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Planum [Elaborate]



02-More action



05-Disco planum

06-The lost music


08-Future sound of planum

09-The morning murderer





Excelent debut album from this Russian artist.


How to describe his music ?! First, this is no full-on, but it's definitly faster than what I use to listen. This is kind of ultra-melodic stuff that remind me of [infected mushroom], mixed with super fast and FAT basslines. Some tracks contain some cheezy melodies that remind me of the *OLD* [Yahel] stuff. The drums are kind of specials, it goes from the classic psy trance stuff to a more "live percussion" approach, reminds me of [Joujouka; Tsuyoshi and Ubar Tmar]. The music can goes from dark psy to funky and happy stuff that put a fat cheese on your face.


In general, this album is very good, very special and unique without being too much out of the track. I recommend this album for those who want to hear stuff that is different, and are open minded. This album is very mutant, so be warned. Sometimes it mixes some dark metal drums and melodies in the tracks...


The only bad comment I have for this album is the sound quality. Sometimes, the mastering sounds a bit like "home made studio", but its not enough to kill the nice music in there...


Definitly a must have for those who like melodic stuff, fast and fat basslines, and unique music.


Final Verdic: 8.9 for this debut album.



  • 3 weeks later...

After like 10 listens I know one thing: this is an ultimate morning killllllarghs!!!!11


He's even got a track there named The Morning Murderer! He killz them all =)


What could you expect from SunDance? Right! High-quality melodic stuff and here it is. This is a very unique sound, can't even compare it to anything. It goes like boom-boom, numerous hi-hats, chaos, distortion for half of a track till it reaches a certain point... morning-sunshine-happy-mushrooms-all-over-the-place-like climax hits you from nowwhere! Some may call it cheesy, some may even call it full on... but if you liked Talpa, Nystagmus, Uni, Angry Dwarf, if you think it's all about melodies and layers and not just some random farting sounds, you are going to like this!


As I have already said earlier, Planum is one of the few russian projects that I really like! Illya has got metal background, but unlike all these deathtrance guys he shows us real psychedelia!


Final Verdic: 8.9 for this debut album.


Not less, that's for sure!


I find Planum [Elaborate] at the my friend's computer.

So after work i will visit him to feel the power of this album.


And one more interesting about Russian psy-scene.

Few days ago i was at party in Kiev. Zolod (Terminator) visit it to play his music.

I asked him in chillout did he know something about Planum, his answer was that he never heard anything about this men :(


As for me - this is a good example how Russian psytrance lives.

  • 1 month later...

Artist: Planum

Title: Elaborate

Released: September, 2005





2.More Action



5.Disco Planum

6.The lost Music


8.The future sound of planum

9.The Morning Murderer



Sundance is definently one of my absolute favourite trance-labels and I pretty much blindly purchase everything they release. Both their artist-albums and compilations are usually superb, Nystagmus still spins in my cd-player on a daily basis. That being said, my expectations are through the roof as they release the debut album of the former russian blackmetallist Ilya Barbarykin aka Planum.


01: Deep

"Deep" opens this album, and it starts off darker than what we are used to from sundance. The introduction to both the album and the track sounds very promising, but sadly it drops in intenisty and seems somewhat out of focus. There are some nice melodies in here and the familiar sundance way of tweaking the knobs is also very present. The problem is it moves in to many different directions, and it does not really sound like there is much consistency in it. It also lacks that little extra "edge" that I'm so used to hearing in sundance-releases. Not my favourite track here.


02: More Action

The second track of the album is ceirtanly an uplifting experience, filled with morning melodies from start to finish. I have problems with some of the sounds in here, and unfortunately it does not deliver all the action it promises.


03: Album

After two tracks of dissapointment I'm happy to report that the third track of the album lives up to sundance standards. This has more feeling - there are hints of melancholy and the variation between different themes work better. This is a track with a goal and direction - and the result is a nice experience.


04: Innovate

This is actually one of my favourite tracks on this album. It promises to inovate, and at that I think it fails miserably. There is some unusual work in the rythm section, but other than that - it's not very innovative. This is pretty plain melodic trance - simple repeatative melodies and 4/4 beats most of the time. That being said - music doen't allways have to be all that complex in order to fulfill its function, and this works pretty good!


05: Disco Planum

Hmm...How to be as diplomatic as possible with this one? Well..I dont like it! That should be diplomatic enough. Let me elaborate. The track is driven by a pretty simple bassline. The melodies used are even more simple, and I miss the multiple layers so often present in Sundance-stuff. With "innovate" I said that simple could be good, but in this case the same does not seem to be true. Strange, isn't it?


