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Need help to get started!

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Hi, I've always enjoyed music (all sorts) and been involved with it to and from, mostly as a baseplayer in different bands and some moderate DJing (helped out a friend 4-5 times) . However, it's always been electronic music that has intrigued me the most and I wish to learn how to make music of my own - on an amateur level of course. It's just that I do not know anyone that's involved with this genre of music, hence it's kind of hard to get started.


So what would I need (software/hardware)? I figured that most of electronic music can be done with a computer alone, and a keyboard maybe?


If anyone could provide me with a list of things (and if possible where to get ahold of them - I expect to spend some cash on this, but I'm not very rich ^^) and any software/other tutorials that you might have - then that'd be very appricated!


I do have some things from an old studio that my dad passed on to me, most of the stuff is pretty much stoneage now. There's an old yamaha kx88 keyboard that I might be able to use, I'm just not sure how I'd be able to use it together with my computer...


Any help would be very much appricated, Oh - Hello btw, new on the forums ^^




First of all, post stuff like this in the music making forum, some very nice people there ;p I got lots of help from them!


Personally I can recommend starting with Fruityloops, userfriendly interface and not that hard to learn. Still pretty powerful though (I still use it). I'd say what matters the most is what you do with the programs, not what programs you use. Other popular programs are Cubase and Reason. FL and Cubase support VST's, Reason doesn't.


Now time for the VST plugins. Softsynths like ReFX Vanguard and Linplug Albino are both must-haves for psytrance. There are also lots of free VST's out on the web - you'll find them by googling ;p


That's a start at least! Good luck :)

Guest The Journey Man Project

Start with fruityloops, and once you get the basics by a nice midikeyboard to play with, I borrow my mates Novation midi keyboard and it is so much fun :D Then once you feel restricted, move on to cubase, but read lots of the tips in the music section here, and if you can find somebody to visit who has experience it would be good as well... also Reason is perfect if you don;t want to spend a lot on hardware... the thing I h ave found, using soft synth is really cheap, and you can do soooo much, but there is a sound that real hardware had that canot be duplicated no atter how good a musician or technician you are... my tip wou,d be once you find a certain style you like, then find a similar synth... I've found I like Waldorf sounds for Goa music, Virus for fullon, Nord Lead for dark stuff and Novation Supernova for progressive and house... I also like to se Waldorf MicroQ and Supernova for ambient and dub... my absolut fav's are to play with Roland TB-303 and TR-909, bnut they are rare to find, luck I have a mate with two of each hehe... some fun old school soft synths can be downloaded for free from http://www.d-lusion.com/News.html I'm organising a comp on a local forumwhere wehave 2 month to produce a acid tech song using only thos two free soft synths and no added samples, it's lots of fun and great tosee what you can do when you are quite limited :D Also it is great to pick a musician you like and find what he/she uses...


I've got nothing to say that hasn't been said but just wanna repeat: If you have enough patience, learn your effects by reading. I didn't and it took me long to learn

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