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V/A Dirty South [Acidance]

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Guest Le Lotus Bleu

V/A Dirty South [Acidance]


Compiled by Dj Mist from the Texas.


Tracklist :


1. Claw vs. Paranoize – A Message From The Ghetto

2. Blisargon Demogorgon – Others Are Awaken

3. Xenomorph – Inextricable Distraughness

4. Mubali – Gromit

5. Damage – Predator

6. Toxic – Arise

7. Azax Syndrome – Chemical Abuse

8. Abomination – Dynomite

9. Iron Madness vs S.D6 – Dinaks Productions


Having a look to the artists involved in this compilation, i realized it would be probably like a dream team of darkpsy producers as it was gathering many of the good ones i have listen to &/or memorized recently excepting Iron Madness & S.D6 which i never heard before. So let’s check it…


1. A Message From The Ghetto starts Dirty South with a pumping tune coppled with a quite bouncy bass & a sharpy & biting rythmic. At 1’05 a swift filtered passage is announcing the real start. Some nervosity commes step by step with the coming of 2 new elements : a dark metallic and twisted frying lead at 2’16 & kinda cybergunshots siren at 2’38 .The atmosphere gets scarier on the second part of the the track with the lead from 3’22, it also becomes more densified with a flood of background sounds. Around 4’40 you can hear a sardonic laugh that will come back later on. On the end it evolves into a multi-layered way accentuating the uncomforting side of this song.


2. We keep going here with an haunted feeling with this mysterious waving layer from the start. A funny twisted tone (sort of baby plastic duck toy) arrives at 2’28. At 3’10 a collapsing break occurs before an happier & skipping restart embellished with the come back the duck toy sound. At 4’10 there’s a new break with a violin in a dark classical music style then the tune goes on more nervous, excited. The return of the haunted waving layer is the sign of an imminent end of the tune.


3. The good thing with Xenomorph is that you always know what kind of music you can expect from him : something eitheir dark, gloomy, apocalyptic or extreme when it’s not altogether. Ok this one isn’t the most hardcore darkpsy i’ve heard recently but it’s still nicely powerfully gloomy. So here all is about boisterous tones & heavy metallic electric riffs. You’ll probably notice & enjoy the cold lethal breath appearing in the background around 1’50 & several voice samples : a woman whining at 2’05, at 4’40 a long man speech talking to the same previous whining woman.


4. Cool a track called Gromit :D, i was hoping some samples of ‘Wallace & Gromit’ by here but it’ll be for a next time maybe:/ . Indeed Gromit is about some freakish energic mad dakpsy sounds (some tones are connected with industrial). You know when it’s dark but with some real pieces of fun inside that’s the case with : a syncoped backgrounded rythmic upto 1’30,some bleeps from 1’15, the plastic sort of ping pong ball rythmic break around 2’15, sharpy metallic hithat starting at 3’45 & coming back later on, from 3’58 weirdo industrial tones, at 5’05 a drunky & flickering lead, some cool sounds too during the break around 6’40. The 2 last minutes of the track are more kickin, rockin with at first megamix of elements altogether also accompagnied with the add of new sounds in a second time.

A very nice tune but i don’t recommend its listening when you’re already experciencing an headache.


5. No fun here, only serious tense stomper, warning major eardrums devastations are scheduled while playing Predator on powerful soundsystem. Second warning, there’s a guy singing here, yes singing, you’re not dreaming ! But it’s a rapper so with his loud voice it perfectly fits with the harmony. Normally i dislike when there’s a singer involved in a psytrance production but this time i find it to contribute propulsing forward much way further into the crazy dark stomping energy of the tune. Globally the procurated image of Predator when i’m listening to it is the impress of driving, by night, a fast car going at full speed but with a major disfunction at level of the breaks & in the streets of a big inner city. From a musical view it reminds me the most extreme productions from Cosmo Chaos, Landmass Vibration especially.



