SFx - Y-salem (sad and beautifu melody, wonderful)

The muses rapt - spiritual healing

Chi-a.d. - Exit eternity

California sunshine - Green sky (the last melody is wonderful, underrated track)

Dimension 5 - Deep space 5D (the whole track, especially the melody between 6.47 and 7.25 :blink: )

Hallucinogen - Angelic particals


In my case the best melodies is still from the first tracks that I heard. Dunno if it's something special with them. But they made me almost cry :)


Astral Projection - Electronic

Pleiadians - Meter

Infected Mushroom - The Shen (Not one of the old ones. But genious :))


muses rapt - the fly of the phoenix over natraj


Ibizarre - Underwater World - Awesomely Brilliant!


and Cold November Rain by G&R's (Yeah I know it's not psy but still an emotionally moving piece of music)

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