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Where have I been? I mean, just today I noticed that Koneisto is coming up! Really big event you know! How on earth have I not thought of this before!? :o

But anyways, I just looked what's it going to be like this year... one word; massive!

Just see for yourself:







Roisin Murphy (Echo, UK) LIVE

» www.roisinmurphy.com


Annie (679 Recordings/Warner, NOR) LIVE

» www.anniemusic.co.uk


Kevin Saunderson presents FUSE-In DETROIT (USA) DJ

» www.worldofdeep.com / www.musiclogical.com / www.fuseindetroit.com


Son Kite (Digital Structures, SWE) LIVE

» www.sonkite.com


Orkidea (Unity, FIN) DJ

» www.clubunity.org





Teebee (Subtitles, NOR) DJ


Fanu (Offshore Recordings, FIN) DJ


Infekto (Nine2Five, FIN) DJ





Michael Mayer (Kompakt, GER) DJ

» www.kompakt-net.de


Frequenzberater (Datapunk, GER) LIVE


Sam & Gigi (FIN) LIVE

» www.samgigi.com


J.Kusti (Mbar, FIN) DJ





Pastacas (Kohvirecords, FIN/EST) LIVE

» www.pastacas.com


Gamma + MC Higgs (FIN) DJ

» ambient.cx/gamma


Kris Kylven (FIN) DJ


VJ Merja (FIN)





Mouse On Mars (Sonig, GER) LIVE

» www.mouseonmars.de


I-f (Viewlexx, NL) DJ

» www.hotmix.nl


Digicay (FR) DJ


Aavikko (Stupido, FIN) LIVE

» www.aavikko.net


Makelove (Music Is Better, FIN) DJ

» www.musicisbetter.com



I'm not sure if most of those are so familiar to you, to be honest, I myself even haven't heard of most! :) But still, can you spot names like ehm... I dunno.... Son Kite and Mouse On Mars there? Brilliant! That's enough for me for suuure! :)


This is only for saturday... I think the friday's line-up isn't worth 30€ like this is. Only one subway ride and I'm there!







Roisin Murphy is HOT.


haha yeah :)

Though don't know about her music... maybe too pop for me :ph34r:


i'm goin there though i don't think the lineup is very good


but i know i'll have fun


saturday is way better i think


thou there's a lot of artists i know nothin about


the problem is just that they're trying to make this originally electronic music festival into something else


i mean come on, one of their main artists is inspectah deck


and even the name, koneisto, refers to it be about electronic music


but anyways it'll be a good weekend


i'm goin there though i don't think the lineup is very good


but i know i'll have fun


saturday is way better i think


thou there's a lot of artists i know nothin about


the problem is just that they're trying to make this originally electronic music festival into something else


i mean come on, one of their main artists is inspectah deck


and even the name, koneisto, refers to it be about electronic music


but anyways it'll be a good weekend


yeah i hate it how they are turning it to a rap event or something.. anyways I'm probably going on saturday :unsure:

so how about a 3+ people psynews kolmen minuutin kerääntyminen at ghoneisto? :P


let's do it :blink:


että voitas vaikka sitte täällä sanoo että vittu että se tyyppi on ihan pelle tai sitte oltas tuttuja muuten vaan


anyone know the premises?


so we could meet at some easy to find spot or somethin


It seems I'm not gonna make it! :(

No funding available, and also the friend I was gonna go with is broke!

Have fun u guys anyway. :)


ouuwww... I would've liked to see MOM. :(


Koneisto used to be so much better when it was still held in Turku / Kupittaa, that place had some magic. I kinda lost interest in it when the whole thing was moved into one buildning in Helsinki, with no electronic outdoor stages or anything.. Now it feels like a normal party, just bigger, not like an actual festival.

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