6. Here we go here for another energic & powerful stuff, Arise sounds more melodic from the start with a twisted brassy lead as a result it could appear too squeaning to some ears & not dark enough compared with the global content of Dirty South, but that’s not my case. To be honest while i was listening to it the first time, i thought it was a Timecode’s production due to the pachydermic feeling of the tune, especially around 2’00. There are several quick sounds that amazed me here, at 2’25 an hypnotic alarm (too short) , at 2’50 the computering sound, the bass’s texture during the break around 3’00 of course it keeps going after but you catch it less lost in the rest of harmonies. It’s only progressing in the listening that i’ve recognized later some few Toxic trademarks on it such as the electrified synth at 5’45.



7. Few things to tell except that’s a return to more dark atmospheres compared to Toxic but still coloured though and there’s a sympathicly brassy strident lead coming from 2’28. Indeed it meminds me CPU with his big squeaking leads & i don’t like that. The rest is not bad but it lacks something inventive or powerful and beyond all some personality, I get bored more i go throught it. I’ve heard much better from this band before, very disapointing.



8. Quickly the bassline sets up & gets rollig. A shrill tone rejoin it but for the moment, the atmosphere is still almost calm at 1’20. The track doesn’t really burst before 2’20 with some nervous riffs married with an explosion of bleeps. 3’05 time for the break with a softly saturated electric guitar, rejoined soon by some calm electric riffs which turn more virulent after 4’55 associated with multi explosive tones. There’s a nice electric riff going through up & down loops happening from 6’10 upto the nearly end.


9. Last tune, from 2 newcomers for me : Iron Madness vs S.D6, starts badly with an overheard sample particularly from Israeli producers the famous ‘..you shouldn’t look at people … don’t looking at me…’.

At 1’45 the tune is a bit noisy to me, then at 2’15 a sample break (an original one this time) & the atmosphere gets creepy just after. New break around 3’20 before a different restart especially noticeable through the huge vibrating,rumbling bass from 3’33 coppled with a nicely mischievous & jerked lead at 4’06. There’s a creepy climax-break happening around 4’50. The final part is still creepy witm some woman hysteric crying samples very pumping & energic with the huge bassline ; it’s quite impresive, it procurs me flesh creeps of happyness.


Climaxs :4,5,6,9

Alternative choices :1,2,3,8


The Texan Dj mist has selectionned strong effective songs for Dirty South that contributes to propulsate this compition among the best darkpsy released from this year 2005 upto now.


8,5/10 recommended for darkpsy fans.


VA- 'Dirty South' (Acidance Records, September 2005)


Artist : Various

Title : Dirty South

Label : Acidance Records

Catalog # : ACIDCD012

Release Date : 15 September 2005


01 – Claw vs. Paranoize – A Message from the Ghetto

02 – Blisargon Demogorgon – Others Are Awaken

03 – Xenomorph – Inextricable Distraughtness

04 – Mubali – Gromit

05 – Damage – Predator

06 – Toxic – Arise

07 – Azax Syndrom – Chemical Abuse

08 – Abomination – Dynomite

09 – Iron Madness vs. S.D6 – Dinak’s Productions



This is the twelfth release from Athens, Greece based Acidance Records. Compiled by Mist, a veteran of the Texas psychedelic trance community, the 'Dirty South' as some may call it here in the US, is a land of meteorological madness, as well as being a haven for dark nighttime psychedelic trance. The release marks the second compilation we have seen from Acidance in the past year, and the first compiled by Mist. The madness continues with 9 tracks of the signature powerful, twisted, groovy psychedelic sound that has been tearing up dancefloors since 1999...


1. Claw vs. Paranoize- 'A Message from the Ghetto'- After releasing on Ketuh and Temple Twisters, from Israel comes Alex Ladyzanskyi aka Paranoize. He teams up here with Claw aka Charalambos Pieris, from Cyprus (Greece) having previously released tracks on Dropout and Trishula. "I've become more compassionate and I try to make my message more worldly" A minimal groove to start things off here, as a gurgling synth line and tightly panned percussion combine with electric current fx creating an air of tension. The signature Paranoize dark, rhythmic synth line soon takes center stage. A higher pitched laser is soon introduced creating a zooming building intensity. It's all leading up to a darker, more mysterious melody that perfectly carries this track, depicting the shift between nighttime and morning when one isn't quite sure where things are headed next. I've really enjoyed past releases from Paranoize, but what was lacking was virtually any sort of melodic element. Here, its a winning collaboration with Claw. The usage of evil laughter, zooming buildups, and the dichotomy between the complex and minimalistic are all brought together when the elements of this track combine with a second resonating melodic line propelling this track onwards. 9/10


