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hi all,

i have started about a million tracks and got some nice sounds. i seem to be able to get the main section of a track the "peak", but then i fall foul of the arrangement phase when i have to piece it all together in temporal order and i get bored and before you know it i have another new track started, and the cycle continues.

has anyone got any advice on arranging a psy track to completion, or techniques to give continueity to the process so i dont stop and start something else.

i know this is primarily a problem of me being a lazy bastard with fleeting focus and "trouble concentrating" to quote an old school report, but any tips would be cool,

nice one buds!


p.s. i did finish a couple of tracks but they are the audio equivalent of nob cheese




Well then we are 2 persons on this planet with that problem :)


I also have loads of different stuff i havent finished yet - BUT i will finish them, i just do like you say, create the peak, then put the project away for a while.


Then maybe after a month or 2 i discover that: Hey that one was f**king amazing why havent i finished that yet, then i just start to build both forward and backwards from the peak, and things just start get rolling like and 18wheeler on a highway :)


Hope u can use it to something :)


EDIT: I also use Cubase SX and Reason :) The best cocktail :D


arrange with copy'n'paste over a period of 3-4 minutes:

start the song with 1 track, then keep adding the other tracks till you get to your peak.

during this stage, do not make new sounds.

next, drop back to a couple tracks.

then rebuild for another 3-4 minutes.


u now have a tune!

complete with buildups and breakdown!! B)


Maybe not the instant fix advice you are looking for, but the only real way to get better at making finished tracks is to always finish the tracks you are working on. Yeah the first few might be uninspired, but the more you make, the better they get. The best and most effective way to get better at something is simply to to do.


My personal approach is that I simply do not start another track until I am finished working on the current one. Granted this doesn't always happen, but I am never working on more than two tracks at the same time. One thing I found that helps is when writing, don't simply loop in 4 or 8 bars and work only on that, but rather loop the entire section you are working on together with the section before it and some empty space after. This enables you to see the flow more effectively and start imagining what should come next. Obviously when you are working on a particular percussion loop, etc, you should zone in on the 4 or 8 bar loop, but I think most of your writing should be done with a sort of wide view from above rather than a microscope looking at one tiny section after another.


hi all,

i have started about a million tracks and got some nice sounds. i seem to be able to get the main section of a track the "peak", but then i fall foul of the arrangement phase when i have to piece it all together in temporal order and i get bored and before you know it i have another new track started, and the cycle continues.


I have that very often. The results can be pretty boring if you only use the parts from your 'peak' section to build an entire track with.... maybe it is better to work seperately on an intro, a break and on an alternative 'peak' section as well.. and then try to weave it all together.


thanks for the suggestions all!

i will finish a track! it will happen! i'm gonna try not to start another until i've made serious progress then hopefully i can give yiz a listen to it. cheers

bole :blink:

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