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please help i am only 2 c.d's away from a complete collection of flying rhino

and these have eluded me for years how can i get them!

blue planet corp

and retrodelica back to the future 2

just missed out on bpc on ebay went for 40 british pounds (yikes)

i am usually against downloading but for some of these seemingly impossible gems it may be my only option.

i threw in hux flux cryptic crunch to as i only ever here great things so it's worth a shot.

also i read on a post once about a site where you can get the new chi-a.d that never made it,would love to be able to hear it

fellow psy trancers have pity on me

any help would be much appreciated

thanks :(


I´ve been hunting down that Technossomy album for ages as well, the last one on ebay was sold for about 40 british pounds :blink:


I´ve been hunting down that Technossomy album for ages as well, the last one on ebay was sold for about 40 british pounds  :blink:


tell me about it i was lucky enough to buy it when it was released actually it was one of the first psy trance albums i ever bought and a classic,don't give up i saw it surface on chaos brand new recently not sure what the story is there maybee check it out


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