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polls in reviews

Guest antic

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Sometime ago somebody posted a review of a CD as a poll.


I think it was a very good idea, even though there is always a danger that some moron would go there and vote more than once. Maybe the moderators should lay out some rules or something, eg. one vote - one post, or maybe there's a possibility to forbid multiple votings?


I would propose this kind of rating options:


5 (very good, I'm definitely going to buy it, no matter what)

4 (good, I'll buy it if I'll have the money)

3 (average, I might buy it)

2 (below average, I'll download it off the net)

1 (crap, it's not worth my disk-space)

0 (for Skazi, Alien Project, Hypersonic and the likes...) - just kidding about this one :)


For the people that care about those things, I would think of even better poll:






















this poll would indicate what type of psy-trance the CD is and what they think of it, but I think it's too much, really :)


Maybe there is a way for the moderators to force every new topic in reviews section to start as a poll with those options to choose from?


What do you think of it?

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i have tried adding polls to some of the reviews but people seldom vote... i think the point was left moot because is much more interesting to hear WHY people feel this way, about the music as they ussually assign a 'grade' anyway

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i think making polls in the reviews section is a bad idea.


it would somehow be like "measuring" albums (or worse, labeling them in one music style which might not define them 100% .. we DO have variation and combinations of styles and elements/effects/sounds and stuff, don't we?). which is totally subjective, thus unfair.

only in a full review (meaning with sentences and stuff) you can really read a presentation and a conclusion about the reviewed album.

i say we let the reviewers do their "job" the classic way, cause it works.


personally i'd like the reviews section to be "clean", "professional", and "on topic".


we can have such polls in the general section though! cause in polls people tend to start discussing and stuff, and they may even go off topic and stuff. it's cooler to see such talks and debates in the general section, rather than in the reviews section.



Edit: who the hell voted the STFU option? i guess they were bored or something. :blink::rolleyes:

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It's not gonna happen in my reviews - for a number of reasons...


* I've completely abandoned the grading system myself...


* As RAH pointed out it's more fun to tell why people grade stuff they way they do - and if people wanna grade the CD they can do so in their comment...


* The grading system you're proposing is already way too complicated for the common layman to figure out - which means people would grade stuff differently and therefore making the poll worthless anyway...


* Trolling- how do we know if people have actually heard an album? I foresee loads of people hyping labels/artists they like and vice verca


* Words are funnier than numbers anyway...



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Guest Astro Cortex

Some statistics are always welcome IMO, however I don't think it's really necassary as I don't trust pure ratings without comments anyway ;)


5 (very good, I'm definitely going to buy it, no matter what)

4 (good, I'll buy it if I'll have the money)

3 (average, I might buy it)

2 (below average, I'll download it off the net)

1 (crap, it's not worth my disk-space)


I don't quite understand what you mean here. If you can rate a release you either own it already or have at least downloaded it. So what do these ratings refer to? Do I miss the point here completely?? :blink:


And the genre thing doesn't make sense at all IMO.

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Guest Astro Cortex

people will vote just to vote without even hearing the album or having the knowledge...


That's why I don't trust these kind of polls in the first place.

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heheh... the funny thing is at this point on this thread 4 people think it is a god idea to have polls while 3 people think it isn't... yet the comments don't really agree on the idea... this is a fine example of why polls don't work much ;)

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OK, OK...


I didn't mean the reviews to be polls-only. I think this could be a good idea to support the proper, text reviews. Especially in those days, when there is so much new releases it would be good to look at the beginning of a thread and see how most people rate it. Problem is, you have to vote yourself first to see the results - didn't think of that :(


I still think that it would be good idea, if it could be somehow "moderated" (posters would be forced to start review as a pool, with a predefined number of options and there would be some kind of troll-protection). I believe it would work on some serious sites, like this one or psy-forum.co.uk (definitely not on isratrance), where people have some taste in music and can tell good one from a bad one... As people here are older (with average of 20 years maybe), they should be more responsible. This would make the reviews section look professional :)


I don't quite understand what you mean here. If you can rate a release you either own it already or have at least downloaded it. So what do these ratings refer to? Do I miss the point here completely?? blink.gif

Come on! Most people here download the music before they'll decide to buy anything. Those descriptions next to poll options were there to help people decide how important the CD is for them - are they willing to spend the cash on it or not (I know, some people do not buy anything - well, fuck'em :)) or is it not even worth their time to download it. Even if you bought the CD already, you can always say if you're happy with your purchase or not...

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* The grading system you're proposing is already way too complicated for the common layman to figure out - which means people would grade stuff differently and therefore making the poll worthless anyway...


Agreed, this reminds me of what was once said at psyreviews.com :D


your average review on some places online will go "all in all an average release with no really amazing tracks on it. I give it 7.5 out of 10"

What? Par the f*ck don?


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I don't know how can you people say that this 5-grade rating is too complicated. If you give people simple guideline what the grade mean, I think they'll handle it :)


It's simple like that:


5 - very good, excellent, one of the best releases ever, a must-have, genre-defining etc.

4 - good, strong album, but there's something missing for it to become a classic,

3 - average, there are tons of music like this in this genre, nothing extraordinary, copy-cat music,

2 - below average, I'm glad I only downloaded it and not paid for it,

1 - crap, total misunderstanding, avoid at all cost, unless you're into S&M ;)

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