06:The lost music

During the intro to "The lost music" I'm once again filled with hope. There is emotion here - and the music builds really well. The melodies aren't to complex, but that doesn't matter here - this is trancey and hypnotic. Definently proof that this guy has some knob-tweaking talent!


07: Aspect

"Aspect" is a track filled with hypnotizing elements and this is actually one of the few tracks on the abum I'm really able to loose my self in. It has a nice buildup and the last two or three minutes should please annyone who's able to slightly enjoy morning-trance. Pretty nice!


08: The future sound of planum

I can ceirtanly understand the title of this track. It's pretty experimental, and in my opinion it moves in way tooo many directions. A great ambient intro is suddenly disrupted by a rather dark, hard rythmically driven section. Then there is a hectic breakbeat-part before we get more rhytmically(and sort of dark)driven 4/4 music. Towards the end there are some pianos and pretty nice melodies as well. My point is that this lacks in terms of consitency and direction. There are enough ideas here to make 7 or 8 nice tracks - but none of them seem to get the oppurtunity to fully play them selves out.


09: The morning murderer

"The morning murderer" works pretty well, actually. It's a plain, almost straightforward morning-tune, but you have thos typical Sundance-sounds to spice it up and make it stand out in the sea of morning-music. Also an example of a track where ideas are allowed to be kicked around a little before they ar dropped in favour of something else.


10: Loneliness

The first half of this track makes me hope that someone hires this guy to do some chillout. Different elements morph together here, and this works very well! The second part of this track is more upbeat, and you can ceirtanly hear the black-metal influences here. Pretty refreshing, actually!


Final remarks:

Well, well...Looking back on this review I realize I may have seemed a bit harsh at times. It's not intended as bashing, though - by no means. I had huge expectations, and they were unfortunately not lived up to here. That being said it should be pointed out that this ceirtanly isn't a bad album. It just isn't great in an album-of-the-year sort of way. Planum ceirtanly prooves that he's got some serious talent and that he's got alot of great ideas spinning around in his head. On a few tracks he also manages to pull things together, and when he does, it's a pleasure listening to him. I'm really looking forward to the day this guy delivers 10 solid tracks on the same album!


Tomas(Psychedelic Mustache)


Buy it here:






Have a coffeebreak @ www.sonic-energy.net


After hearing Planums tracks over a year ago i thought it sounded rather nice. now hearing the finished Cd i have to say that its more than i expected. Very nice composition and mixture of sounds



Planum - Elaborate





Eleborate is a melodic (morning trance. [psytrance, occasinally harmonic sounding) album with some IM influences and sounds. Don't worry, Planum's style isn't nearly as "ripped off" as Misted Muppet was in my opinion. There's alot of creativity and new stuff spinning around here.





- At least several very well done songs.


- Many good ideas and [some] good/great melodies and moments!


- The song's change multiple times within each track, taking you places.


- Tracks 4 & 5, the piano! Some great work with the piano really compliment the song.


- This artist likes [instrumental sounding] drums, ALOT... which is a good thing because drums are cool.


- The wierd, child-ish, incoherent voices are track 5 is clever! Many people like random, unexpected stuff like that in psytrance! It's fun!, so take more risks!


- The rarely used floating sounds downtempo-esque, melodic ambience (first 40 seconds of track 2 and 3) is great when it's used. More of that cool emotional tone would be nice! Just don't forget to develop the stronger melodies within and/or around it.


- Certain songs I almost lost all interest in... lifted off and redeemed themselves in the very end, creating a positive turn from a once negative impression. I just wish they were more entertaining earlier on before the [melodies] take-off. (example: track 7)


- Parts where a melody is created multiple manually mixed in sounds. I mean like in Talpa, (which I loved) when a melody is comprised of multiple, different sounds. Imagine four or five voices saying each word to make up a sentence and apply that concept to a melody. You get the point. This takes place in track 3. Yes! I I like this more intricate mixing. More of that in the future would be great, and with more layers/sounds that compliment too. It would be even cooler if some awesome and developed melodies were added, somethinig track 3 could have done but didn't. At least it's good.





- This Album contains certain songs that are comprised of so many idea's, (which can be a great thing) many of them never develop, [the song sometimes changes when it finally has a great thing going] which makes the track sound less congruent and more difficult to groove or to get into. It's like the artist didn't know the direction he wanted to take in certain songs, so he took several decent ones over one really good one. Example? The last song. It's so relaxing and catchy as a downtempo song. The beat kicks in and it's still good as it maintains these chill melodies and backround sounds. Suddanly a heavy guitar enters the mix and it's a little too much for the rather peaceful direction. Sure it's unique, musical, and used to transition effect with drums, but it definitely didn't seem necessary. Thankfully the song doesn't end after the guitar but further develops into something even more beautiful. I wish he'd stay on that sure direction and not effect it too much with with other genre clashes when you have such a nice groove going. Develop the groove, don't drop a heavy guitar.


