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Hey friends, does anybody can tell me what the word 'fluffy' mean, i often see that in the forum but i still don't know what is this. i have spend time to know what cheesy mean and now i understand, but a fluffy track is ? a very average melody too ?


And what is most fluffy track for you, what is the best track to explain this term ?


Thanx in advance


I am not sure.. But maybe these two tracks can helt you out..:


Alienated - Fluff Factory

Fluffy Puppy - Superclay


'fluffy' is a term that can be used very loosely to indicate that something is ..... nice, happy, undertanding, postive .....


Fluffy when used to describe music would mean that it is happy, uplifting - smile inducing music !!


So if someone is happy and positive and loving and understanding etc ... you could say that they were 'fluffy' !! :P



Like fluffy little bears or fluffy kittens ......


It is quite the opposite of 'spikey' ......

Guest Le Lotus Bleu

i think fluffy means something near as syruppy if you better see for most of people when reviewing music.


Nevertheless i personnally used it with a positive meaning & not a pejorative music for kids underlying, with the idea of the track Little fluffy Clouds:something sweet, deep & peacefull.


Posted Image


I don't think words are needed. Fluffy music sounds like that cat looks. :)


Hey friends, does anybody can tell me what the word 'fluffy' mean, i often see that in the forum but i still don't know what is this. i have spend time to know what cheesy mean and now i understand, but a fluffy track is ? a very average melody too ?


And what is most fluffy track for you, what is the best track to explain this term ?


Thanx in advance





Fluffy = Protoculture.


happy, pretty dainty melodies that make you want to hug people


a friend of mine who's into hard stomping minimal said, "hmm, very fluffy stuff" when I played Logic Bomb - Datalinks.. :)

Fluffy isn't necessarily bad, I'd say contrary.. according to my taste. I like fluff :ph34r:


Fluffy != Cheesy


Come on now guys!


Green Nuns of the Revolution - Atomic Armadillo (The Fluffening)


The one that does not have the classic Blackadder sample? :) yeah, it is fluffy...

2 entries found for fluffy.

fluff·y ( P ) Pronunciation Key (flf)

adj. fluff·i·er, fluff·i·est



1. Of, relating to, or resembling fluff.

2. Covered with fluff.

2. Light and airy; soft: fluffy curls; a fluffy soufflé.


1. Light or frivolous: a fluffy musical comedy.

2. Lacking depth or precision; fuzzy: hazy, fluffy thinking that only confused the matter.



is that definition fluffy enough for you?


wow nice to give me so much detail, i see better now and will listen these track you mentioned as fluffy. thank you a lot all people. boom


I agree fluffy is different than cheesy...I know fluff when I hear it, I know cheese when I hear it. I know cheese bothers me far more than fluff does....but can't quite decide what the difference between the two is...

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