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Just to check if I should continue on this track

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yes if you findt abother sound instead of that pip/square thing playing all the time :)


Hihats needs work too, ´but i really like the bass :)


Lets soon hear some of your new tracks :)


I agree with Digital Psyense, you should loose that square sound. Well maby the sound could be used but i don't like the melody. Otherwise i think it has potential.


I voted no sorry... :(


just being honest... it's not my style and there's like no futher in the track :(


Oke cool :) Thanks, I added a 303 instead now (dropped the square sound for now). :)


Thats the spirit! Every trance track needs a 303. I cant understand why some people don't use it, it's as essential as drums and basses! Well not really but it always works. :)


That reminds me, i should try and put some 303 action in the track im currently working on. :D


Your track gives me a spinning feelin, like a merry go round or something you know like the world is spinning, maby you could try some panning automation to emphasis that feeling?


Your track gives me a spinning feelin, like a merry go round or something you know like the world is spinning, maby you could try some panning automation to emphasis that feeling?


Cheers for the tip mate :)

Productiowise, it is very nice. . How Digital psyence said, kick is somewhat untight;-)

ou'd need at least 5 more instruments and continious breaks to make it work better.


good oldschool melodic goa, me likes :)

kick a bit more present,

more variations and story,

more than 1:15 :D


good work, good luck!


please check my track "Swan X-1 :: Ritual"



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