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who is going to VOOV on this forum???

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Guest Stamper

when and where is it please ?


np : invitro58 - fragments of life

Guest Lurk

its the last weekend in july near hamburg... i might be going :-)

Guest >>>flo3>>&

im comin...are you french sukanta? im italian but half french and often go to find my parents near nevers and dont know anybody there...

Guest sukanta

yes , but i live in paris :-/

are you plannig to come partying in paris this summer ??

there is 2 really great parties in paris:

check it out:

29_30 juin , gaia concept presents: in a castle parc

live acts : oforia , psysex , human blue , droidlock

dj's : anti , joti sidhu , dimitri , goblin , ninja


13 july: trancebody presents:

live acts: saiko-pod , space cat

dj's: avi algranati, dino psaras , franck'e


see u

Guest cunny load

I'll be there !


NB. Hello Sukanta...ca boum ??? ;)



See u there donc !

Guest >>>flo3>>&

10z for the info but in fact i normally go only to parties where i'm sure i can 100% smoke grass, so switzerland(mostly) , holland etc....as far as i know paris is no more the place for that,but line ups seem very interesting , (like a bunch of others i saw previously...you really have nice gigs there...) and since i got parents in fontenay too maybe we'll meet in paris sometime...but i think we'll do it first at voov!


NP: mekano - the flipside of puu pu

Guest cunny load

what ??? paris...it's not the place ?????


Stop swiss and holland grass.......... !!!!!!!


Sorry......but....it's so....funny what u says !

Guest lespagnol

How do you go there sukanta?(I live en banlieue parisienne)

Guest sukanta

hi lespagnol, i live in paris and my parents live in "banlieue" too (east of paris) :)

i allready ordered my tickets+travel by bus

check www.voyages4a.com

it's the easiest and a really cheap way to go there

i paid 160 euros(transport+ voov pass) , and i don't have to worry about the travel and the tickets :)))

the bus take you to the festival (it leaves paris from la nation) and bring you back home :)


and to >>>flo3>>> , do your parents live in fontenay , just near paris (because i used to live there)????

and be sure you can find good weed in a party in paris ;)


peace ,love and happyness all around

Guest flo3

hehe i just checked with my mom and in fact they used to live in fontenay, now they moved and I even don't know where! 8)

I must admit that i'm not really in touch with them...you know... distance.


really interesting infos 'bout paris btw...i've heard that s#!t from some guys living there too... when I come next time I'll look up 4 a party 4 sure! I like the city even if I really don't know it coz i was born there(les lilas) but moved at 3.


waitin to meet you psy-french-headz soon...8)

Guest Maden

Je croyais que les parisiens parlaient français :))

Moi j'aimerais tant y aller mais peu pas, exam oblige snif

Je suis par contre interréssé par Gaia Concept

Guest Mahoney

I will,, will pay my ticket tomorrow :),

Guest Mushi

hehe... it's nice 2 see that you're all going!! : ))

I like it ; )

Guest sukanta

yes , with lot of motivation and the most important , lots of good vibes and energies :)


Guest lespagnol

What do you bring with you :a tent ,food ,evrything you need in a camping?I have never been to a festival so I want to know how to survive

Guest sukanta

i don't know yet...

i'll be there with some friends and girlfriends..

(so maybe the ladies will cook .... ;) just kidding)

i'll bring my tent , maybe some biscuits and candies , but for real food , i'll buy it at the festival , there are many food stands over there, some are pretty good.

you can even find an italian food stand (with pasta, spaghetti :))) )

bring some clothes , everything you need to be as clean as possible (soap , teeth brush , etc...) :)

i think that's all you need ,

also bring good energies and happyness :)


Guest preus

hey last year i was way to "vooved" to go and meet the rest from the site ?


shall we hang a new meeting point up tihs year ?!?!??!?! :D

Guest Mushi

Is there anyone from Belgium who goes??

I'm just asking because I think that I must go alone this year : (

Guest jenni

Are some of you going to the Antaris-Festival one week before?



a meeting point !!

we have done a meeting point last year but nobody have listen me !!!


i really want to go to voov too (toubiloubilou)

....i gonna try

when it is ??



bom bom

a toi sukanta et a l espagnol et a load le defenseur de la vrai beuh pas agloméré de hollande :))

kiss to anoebis too

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