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the new penta ?

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what do you say ???


I'm not that satisfied :(


maybe listened in a wrong mood...


it doesn't sound that intilligent :blink:


This is copy/paste of what I wrote at isratrance about the album:


I am not a big fan of the so-called "dark psy" wave, and I can't even say that I was very impressed by what I heard of Pentas set at VooV this summer, but there is something really good about this album - mostly it's the excellent use of voice-samples, but musically I also found it a lot more interesting than most of the "killlllaaaaaah" stuff I've heard.


The opening track is a refreshing mix of "dark psy" and progressive. Almost all progressive trance at the moment is extremely morning oriented, and "It Is Done" is maybe a taster of an upcoming wave of truly dark progressive trance like in the early days of Creamcrop etc - who knows? It's certainly a very nice track, relentless in attitude and with a lot of twists and turns to make it interesting.


Next highlight is "Past Holidays" - extremely twisted and disharmonic melodies, lots of funny and corny samples and a very surprising, yet hilarious solo by Homer Simpson. Last but not least I just love "Eater Of Worlds" - extremely haunting, twisted stormer of a track with an excellent, vicious sample from everybody's favourite clown, Pennywise (I guess you've all seen "It" ;)) before it turns even more chaotic with some great, hi-tech riffs. Stunning track.


I didn't like everything on the disc, but overall I consider the quality really, really good compared to a lot of other releases on the market. I recommend giving it a try - even if you're normally not into "dark psy".


Unbelievable album.



Best thing I'd heard in many moons.



but def. have to be in the right mood. oh yeah. then just close your eyes and....



...you'll see.


i miss the industrial spirit from "pentafiles". for my taste "funraiser" is way too psychedelic and not enough variation from track to track. i need some driving spirit when it comes to dark and kind of weird stuff


but taste differs i know...


for my taste "funraiser" is way too psychedelic




explain : how can something be too psychedelic I though this was the purpose of the music


explain : how can something be too psychedelic I though this was the purpose of the music



when fx and disharmonic melodies are used that way that they should deliver a very very psychedelic feeling but result is nothing more than weird sound. but that's only my opinion as i said. I prefer more the trance feeling of psychedelic trance. this can be kind of dark or as said in my previous post "industrial" but still groovy and catchy.


for example i like shift (beside other south african artists) very much. his music is sometimes also very psychedelic, but has still a very touchy and driving groove. even better his side project twisted system.


Some of you chumps have probably not done more than skim it a few times.


true... I should give it another try ;)

It's overrated already! IMO ...


perhaps.. but honestly I think it's a lot more complex than the first album. I went through several phases with it - totally LOVED it the first oh, I don't know, four or five listens, then got tired of it, too familiar - it started to bore me. Then i decided (well, someone else convinced me) to play it one morning after a party. It sounded different now, fuller - I felt as though it began to truly unfold. I listened to it twice that morning, the second time I finally felt I was getting past the facade, and into the depths of it. And there was still so much I knew I was missing - there's so much information in this one.. damn. It has true depth, such a rare thing these days.


But I don't know, maybe I'm imagining it all. :rolleyes:


perhaps.. but honestly I think it's a lot more complex than the first album. I went through several phases with it - totally LOVED it the first oh, I don't know, four or five listens, then got tired of it, too familiar - it started to bore me. Then i decided (well, someone else convinced me) to play it one morning after a party. It sounded different now, fuller - I felt as though it began to truly unfold. I listened to it twice that morning, the second time I finally felt I was getting past the facade, and into the depths of it. And there was still so much I knew I was missing - there's so much information in this one.. damn. It has true depth, such a rare thing these days.


But I don't know, maybe I'm imagining it all.  :rolleyes:



No... your not.


it's concluded...


the new penta sucks  :P


hm it doesn't suck, there are certainly some nice songs on it, but yeah well... it's all average and nothing really special, many sample usage, and lots of sample are out of pace... something i did not expect from penta.. i'll be waiting for Procs and Derango now :)


you guys need to clean your ears.. ;)


What makes this penta album so great and special? it is just your average darkpsy dosis, but this time with lots of samples.. oh did i mention they are out of pace?


you guys need to clean your ears.. ;)


sorry but there's lots but lot's better dark psychedelic trance coming out comparing to this...


listen to VA - Theta Frequencies


it's reviewed on this forum...


compare my friend... it's insane ;)


sorry but there's lots but lot's better dark psychedelic trance coming out comparing to this...


listen to VA - Theta Frequencies


it's reviewed on this forum...


compare my friend... it's insane  ;)


Nice comp.Acidance Records comeback is impressive.

Theta freq better than Penta? Are you nuts?


well that should be taste then cause I do ;)

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