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i want to go to this on new years eve, got abit confused on net about dates cos its on new yr i got confused whether it was going on in 2005 or 2006... really want to go but dont want to book ticket if theres no one there... any answers.. do u like k too? ha ha!

  • 2 weeks later...

i went there on 2003 when it was a free party

the vibe was incredible

it went on for over a week

it felt like a party in goa

people brought in speakers, lights

the soundsystem changed ocassionaly

everyone smiled 24/7

we had vast amount of `rugs it turned at some point a ritual of `rugs

touregs came out of the desert and danced with us

two people got married and they opened a champagne bottle

and from the sound i thought i was shot and fell to the ground (way too high)


all and all I dont know how it is now

but it was really good then

you can check out some photos from my page


under morocco section


wow thanks for that im so excited about going i am a bit concerned about the weather will it be cold at new year down morocco way....


man it is sahara desert

it is as hot as hell

but do not forget as it is a desert

when sun is up it is 40degrees celcius

when sun goes down it is aroun 1-2degrees celcius

a massive change in weather

which makes people dance wirh piles of clothes around

at least for the ones like me who doesnt even wanna turn back to tent

and keep on dancing

its a crazy place to trip

there is absolutely nothing around

just walk a little into the desert

and find out a very new feeling

that is impossible to feel elsewhere

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