Track 1 has a melody that starts at 2:19 into the opening. That sound lasts for shorter than the sample on psyshop. Why? It's the best, most catchy part of the song and it NEVER repeats or develops and get "deeper." I was hoping he'd mix it in again somewhere. The melody towards the last third is fairly good and it would be cool to capitalize on greatness.


- Certain songs feel more empty than other songs. The real touches of greatness are only occasionally felt in certain songs, such as the last several minutes of track 4, 7 and several others. Certain songs seem like they could have used more time, imagination, and development. This guy has talent. He has some great ideas and knows how to incorporate them and make them flow (many times) to say the least, so why does this seem inconsistent at times? I suppose you can argue that each person likes different songs more than another one (which is obviously true) and I'm speaking of just several songs here. It would be nice to see more "strong layered melodic waves and energy/climax" as he does during the end of track 7. Greatness is inconsistent on this album even if the artist achieves it at times. Give me several really superb songs.


- Weak, cover. Can the album cover get any weaker looking? Obviously it's the music that counts but a cooler cover never hurt anyone. Plus, its the first thing people see before clicking on the photo to sample and potentially order the album. Just don't make it cheesy, desperate (i.e: sexual) or lame. More creativity would have been nice. A bunch of lines like a bar code or whatever is kinda boring.

  • 1 year later...


















I really like this album and consider it one of the cooler, more interesting and underrated melodic psytrance album sof 2005. I really like the work with the piano and drums combined with the melodies. Sometimes the song seems to be going in a completely average direction then WHAM ... everything gets musical or climactic suddanly. There's lots of creativity on Elebobrate. I like the harmonic and symphonic sounds too and that this artist wasn't dependent on them. He does some fine work with the piano and drums.. drums, drum rolls, drum combo's, drums upside down :) I like his work with the more organic sounding instruments along with everything else. Naturally this works better on some tracks than others and I'd like to see the best work here capitalized on a follow-up.


Strange is that not one song is really great to me, but there are moments of greatness sprinkled throughout a handful of tracks and several songs develop into greatness towards the end. I'd love to see some tracks in a follow-up start great during the first half and become superb during the second like some of IM's earlier work but that's for the artists ability. As said before, some songs start off so average like in track 4. During that same track at 4:00, when I've almost lost all hope it's impressive at how surprisingly good it gets. The song becomes infinitely more catchy, musical, apealing. The same can be said for several others. It's that damn piano man. I'm telling you!


On certain songs (track 6 and 9 for example) this artist picks a catchy direction and seems to follow the path throughout as if he's confident with the direction. It works. On other tracks he seems to have too many ideas, unsure which direction to take. It's hit-or-miss but never really bad, just sometimes average until something happens. Some directions however turn out to be huge over others and work out for the best. It all varies at times but this artist is definitely talented and the overall album is one of the better psytrance releases of 2005.



1. DEEP - C+ ... The part at 2:19 (24 secs) is catchy. At 4:45 forward the song gets better. A weak song otherwise.

2. MORE ACTION - B- ... Good ambient intro and repeat notes at 2:54. Decent at 5:45 but again, not a strong track

3. ALBUM - B ... Nice opening. kickass sound mixing at 1:07 repeats at 3:47. Love it. This gets my attention.

4. INNOVATE - B ... Poor title. First half is average until 3:47 forward. Great piano work raise entire song appeal.

5. DISCO PLANUM - B- ... Follows previous with strong sound but with less effect. Cool voice bits compliment.

6. THE LOST MUSIC - B ... Deep, catchy melody at 1:20 brings singular but strong and effective direction throughout.

7. ASPECT - B .. Good sound direction until 5:31 where the song really lights up. Great progression from there.

8. FUTURE SOUND OF PLANUM - B ... 7:00 into this is VERY goodt. More strong work like this please.


10. LONELINESS - B- ... Nice work. Pretty good. The part from 2:15-3:32 is very well done, and after 6:56. The drums are cool for a transition of sorts. I don't care for the heavy guitars from 4:37-6:56. It's too heavy IMO for an effective chill track, like two styles colliding for a short period of time. Everything else works best and the last couple seconds sound really special.



BEST SONGS: 3, 4, 8, 6, 9, 10.











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