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At the moment I'm moving my CD collection to a friend so he can listen to the stuff and decide what he likes. While flipping through the CDs (I've started with the compilations) I've noticed that I have a lot of CDs I've only listened four or five times after buying and then rarely ever again. It's not even that I dislike the stuff, I'm far from trading all those CDs or anything, I just don't listen to them (same is for some vinyl).


I've decided to pay more attention to all the CDs I own and so today I brought some of those poor albums to my work so I can listen to them (at the moment I'm listening to Mr. Peculiar - Elements). I feel like I need to pay more attention to my stuff instead of buying new stuff all the time.


Do you listen to all your stuff more or less regular or do you stick with the extraordinary stuff?

Guest The Journey Man Project

I sell the stuff I don't listen to.



Yeah am doing that thisyear... so far have cleaned out abotu 100-150 cd's...


Somehow I can't do that. Sure I have some stuff for trade or sell I don't like but there are albums I have that only have one great track and I still need to keep it. But I consider myself as collector and not only listener, so I guess it maybe makes a little difference...


I've decided to pay more attention to all the CDs I own and so today I brought some of those poor albums to my work so I can listen to them (at the moment I'm listening to Mr. Peculiar - Elements). I feel like I need to pay more attention to my stuff instead of buying new stuff all the time.



you say that you try to listen your poor album, ... that 's mean bad album or album you forgotten ?


for me it's pretty the same, i own about 90 albums but i never find some free time to listen it carefully, i have time to listen one or two track but not more ... i usually listen when i go to my work, in the train or the bus, but i can feel totally what the artist would to say in its release.


we need further life :) one to work, one to listen music, one to carrie to our familly :).


happy people we are if we succeed to do this into only one life, our life.




When I mean poor album then I mean it's poor because I rarely listen to it. Not the music on it is poor and bad. Just to make that clear. :-)


I guess time really is an important factor. When I listen to music I mostly pick my favourite albums or new stuff even if there are tons of other albums that have some nice tracks on it.


I have the same 'problem' as you Tatsu... I have loads and loads of CDs (+1500) and simply too little time to listen to it all... I try as much as I can, to go through it when I'm chilling in front of the computer... But sure, there's stuff I haven't listened to for years... But still I can't justify to myself getting rid of those CDs - It's my collective gene at play...




I have the same 'problem' as you Tatsu... I have loads and loads of CDs (+1500) and simply too little time to listen to it all... I try as much as I can, to go through it when I'm chilling in front of the computer... But sure, there's stuff I haven't listened to for years... But still I can't justify to myself getting rid of those CDs - It's my collective gene at play...




Really, having all those CDs is pointless IF you don't listen to them and/or enjoy them. I have 153 and I listen to all of them on different occasions. :ph34r:


Well, I have listened to everything I own... And will listen to all of it again occasionally... It's not like I don't listen to music enough - I have music playing 18 hours a day, so I get to listen to quite a few CDs every day... And the stuff I haven't listened to for a while, I'll listen to eventually... Like my DVDs I consider them an investment in the future... I'll have them forever - and I look forward to digging in my collection when I'm old and grey...


So I wouldn't call it 'pointless' having such a collection as mine... I enjoy it thoroughly and wouldn't want it any other way... Different people, different strokes you know...




i can say that i dont listen to at least half of my cds... i am currently moving out and had to select one 50caselogic-full of cds to take with me for the holidays, while i was sorting everything out i realised i have so many cds i have simply forgotten ALL about..


plus i got a problem: i cant seem to be really able to relate bands/track names very well

for example i ve listened to pretty much everything from texas faggot many many times but right now i cant remember more than a handful of tracks and melodies.. so i get lost in my collection very easily!!!


Yeah am doing that thisyear... so far have cleaned out abotu 100-150 cd's...


This is what I'm doing after I get back from my vacation in a couple of weeks... I'll have about 200 pieces of music to get rid of on ebay. It's far too much.


Now that I'm done with DJing for a while I can play lots of old school... which I find I enjoy a great deal more. It's hard to top some of the brilliant classics... I'm thinking Orichalcum and the Deviant here... brilliant! I put the album from Semsis on last night and was so totally into it... forget wading through full-on crap of dubious value, THIS is real music.........