2. Blisargon Demogorgon- 'Others Are Awaken'- The Macedonian trance master is at it again! From Skopje comes Valentino Trancev aka Dj Montezuma. Following highly successful releases on labels like Ketuh, Nabi, Stone Age, Peak, Alkaloid, and Doof Records, this is his first appearance on Acidance. Breaking into the realm of the unknown, spooky sounds create a very cave like atmosphere welcoming us in. A steady bassline is complemented by some very alluring percussive changes. A swirling break and we are haphazardly cast once again into the realm of the super nasty synth. Raw, bouncy and groovy, I can picture in my mind the dust that will be kicked up on any dancefloor exposed to this track. At the first break in the track, everything slows down- seemingly being sucked into the vortex. A new bassline appears and the madness continues! Atmospheric fx swirling around combining with squeeky synth beeps and blips....Its an overall air of disorientation, as the original nasty synth line combines with the more sqeeky synth melody...I'm getting sonic vertigo just listening to this...a ghastly house of horrors...and Halloween is just around the corner. 8/10


3. Xenomorph- 'Inextricable Distraughtness'- Xenomorph is a man who most certainly needs no introduction! His most recent appearances have been on Vertigo and Mistress of Evil Records, and this his second appearance on an Acidance compilation. We start off walking along an abandoned pier...you can hear the sound of the rain and distant thunder "what the hell- no shit" Instantaneously we're launched into a sea of sounds complete with a deep, powerful menacing bassline, crisp and expertly manipulated sounds swirling around. This is night trance that's creeping and weaving its way around until it reaches the next victim...An eerie atmosphere fades in and out...skidding to a halt- "you're gonna kill me, aren't you?" An underlying breakbeat fades in slowly and a powerful nightmarish monster of a synth takes full control of this track. In addition to this bouncy melody, other assorted horrorscapes pervade this more minimal section of the track. The calm before the storm perhaps? "Now, you and I share a great responsibility- to them..." And then one last buildup as the monster synth takes over again, this time joined by a melodic line which you somethimes can't be sure is really even there...Simply slamming expertly produced psychedelic trance track!!! 9/10


4. Mubali- 'Gromit'- From San Francisco comes the madness that is Mubali aka Greg Farley. A classically trained musician, his tracks have appeared on Trishula and Mistress of Evil. This is his first release on Acidance. Zooming into this track, we discover a bassline with loads of movement, swooping synths that are soon joined by some more minimal percussive elements. Then, chaos ensues as the super groovy bassline drives this track onwards, reminding me a bit of Zebra-N here. Atmospheric pads and the dark melody sit slightly behind the more prominent synth lines. I wish he had developed the melody a bit more here...There's a very scattered schizophrenic feel to this track, almost a bit too complex and scattered for my taste, but before I can give too much thought to this, we encounter another subtle shift in this track- clanging metallic percussive elements take center stage before it all skids to a halt, Mubali's classical influences appearing here perhaps. Confusion galloping to...panned fx...and skidding to a...speeding up...surprise in the last 2 minutes of this track, as all the various elements and ideas in this track come together. 8/10


5. Damage- 'Predator'- Deeoon is at it again! Formerly based in South Africa, and now rocking it out in Japan, this is his first appearance on Acidance Records. Following up a full length release on the Chemical Crew label, I was afraid that with the departure of James (Broken Toy, former other 1/2 of Damage) the Damage project was taking a different direction, but with this newest release, we find Damage has gone back to his "coolllll rockinnn itttt" roots with three times the power. This is the type of track that grows on you more and more with each listen (perhaps the best kind?). There's a whole slew of outside influences/styles packed into this track- from the old school raver sounds to hip hop vocals to pounding hardcore beats all lurking in the backdrop. As well as some cleverly placed vocal samples interspersed throughout, all of this combined with the funky, dirty, kickin up some dust signature damage breakbeat & synth sounds as well as added melodic intricacies. The last few minutes of this track are total madness...can't wait to hear more new stuff! Diss Masta D is back in full effect! ;) 10/10


