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this track was my first decent track back in 2001.this one is a new version totally reconstructed with all the good old arranngements and elements but enhanced with new sounds and melodies.the sonic manipulation is altered and improved.now i consider this possibly my best and i have one advice for you:listen to it carefully and let out what we all humans have deeply inside...homus ecstaticus!


click here:






This section is too dead... Anyway, i'll give this a listen and tell you.


And i'd be happy if you took a look at my thread too ;)


This has a way too long buildup. I'm at 4:00 now and it feels like it's just started. And the bass doesn't sound good (the main one), try to decrease the reverb on it and spend more time tweaking (maybe a bit deeper EQ too) and some of the casual bass sounds that drop in in the beginning feel like they blast your ears (notice that i listen on mid-quality headphones (no studio equipment or PA system).


However, i think the hi's and mids are good, nice melodies, storytelling song with many fun effects and well mixed (despite the bass issue).

It's not extatic but very... i dunno how to say. It's got a good feeling.


Now at 6:00 approx it's starting to sound more busy.

The bass fit's better now with all the wirling melodies but the sound is still a bit lame. The small break at 6:02 and the acidic stuff that follows is good.


If you could concentrate a little bit more on melody developement (but keep the good effects and stuff) it would be even better (of course).

And try to keep it a bit shorter than 16 minutes :S

It's a bit slow moving still. I sense some inspiration from Pleiadians - Modulation :)


at 11:00 you introduce a more pumping, minimalistic and experimental mood. It sounds a bit like koxbox. I think this is more interestinig than the acidic effect- driven madness before.


One problem is that you overuse reverb. All the reverbs should be shorter, it could actually make the whole song better =)


Now it's beginning to sound like a climax. The bass sounds much better with this slower melody than with the full-on from before.

The effects are less chaotic and more planned and better than in the beginning.


The ending with the melodies only is the best part of the track :)


So here's a resumé:


I'm suprrised that someone here dares to try stuff out of psy limits =)

This is experimental goa, very long and evolving (could almost be split up in smaller tracks) and original melodies. Much time is spent on it i can hear that, but your mixing skills can improve.

so, bring the reverb down, compress more, and keep being creative :D

And try to make them a little shorter.


Ok, i've been criticizing you a lot, but that's only because your music interests me and i want to help you. This track is probably technically better than my stuff but i hope this review will help you evolve.


thanks for the time spent on the review.i know it took you a lot of time:)


and yes pleiadians-modulation has more inspiration :)

i'll check yours and give feedback:)

much appreciated!

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