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great, gonna read it soon! saw him play live last weekend, it was excellent! the best prog/minimal producer there is!


edit: nice one, but a bit on the short side and pretty standard..


edit: nice one, but a bit on the short side and pretty standard..


i'm not big on 3 page interviews i beleive all the major points can be touched up on 10-12 questions without going overboard... now i'm sorry it was pretty standard, at least now you know a couple of things you didin't before :)


i'm not big on 3 page interviews i beleive all the major points can be touched up on 10-12 questions without going overboard... now i'm sorry it was pretty standard, at least now you know  a couple of things you didin't  before :)


true!, but hey i i'm not pulling you/it down or anything! keep up the good work, i like your site! read about everything :)


thanks mate! hearing that at least one person enjoys it makes the time spend worthwhile :D


hehe, thing is that all the artists and reviews on it are about as the same style that i like... only point is that the layout isn't really fitting, but that's just my opinion... ive got a question though, how does it feel to interview 'big' artists, and how do you do it? by mail? phone? irc/chat?


i like the green layout it makes really relaxing and... green... hehe... it could probably a bit darker and metallic and... flash... but.. i lack the knowledge time to spend on it... at least is ordered (belive me that was hard enough)


most of the conversations are MSN, some email... which is not the same as having them face to face... but what are you gonna do about it? - if you wanna sponsor me for a face-to-face that would be awsome :)

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