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Atmos - Headcleaner has been around long enough that it's classic. Minimal prog I'd say.


And now for some recent stuff that is, in my opinion, pure GOLD:


Lish - Free Fall

Antix - Twin Coast Discovery

Jaia - Fiction (prog with other influences)

Freq - Strange Attractors


Easily the four best CDs I've got in I don't know how long... Respect to those artists!!!


And honorable mention goes to:


Vibrasphere - Lime Structure

Human Blue - Electric Roundabout


Koxbox - The Great Unknown



Huh, yeah, how could I forget about that one ? :)


Atmos - Headcleaner has been around long enough that it's classic. Minimal prog I'd say.



Rather psychedelic progressive...;)


I forgot to mention two of the best progressive albums also :





if you are looking for a classy deep sound i would say Beat Bizarre- Lewd. That is a classic!

I love dark progressive like Nervus- No Fokus is genius

BLT- God is love is a must have

Haldolium first album

Igneous Sauria- Encpfalophagus is great!

and for the new stuff, Lunaspice- Reflexions is the best of then all


BLT- God is love is a must have


Haldolium first album



1. Ummm, not exactly a must since it's rather boring most of the times, but tastes differ...:rolleyes:


2. Very good album but I can't call it progressive but rather minimal psy... ;)


haldolium minimal psy - progressive...


one of these days is pure progresssive basslines but some are a bit psy too...


but I call it progressive when people ask me...


Huh, yeah, how could I forget about that one ? :)

Rather psychedelic progressive...;)


I forgot to mention two of the best progressive albums also :






Hmmm... how about psychedelic minimal? Lol!


It's good. How about we agree to agree?


Actually, about Atmos, what strikes me most about it is that it took me a while to appreciate. Once I did, it opened doors for me.


At the same time, I find this album quickly grabs the attention of people I know who I wouldn't expect to like anything I listen to.


I thought about that once and realized that it was probably a commentary on me and my taste rather than the taste of those people I've played it for who like it also.


Koxbox's The Great Unknown is the only prog release I can say I like.


:) What's your secret? This is delicious!


no doubt,

Segment - Segment .01


welcome :)



Koxbox's The Great Unknown is the only prog release I can say I like.


:) What's your secret? This is delicious!



koxbox prog? nah


no doubt,

Segment - Segment .01


is that you on the avatar psygirl :o

progressive is weak, monotonous, boring and NOT PSYCHEDELIC :angry:


blabla, go listen to gms :P


blabla, go listen to gms  :P


gms astrix full on are not psychedelic

If you listen to last Droidlock album you can understand what i can call psychedelic


gms astrix full on are not psychedelic

If you listen to last Droidlock album you can understand what i can call psychedelic


I was kidding....


and well, psychedelic is also not an objective term anyway..


I did try listening to droidlock.. found it too noisy and fast.. couldnt get any 'mind trips' at all, except finding it annoying, sorry...



and progressive can be VERY psychedelic and not boring AT ALL imo, if you get the good ones... Antix - Forever Changing is one of the most psychedelic and interesting and visual tracks I have heard, for example


but then again, as long as we know its all about taste, its good :)


progressive is weak, monotonous, boring and NOT PSYCHEDELIC :angry:


First, no one in this thread claimed that it is psychedelic, or am I wrong?


Second, as Sherlock already said, perceiving something as psychedelic is highly individual, I mean to some people even some noise can be psychedelic as hell. Progressive is not about hardcore in-your-face mindfucking but about subtle changes and hypnotic patterns (perhaps that´s what you call boring), and it can be very trippy, it´s just a matter of how you look at it. Taste mate, taste... ;)


Once again, completely complete:

Antix - Lull


What is very close to complete:

Kooler - Open

Etnoscope - Drums...

Antix - Twin Coast

Vibrasphere - Lime Structure

Horny Enphants - Symphony


VA - Subduction



Eyes Rolling

Prooved 2


i agree that it's not psychedelic :D


I don't want to get into it, but I find it so ridiculous to say that a whole genre is not psychedelic.

It is like saying rock is not enrgetic. Some of it is, some isn't.

Psychedelic is not a genre, it is a feeling that music transmits through any possible genre, just as some rock may be energetic for me, and others aren't, but vice versa for someone else.


gms astrix full on are not psychedelic

If you listen to last Droidlock album you can understand what i can call psychedelic


there can psychedelic progressive why not? go listen to zenon records, or the new Jocid or beat bizarre, vibrasphere??


i thought droidlock was full on boredrom IMO, the deep kicks are there, and some melodies but the rest... ehh... i dunno...


as you see is all personal taste


Nobody mentions Sensient - Pressure Optimal


Its twisted progress... :ph34r:


BLT have done some good ones including their last:

BLT and Danni Makov - Anything U Want


A lot of the stuff coming from Iboga is good quality, check out Frogacult!!!


and Cubica EP from 2001 still real nice!

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