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  Anoebis said:

This must be the worst EVER!


Hom-mega, what a shitload of crap is this:


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Caution citizens


I repeat




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I like it. The only weird thing is the face expression of the metal chick. wtf?


Both crap in completely different ways.


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This one looks like it's failing to be sci-fi


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This looks like they have something in their pockets they want to share :blink:

  • 3 weeks later...

These guys are ALWAYS harrasing my myspace with spam for their music / mass booking requests. This reminded me of that really terrible insane drop creation joke, except that this one is real.


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Also worth mentioning:

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Wow. That one is pretty bad. They just need to have like a Wal-Mart label on there or something to complete the gay package.


Just took a look at the top 100 DJ list for 2008


it's a pretty crap list. Maybe 10 decent DJs in there that don't play to the lowest common denominator.


I'm not including AP in those 10 :lol:


Here's a quote from the list


Astral Projection are also trying to break the perception that they're tie-dye wearing hippies and have spent much of 2008 writing "good refreshing and interesting music, and not just in one genre - we are trying to evolve, helped by technology and other musical influences".

like money :lol:


I can see why artists want to change their style to whatever is popular, Infected Mushroom are #10 on this years list :o They must get so many more gigs than they used to, so much more adoration :ph34r:


Still looking at the list, the majority of the DJs are cheesy pop club music :wank:



  Malevol3nt said:

You know even gay people are tired of saying that yahel covers are FUCKING GAY. What has this scene fallen to..

which scene?! club dance music scene?!!!!



at least IM have good album cover designs...

  Malevol3nt said:

It's either good cover and crap music,


or crap cover an crap music.



There are exceptions of course..

My experience generally (all genres, not just psytrance) is that there are a lot of good albums with good covers, and a lot of good albums with bad covers, but very few bad albums with good covers. Can't think of any examples of the latter at the moment.


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Yahel is back.... he is a true champ in choosing awful covers! :clapping:


But at least he is consistent! :P



:lol: unbelievable




this one is pretty bad as well


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  Drosophila said:

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Yahel is back.... he is a true champ in choosing awful covers! :clapping:



That's just.....:(

  • 3 weeks later...
  stupidfatugly said:

That is just... Hilarious! Haha

If it was a piss take it'd be hilarious but I kind of gather that he seriously thinks it looks cool :wank:

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