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the new penta ?

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this is getting quite comedic. comparing Penta's masterpiece to a compilation that's mediocre at best.. am I missing something here? :blink:


What makes this penta album so great and special? it is just your average darkpsy dosis, but this time with lots of samples.. oh did i mention they are out of pace?


like I said, you guys need to clean your ears. ;)


maybe then the samples will fall in place.





i'll shut up now, since it's obviously a waste of time to argue about this one.



and please don't get too offended, i tend to have pretty strong opinions about music. it's not personal. :)


perhaps.. but honestly I think it's a lot more complex than the first album. I went through several phases with it - totally LOVED it the first oh, I don't know, four or five listens, then got tired of it, too familiar - it started to bore me. Then i decided (well, someone else convinced me) to play it one morning after a party. It sounded different now, fuller - I felt as though it began to truly unfold. I listened to it twice that morning, the second time I finally felt I was getting past the facade, and into the depths of it. And there was still so much I knew I was missing - there's so much information in this one.. damn. It has true depth, such a rare thing these days.


But I don't know, maybe I'm imagining it all.  :rolleyes:


I agree completely. When I first got this I listened to it non-stop...sometime more than once on repeat. This is a truly amazing album....Dmtree's just about summed it all up here, but after a few days break from this one, I've just put it on again....yes, much depth to this album...but I knew that when I saw his live set at the end of August...I'm still in the process of gathering all my thoughts about this album, becuase this is one that I definately have to review :)

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