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WHO on this forum is going to SAMOTHRAKI ???

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Guest Avogaden

its too soon to tell.


I'll know that when its near the date.

But i want to go.



Guest Jaimz

I am.


I'm also planning on going to Voama the weekend before.

Guest raindancer

me too, voama en samothraki...!

Guest jonas

I will go if I find any friends with money at the time.

Any swedes going? if so email me at given adress...

Guest unikos

im going to both voama and samothraki..

is anybody going to sola luna?

Guest Goazzz!!!

You'll see me there as well!!!! Both Voama and Samothraki!!!!!! That's for sure!!!!


I may very well go...

it will concldude my trip overseas to europe!

dunno if i will yet though...so expensive to fly over there :(

Guest Brain

Yes yes .... i will go too


-stay psychedelic-

Guest Evans

I'm going to SolaLuna(Mount Olympus) this year instead of Samothraki, because it's too late and my university exams will have probably started...

Guest sukanta

isn't solaluna a rock festival this year ???????

Guest raindancer

did u see solaluna line-up? lives:- Alien project

- Infected...

- Biotonic

- Haldolium

- Eatstatic

(and many more)

dj's: - Bitmonx

- Gus Till

- Arara

- L'Elf

- Lish

(and many more)

Don't sounds like a rockfestival too me... but in my eyes this party will ROCK big time!

(some rumours about rockfestival-organizers who organise this party also though...maybe that's the link)


Guest sukanta

sorry... i've heard that rumor that's why, i thought half of the organisation of last year's solaluna were rock festival organiser , and kept the solaluna name to organise another festival (i thought it would be a rock festival... :-/ )

hehe ... :)


Guest didge

it's so funny how all of you europeeings (no offense intended) live so close together! I know most of you don't live in the same country, but all goto the same festivals =)


I have to drive 11 hours straight just to get to the State above Melbourne (NSW), yet you guys could cross ten countries in that time!



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