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Hello all!

i have some questions about...


is it important to do master in your track first and next send to record labels?


you send the demo unmaster and next the record label doing the master?

how is work that?(i mean the situation)...



how important is, to have a good quality in your sound?(i mean to release in some label)...

if one track is verry good but havent verry good quality,then?


Keep the psy vibe alive...


and one more think...


do you can release some track who made only with software?


I think its very important that the soundquality is nice, if there's a few bugs that you just cant get sounding right, then thats just the way it is.


I recently sent a demo to Utopia Records (3 weeks ago), they never answered...

I also sent them a mail to hear if they ever received the cd, but they didnt answer that either. Thats just sad, because youre just waiting and hoping that you get a mail with some feedback at least. but some people just doesnt care i guess :angry:


Anyhow good luck with it, and let us hear where u get signed ;)


look men i believe the most psy producers making music with software...!(maybe with some hardware)



anyway Digital Psyence. why dou you sending demo track only to one label?

you sould sending to all labels who plays that music style (i mean you can not sending a morning or progressive track to Parvati records!!!

do you understend me?

you should sending many demos to many labels!!!(if you want to do something)

and for utopia dont put down (tou must continue if you like realy)


good luck to you too my friend...


music making want big work...




i haven't send anything myself cause thats not my pie, but i have a number of friends doing their rounds through a number of labels and mastering, should be good... good enough to let the music shine.


and tracks made with software only are out there on compilations these days... i.e: alternative control... it's not the tools, but how you use them... g'luck


look men i believe the most psy producers making music with software...!(maybe with some hardware)



anyway Digital Psyence. why dou you sending demo track only to one label?

you sould sending to all labels who plays that music style (i mean you can not sending a morning or progressive track to Parvati records!!!

do you understend me?

you should sending many demos to  many labels!!!(if you want to do something)

and for utopia dont put down (tou must continue if you like realy)


good luck to you too my friend...


music making want big work...




youre right about sending to all labels in the same genre is the thing to do, but right know im working on so many projects so ill wait until i have some more finished.


Good luck to you too ;)


From what I know, Yahel's early stuff was nearly all software made. All that matters is that something sounds good and original. Even if something is low quality you can still be able to tell if the work on it is good or not, but ultimately, the better the quality the better the impression you'll make on the labels. Its always the safest bet to just do the best you can.


labels probably get bombarded with demos, i'm sure they listen to all of them, but they probably just don't have time to reply to each individually unless it's really good, ie they'll actually use it.


I'm right with digital psyence

I 've send to a few label and no answer !

they should send comment on our music....I can "hear" negative comment.... :(


I hear you man! No answer feels just like a negative answr :(


Go out, get drunk and give it another shot with your next tracks B)


till this days i sent demos to about 60-70% of the psy labels :huh:


ok so what you wanted to know:


yes, try to get the best sound you can, if they like they will let you know and then you send the pre-master for the release. first goes the mastered version, they will not send it for mastering then back to them just to check your demo...


good quality over good music, some years ago good music had higher status - nowadays its very important to have a good balance between those too, try your best.


yes, you can release track made only with software, many but many artist done that. its about the music.


more tips:


before sending demo, let the label know - send them e-mail, introduce yourself and your music shortly and ask about demos, if they will answer that proceed to the next level.


choose 3-4 labels that suit your direction. if you got negative answers from 2 of them you can procceed to next ones (talking if and only your music good and you and others know its good, otherwise after negative answers and explanations why go back to work)


if the label not tells you if they got your cd, send them email approxiamitly after a week from the day they supposed to have it.


if you will choose 3-4 best tracks of yours it will be a higher cahnce to release on of them then sending the whole 9 track pack, less choise - the label will think more about one of the 3 tracks they got.


don't worry about answer like "it's very good but not our style": 1. you tried the wrong label 2. you're innovative and can't be accepted in the commercial world


there could be many other answers. the professional labels will be honest and without a doubt will tell you yes or no, and if they would like they will expand why, note them - they may be usefull. request to change something in your track is up to you, you decide what's the limit and where your track can lost his true owner.


once you're about to or in the process of signing in, don't make a party out of it, don't run and tell everybody. it's business, no one knows what comes tomorrow. better sit in your courner and only when things are sure to smile high above, better then to be suddenly dissapointed, angry and broken.


if music is love for you, then don't look for too much money involved in your first releases. sometimes sacrifices will make your soul more then happy, one day you will be paid for your love.


all the said above is from my point of view and my experience, don't forget that in the end of the day its all about your MUSIC - it speaks for you. listen well to your first demo, think about it, let other people/true psychedelic freaks/some artists to hear it. i've passed many things to reach where i'm today, i'm in contact with hundreds of labels and artists that know where to look for fresh original music....




hey ppl..


first off i wouldnt worry about whether your music is software based or hardware based...its how u use the things u have..take an artist like rinkadink...he only works with software (from a lot of his sounds im even guessing he works a lot with reason) but the quality of his music definately stands out...i dont mean to correct anyone, but as far as i know yahel used to work with a lot of hardware and how now turned to software..u can hear it on his cds..something like waves of sound just is full of huge, massive synths while his new stuff is a lot "thinner"..


as far as record labels go...im under the impression its a pretty big mafia out there in the psy world...if u know someone who knows someone who knows someone uve got a chance..but as a complete outsider i dont know..im convinced its all about connections..atleast it is in a country like switzerland, where i live...make sure that you've got live credibility..i think thats another main factor..if ure going to be released on a label the label needs to know u have made a strong name for yourself in your local scene or even on a small international scale..they're not going to put out a cd of someone completely unknown, no matter how high quality the music is..


another thing..start small...look for smaller labels in your area..try and get released on compilations..as far as i know from talking to artists such as Thujon and Orgon Flow, they started pretty small..i mean they're practically my neighbors...and there isnt much happening in this part of switzerland..they released a few tracks here and there on some swiss compilations, and now Thujon (a.ka Freakulizer) is signed to alchemy records..


i think its important to critically analyze one's own music and not ever try and get ahead of ourselves..if u believe in yourself though and think ure ready for a record deal, go for it, and keep trying all labels, there's bound to be someone who finds your music interesting..problem is most psy labels dont have the cash to take risks...



anyways wish you the best of luck,



Connections allways good especially in israel, well I still think music should speak for you, I had no connection at all and here I am releasing on Tribal Vision, remixing Andromeda/NASA, friend of many other artists/labels...



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