Like my DVDs I consider them an investment in the future... I'll have them forever - and I look forward to digging in my collection when I'm old and grey...




i thoght the same thing when i started getting video lasers and look how well that turned up...aren't they coming with a new format now? (i still own a good number of DVD's myself, but im not rushing to jump on the next trend as fast this time around ) :mellow:


i don't listen to all my cds on a regular basis either, obviously there is some sort of rotation. But like it has been said here, it is hard to let go of them. Just because i don't hear my Autechre stuff nowadays a lot or say angel tears or whatever does not mean i still don't like it. for me music personally i get attached to the plastic. After that is hard to let go cause they stand for a certain period of your life, with all the emotional baggage that occured back then and it feels a bit like chopping some of your hair to sell or trade... but thats a personal opinion


I have HEAPS of stuff, but I don't listen to 30 % of it. There is so many stuff I got bored with and some average albums that I don't bother to listen unless they have 1 or 2 good trax...When you have so many music of course that you can't listen to all of them all the time plus there is new stuff coming out and the albums I missed from before and got them recently that I have to pay most attention to. ;)


I find when I get stuff I watch/listen to it repeatidly for a couple weeks until I get tired of it & listen to other stuff or buy something new. Just yesterday I was going through some old burned CDs & found at least 20+ songs I don't even remember.


I was actually thinking the other day ive got to stop buying cd's for a while till ive actually listened to all the ones ive brought recently. I know there is cd's ive had for a while that i havent even listened too which is pretty dumb really. The problem is when i order i wait till there is a few i want and get 3/4/5 at a time to save on postage to Australia and lately i havent had much time to listen to them maybe just the track or 2 i got the album for.


So yes i have lots i dont listen to and probably should get rid of on ebay.


There are around 200-300 cds i havent yet listened simply because i dont have time and mood to listen to them.


I only listen to music when i am in the right mood you see.


I'll have them forever - and I look forward to digging in my collection when I'm old and grey...


Mmmh ... the average lifespan of a CD is 30 to 40 years (considering that you store them in a dry and medium-temeratured environment). Will that be long enough that you can still listen to it when you're "old and grey"?



I don't have so many CDs ... I didn't count them, but I'd say I don't even have 100 of them (including tapes!) ... way too few for the music freak I am (but don't think I download so much, I do it occasionally, but I'm not that kind of Ninja-downloader with dozens of gigs of music). So as I don't have many of them anyway the chance is small that I haven't listened to some ... well, there is one I know which I haven't listened completely through yet, but I look forward to doing that when I have time and am in the mood...


Mmmh ... the average lifespan of a CD is 30 to 40 years (considering that you store them in a dry and medium-temeratured environment). Will that be long enough that you can still listen to it when you're "old and grey"?

I don't have so many CDs ... I didn't count them, but I'd say I don't even have 100 of them (including tapes!) ... way too few for the music freak I am (but don't think I download so much, I do it occasionally, but I'm not that kind of Ninja-downloader with dozens of gigs of music). So as I don't have many of them anyway the chance is small that I haven't listened to some ... well, there is one I know which I haven't listened completely through yet, but I look forward to doing that when I have time and am in the mood...


Actually for pressed CDs it's more like 100 years. Personally I don't believe this about CDs "decomposing" - and there's no proof either. (except "accelerated-aging" experiences, which undoubtedly are more damaging than actual aging)


As a collector I have plenty of records that I consider to be next to worthless musically, but they are still worth something to me since I value having a complete discography from an artistor label, etc. I never sell music unless I have duplicates or get offered insane amounts of money.


Now that I finally got myself an MP3 player to replace the old MiniDisc earlier this year, I listen to music while out & about a lot more. I try to always have some stuff in there that I've only listened to once or twice, to get to know the music better. Most of it is played very little for a reason, but sometimes I find gems that I didn't "get" on the first listen, or that I was in the wrong mood for. Enjoying music depends a lot on context...


I have this rule that when I buy a record, I can't stick it in my shelf until I've listened to it start to finish at least once. So due to my high purchase volumes I end up with big piles of unplayed records sometimes, which I then go through in long listening sessions. If I've been playing mediocre "for-the-collection" stuff for hours and hours, even a good record can be a chore to listen to since the ears are tired... thats why going back to the record a month or two later can be a good idea. Since I've been short on money lately I've been doing a lot of this, which has given me plenty of ideas for new "themes" in my DJ sets =)


Re-discovering old records is a very nice feeling that the MP3 kids miss out on - if it doesn't sound good right away, they toss it in the bin. But the best music is almost always the "acquired taste" stuff that you get into after repeated listenings.


Re-discovering old records is a very nice feeling that the MP3 kids miss out on - if it doesn't sound good right away, they toss it in the bin. But the best music is almost always the "acquired taste" stuff that you get into after repeated listenings.


oh no

i always keep em, just so if i somehow have the opportunity to buy an old cd i can listen to the mp3 again, and decide if u want to buy it or not...


i never listen to a cd

or maybe once or twice

when i get tired of it

i give it away

ive got the shit on mp3

i'l geive it to someone who s more happy with it ...


i bhought 2 cd's from the muses rapt 'you'

and ive givven both of them away.

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