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hi! i was sitting at home trying to figure out how to make a full on bass... did i make it? full on bass tryout

feedback please



If i may give you a tip? Don't try to get a typical type of bass, this is souding ok, so keep on working with what you like, not what you think it's supposed to sound.

just my 2 cents ofc.


Don't try to get a typical type of bass, this is souding ok, so keep on working with what you like, not what you think it's supposed to sound.

just my 2 cents ofc.

well said, couldn't have said it better myself :rolleyes:

If you need other people to tell you what your bass sounds like,

you shouldn't be making music.


Frantic and Gutty are completely right!


By copying that "full on" bass you will become another fullon artist making cool but forgettable dancemusic.


If you keep on doing your own thing you might end up as the next shpongle!

Which is way cooler, at least IMO


I know it sounds boring but it's the truth.


There is nothing wrong with your snippit and there's nothing wrong with trying to get a grasp on how to get a certain sound. I think it was T.S. Eliot who said "Good artists borrow, great artiists steal."


im not trying to sound like anything... and im sure as hell dont steal other peoples stuff... im just trying to expand my musical limits... and to do that i need to be able to play many different styles of music :D seen?!

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