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I have them but they're not worth it. Seriously.


They're not really worth it in my opinion. Get some good VST synths such as ReFX Vanguard or rgc z3ta+.



Thay are best for makin rave man


They're not really worth it in my opinion. Get some good VST synths such as ReFX Vanguard or rgc z3ta+.


Thay are best for makin rave man . Thank u


No, they are most definately not. Name one professional producer who uses them. Get a better sounding one. I know there are many ppl who dislike Vanguard, but these are even worse. Especially wasp is crap. But if you can get good sounds out of it, youre good ;P


No, they are most definately not. Name one professional producer who uses them. Get a better sounding one. I know there are many ppl who dislike Vanguard, but these are even worse. Especially wasp is crap. But if you can get good sounds out of it, youre good ;P


Simsynth is crap, Wasp isn't. Hint: Don't use presets :P

What I mean is that you can get some decent dark sounds out of Wasp, even a few out of that other crappy DX10 synth.

But I don't use them very often :)


I still think that the sound quality of Wasp is quite low. I loved it too because of its possibility to create some nice dark fucked up sounds, but I changed my opinion about it as I got new synths such as Vanguard or z3ta+ that sound simply much more professional. Hmm, maybe you can improve Wasp greatly by adding some good effects to it. I would like to hear some good synths made with wasp. But then again I think I dont have the need to get back to it :)


From all fruity onboard VST's i only like Systrus. that on is pretty good, but very complex and difficult to use.


I know there are many ppl who dislike Vanguard,


I like it. Although the presets are a bit overused. But it's really tweakable!


Have you checked out ReFX Beast?




these are ( IMO ) cool synths:




Pro 53








No, they are most definately not. Name one professional producer who uses them. Get a better sounding one. I know there are many ppl who dislike Vanguard, but these are even worse. Especially wasp is crap. But if you can get good sounds out of it, youre good ;P


u just right click n randomise the wasp see the sounds u get

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