6. Toxic- 'Arise'- Formerly Toxic now Talk Sick are Alon and Avi from Israel and have recently signed on with Acidance Records...a full length album is in the works for the near future. Other recent releases have been on Yage, Manic Dragon, Temple Twisters, and Parvati under the "Toxic" name. This track is the debut of their newer "Talk Sick" sound, a slightly more melodic style than we are used to hearing from them, creeping, menacing and dark nonetheless! A somber melody combines with a bassline full of movement and a snare of power- very dancable and groovy. The initial breakdown brings us evil laughter, as the bassline stands alone before the fierce snare combines with a zooming buildup- a sample of impending doom as the darker side of Toxic is unleashed leading us to a total dancefloor annhilation. Tenebrous and melodic- perfect for waking up any early morning dancefloor...Powerful, distinctive 3D soundscapes, zooms and quick buildups that are super effective...the melodic line is what really drives this tracks onwards. A true blaster! Super toxic Talk Sick track!! 9/10


7. Azax Syndrom- 'Chemical Abuse'- Azax Syndrom is yet another artist who needs no introduction! With recent releases on Ketuh, 3D Vision, Inpsyde Media and Timecode, this is his first release on Acidance Records. Cue thunder clap. "Nearly six centuries have passed since that night..." An eerie melody joins forces with a powerful bassline, percussion, and oozing synths as the resulting melodic line that emerges develops skirting and skipping its way around. After a few listens, I've come to think of this track as a sequal to "The Covenant" which appeared on Nexus Media's compilation "Midnight Storm". track had stood out to me because of its insane buildup and resulting dancefloor explosion and 'Chemical Abuse' takes this same madness to the next level. Its a slightly different style and direction for Azax- not as dark as previous tracks and more full power. The build continues as the expertly crafted melody continues to develop. All leading up to- "This covenant has grown weak" and then the true wizardry of this track really begins...Running the risk of being a bit over the top, I still can't help but love this one :) 9/10


8. Abomination- 'Dynomite'- Abomination are Gershon and Sahar from Israel with a release out earlier this year on Nexus Media's 'Source' compilation. This is their second release and first appearance on Acidance Records. A long introductory sample leads up to a dynamic moving bassline and a multitude of delayed fx. A sometimes cryptic, gritty, intensely growling synth line introduces a steady groove. A second synth line bubbles up to the forefront of this track. a gurgling melody, with a powerful snare sitting towards the back. At the breakdown, a distorted guitar stands along with various delayed fx in a state of flux as the previous melody pans and fades back in. Sitting towards the back of the track behind the previous melody, an other worldly synth melody takes over, building the intensity for what is to be a phenomenal final two minutes. The breakdown at 6:10 features a complex synth melody, a kick that never drops out (this I love), a bassline that's filtered and then brought back in for a powerful and super-effective dancefloor finish. 10/10


9. Iron Madness vs. S.D6- 'Dinak’s Productions'- Iron Madness is Ziv Vainer from Israel with previous releases on Doof and Ketuh. He teams up here with S.D6, also from Israel who has upcoming releases on Deja Vu and Doof. "Stop looking at me!!!" Ahh...the sounds of Iron Madness meeting the section that doesn't exist! Iron Madness is one of my personal favorites at the moment, so I feel like I'm a bit biased towards this track :) Widely recognized for his 'power dark psy' sound, industrial snare, screams of horror, claps of thunder, voices of panic, and overall air of impending doom and destruction. All the samples used in this track are expertly embedded in with the other elements. At 4:00 in, a dark, yet extremely playful melodic line moves and skids its way over the top of this track- lightening things up a bit before we are zoomed back into the madness. A massive buildup....screaming and building up to- more buildup with the melody sitting in the back a bit, this is chaos and insanity times ten. A breakdown at 6:20 and then things are relaxed a bit, but lets not forget that this track is *still* building. First 'Buddhist Pyramidi', now this...wow! Going out with a bang! 11/10


Favorites: 9(!!!!), 8(!!), 5(!!!), 6(!)


