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i returned to athens today and i listened for another time ifo.i was totally frustrated with the fact that they split up as a group.they produced only 2 albums and almost all of their tracks are masterpieces.how the fuck could carlo get bored of this sound.his melodies are so..............whatever i say won't be enough.my friend,carlo,if you got bored of this sound please think of us who are desperately seeking for more pleiadian music->you (all of the group) created some of the most intelligent and psychedelic music ever.maurizio and max,i know that you can do better than the latest track of pleiadians.listening to tracks like tractor activity i see that the technic is there...so please work it out some more.pleiadians is the best ever piece of music as far as intelligent spacey psychedelic track is concerned.


p.s the aim of this post is just to express my thoughts. :huh:


I think that Asteroids is a pretty great track. Tripped to this a couple of times now ;)


But yes, there is missing some of those out-of-body-melodies, but unfortunately they will never appear again. :*(


Jep. IFO is a definite classic. So classic that its not even worth pointing that out, everyone knows that anyway :D I think 1997 was the greatest year in psychedelic music, just because of IFO and The Lone Deranger...


listning to another pleiadians track now np: pleiadians - space odyssey . its good or ok just like their other stuff latetly but nothing great or not even close to their old stuff,

what has happned?? :(<_<


Pleiadians - Space Odyssey ?

And I don't know about it ? When it was made? New song ?

I think that Asteroids is good song but not EVEN REMOTELY close to any of their older stuff...At least it doesn't sound minimal like Etnica...but still...WE ALL MISS PLEIADIANS !


I've just checked and it is on Phase 3, Etnicanet new compilation that is not even released...Good because you downloaded it...;)


well i download, u busted me :o . Its the only way to somewhat screen out all the crap. Phase 3 compliation was rather enjoyable as a whole also, dont know if i would buy it though :blink:

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