Overall: 9.2/10 Nighttime psychedelic music to the max!


Yes this is a very good release.

Some words for the tracks

Paranoize vs Claw is a good Dark track definately better than Vampire Legend in Multiple Personalities comp. A bit typical for a dark track but the simple but scary melody in the middle of the track is very good.

Blisargon Demogorgon is too typical IMO. Any track I've heard from this guy is just good or average, nothing special.

Xenomorph's track is very good, very forest Psy and spooky, not his best track but nice dark music.

Mubali is maybe the winner, Gromit is amazing reminds me sometimes of Derango with less FX. Crazy, hard, insane!

Damage's track is surely the best track I've heard from them. Brutal with great intro, nice ideas, full of surpsrises. Even the rap sample doesn't sound that bad.

Toxic is crazy, nice one, dancefloor killer not that dark but very good.

Azax's track is awesome again. Nice bass, killer fx and an amazing melody with an oriental touch, nice to see a guy using melodies in the dark scene. Not that intense as Shinjitzu,Replica or Covenant but very, very good!

Abomination's track is great too, powerful with nice climaxes and nice melodies. If the final melody was louder it would be simpy awesome but it's still a very good track.

Last track is very good again, Hard Full On and Dark psy combination with nice effects. Yummy!




Compilation: Dirty South


Web: http://www.acidance.com


Label: Acidance Records


Year: 2005


Format: CD


Posted Image


1. Claw vs. Paranoize - A Message from the Ghetto [148]

2. Blisargon Demogorgon - Others Are Awaken [146]

3. Xenomorph - Inextricable Distraughtness [145]

4. Mubali - Gromit [145]

5. Damage - Predator [146]

6. Toxic - Arise [146]

7. Azax Syndrom - Chemical Abuse [146]

8. Abomination - Dynomite [145]

9. Iron Madness vs. S.D6 - Dinak's Productions [147]



1. Claw vs. Paranoize - A Message from the Ghetto


Alex and Charalambos do their thing together again. Apparently, they collaborated on a versus earlier in ‘Dreams like Desserts' which I haven't gotten a hold of yet. Add to that the just announced split album on Temple Twisters and is pretty certain their stuff will be floating around soon. The ghetto part is presumably the voice keepin' it real “… I become more compassionate and try make my message more worthy… you know, reach to everybody.” just before the steep kicks get underway. As it could be expected there is an aura of mystery, with squelchy synth lines like is the trade mark of Paranoize. Very involving with lot's action of the higher ranges and a good deal of inventiveness to keep the ears entertained.



2. Blisargon Demogorgon - Others Are Awaken


Blisargon Demogron makes sure you awake even the distant neighbors in this chapter. I hadn't heard anything as banging from him in a while… even though admittedly most of his stuff is not too dissimilar. Once again it's a night-time trancer, with ghostly pads and several sonic artifices: “He is breeding an alien species…” gets the synth going as the pads disperse, promising to return after the lunch break. There is a sound in there like a hollow doll that squeaks, when you when you squeeze it… I guess is something you have to hear yourself.



3. Xenomorph - Inextricable Distraughtness


The common ingredient in Mark Petrik's work lately seems to be that recurrent effect made of a strange metal-liquid with a heavy industrial sneer. My guess is, for live sets this particular style, permeating from track to track must work wonders. In the first part we enter stereo mode with left-and-right panning on a few effects and a rumbler like it's his style lately. Eventually the rhyme stops evolving until a complete stop, when the voice hits you “Now you and I share a great responsibility to manhood. You have come to watch but also to learn. We will provide a lesson, that reducing relationships to anonymous electronic impulses is a PERVERSION.” The theme returns once again in full force and the track ends in very a fitting distraughtness.



4. Mubali - Gromit


Gromit is to my humble ears a new highlight for Mubali. A transient monster with no head and two tails spitting out – god forbid – something resembling a tuneful melody. It has turned fashionable amongst effect's freaks to imprint what I warmly refer to as wet-squelching-rotor-like-sprouts (I'd like to see you do any better trying to describe this stuff). Halfway through the break a rather original clanging-like percussion appears in sporadic patches… much like the boys of Stomp do, clink-klan-kling an industrial version of their rhythm. A very Dj friendly break comes in the last minutes to close the song with a golden lock as it all comes together.



5. Damage - Predator


Predator is spiced with an almost uplifting groove amidst the darkness. Sinister pads and noisy effects shiver alongside a voice that is ‘feeling something in the gut' and is satisfied with it. I am not sure if I am personally… It leaves a strange aftertaste in the mouth. Yet, the more I listen to it, the more it sticks in my head. Big break in the middle with lot's of drum teasers and a good doze of energy. Not a personal favourite, but that's a taste judgment.



6. Toxic - Arise


Toxic has no problem slapping a very a South African lead in ‘Arise' like is nearly tradition these days. I am not sure if the wicked laughs scare me or turn me on, but that's just me. Squeaky in tone and slightly hard house-ish in a faint way, I did not make the hairs of my arms stand up, but is not highly displeasing either.



7. Azax Syndrom - Chemical Abuse


“Nearly six centuries have passed since that night, yet the ancient blood-feud proved unwilling to follow Lucian to the grave. Though Lycans were fewer in number, the war itself had become more perilous. The moon no longer held her sway. Older, more powerful Lycans now could change at will.” A rather ominous sample from the movie Underworld opens the doors to the Azax's Syndrome debut on Acidance and it's not half bad, but is not half good either. Is just there, a rather bland chemical abuse showing signs of life, slightly reminiscent of 3D vision or Timecode in squeakiness and build ups. The lead works quite well though, very catchy. I could mention that I miss the days when old Azax was making the rounds in Parvati and you could feel some roughness around the edges on his production… but that would be categorized as bitching, so I will just keep my mouth shut. Is definitely more tuneful and coherent musically than the earlier stuff, taking the sound to almost club-friendly standards.



8. Abomination - Dynomite


“All I wanna do is develop my herbal in a real lab and get some head while I'm doing it…” the sample continues but I believe we got the important part out of the way. Having not heard anything from this Abomination, I wasn't quite sure what to expect. The thiga-maggiga opens with a strong crispy bass line and distorted synths minus the squelching. Which oddly enough, seems rare these days. I'm not very fond of this kind of sound, but god damn this one works well. There's a guitar sample trashed to high heavens, bringing back the days of Hendrix on dark trip. I can almost see the man biting the strings, turning on the floor as the macabre surrounds. Very energetic, infused with a good dose of effects filling out the empty blanks. The thing goes Dynomite at the end with more riffing madness and I tend to agree with it. Very interesting.



9. Iron Madness vs. S.D6 - Dinak's Productions


S.D6 and Iron Madness open Dinak's production with a recycled sample from Psydrop's “Power Plant” you know, the “Stuttering Stanley … I'm a freak”. The meat is obviously nothing resembling to Psydrop. This is terror trance if there was ever such a thing. The song is well churned, with a lot of pump, but to my ears screams are still just screams. I get feeling they are trying to spit out a really bad ass track, but the synth lines are way too tuneful and untweaked. Are they trying to push the boundaries here? Mixing genres? Leap frog-ing themes? … I am not sure. Its one hell of a builder -I'll say that much.



Over all a varied box of donuts with a number of different flavors in a package that refuses to be categorized. I loved a few songs here, while I tend to skip some other ones. The interesting part is you can definitely please a mixed crowd with this plastic and that's always refreshing. Major kudos on the artwork as well, it always helps to have a nice cover.



More reviews > http://www.sonic-energy.net



Where to Get:






well I like dark psychedelic trance but not too noisy and too hard...


and this is a bit too noisy and too hard for me...


a bit more subtle would be nice :)

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