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cinos has a point.

for example, i've been listening to dimension 5 for some months and thought it sounded dark, underground, vicious, almost evil but with a touch of light.


in a review here it was described as morning (i read it after listening)


cinos has a point.

for example, i've been listening to dimension 5 for some months and thought it sounded dark, underground, vicious, almost evil but with a touch of light.


in a review here it was described as morning (i read it after listening)


dimension 5 dark :blink: , woooow no comment ;)


I voted Time Slices / Time Slices (Remix) :)


dimension 5 dark  :blink: , woooow no comment  ;)


I voted Time Slices / Time Slices (Remix)  :)


Maybe dark is not the right word. But certainly less morning than AP, pleiadians, some of hallucinogen, transwave and many other goa acts.


I think it's more of a mindtrip than just sunny bright melodies.

It's evolving, layered. i like it very much and maybe i've misunderstood something about morning, but ive always thought it was AP style. which is completely different from Dimension 5.


Look. Morning trance is just a name. If it didn't have that name, you'd think it sounded like night. The night isn't necessarily groovy and unmelodic, it can be melodic and calm as well. The problem is that "night psy" could be ANYTHING.


How do you figure for example most of 12 Moons' tracks aren't obviously sunny music?


Of course calm music can feel very dark (in fact, it often does), but from the start you set out denying that there would be a way to connect a time of day with the mood in the music. If you truly believe this, I have no idea how you listen to music, because it's simply incomprehensible to me, regardless of what indoctrination I've been subjected to in terms of what music goes during the night at trance parties.


Like I said, of course there is borderline stuff. And sure you can enjoy Blue Planet Corporation at 2 am... but yet again, that's not my point.


Uhm I don't see why anyone would like to argue what Ukiro is saying; what he is pointing out seems like plain facts to me...


Anyway back on topic; I voted Equivalent Equations. Best one for home listening I think.


Have to agree with ukiro, and I think night and morning psy is not necessarily a subgenre it more describes the feeling you get by listening to them. And if you can´t seperate between night and day psy, well it surely will come with time... ;) You know, once there used to be a storyline in a party, which nowadays is often missing unfortunately. From my experience it went from ambient over downbeat or similar to some slower subtle not too hectic psytrance getting all twisted and darker as the party continous reaching its darkest hours just before dawn. And with the first rays of sunlight it went more positive and happy, but actually that´s another story...

I mean have you ever listened to Xenomorph by dawn? It just doesn´t fit the mood of a sunrise. Or what´s the point in listening to some happy fluffy stuff by night?


I've already said my arguments, I won't bother repeating them... the night doesn't have a set feeling. The music might sound dark, but saying it sounds "night" is stupid.


There are just too many subcategories, with too little differences in between to warrant a separate genre. For example Night psy and Dark psy are exactly the same. Generic psy is very damn close too, it's only minor differences.


havn't you guys got something better to talk about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it's psy trance listen to it whenever you like, who cares!!!!!!!!!!!

i thought this was about hux flux.

stick to the subject,sorry to sound so critical but you all are starting to sound like a bunch of catty girls (sorry girls) <_<<_<<_<<_<


havn't you guys got something better to talk about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it's psy trance listen to it whenever you like, who cares!!!!!!!!!!!

i thought this was about hux flux.

stick to the subject,sorry to sound so critical but you all are starting to sound like a bunch of catty girls (sorry girls) <_<  <_<  <_<  <_<


This is psynews. Known for the fact that every topic goes offtopic.


havn't you guys got something better to talk about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it's psy trance listen to it whenever you like, who cares!!!!!!!!!!!

i thought this was about hux flux.

stick to the subject,sorry to sound so critical but you all are starting to sound like a bunch of catty girls (sorry girls) <_<  <_<  <_<  <_<


This is a discussion board, and from time to time actual discussions do break out. But thanks to your enlightening (and extraordinarily punctuated) post, we'll do our very best to punish anyone who dabbles in the black arts of debate and argumentation openly on this forum, from here on.


...And with the sarcasm gland temporarily emptied, yes we went off topic. But you didn't exactly bring us back, did you? You could at least have mentioned what you voted for.


Uhm I don't see why anyone would like to argue what Ukiro is saying; what he is pointing out seems like plain facts to me...


Anyway back on topic; I voted Equivalent Equations. Best one for home listening I think.


true :)


Have to agree with ukiro, and I think night and morning psy is not necessarily a subgenre it more describes the feeling you get by listening to them.  And if you can´t seperate between night and day psy, well it surely will come with time...  ;) You know, once there used to be a storyline in a party, which nowadays is often missing unfortunately. From my experience it went from ambient over downbeat or similar to some slower subtle not too hectic psytrance getting all twisted and darker as the party continous reaching its darkest hours just before dawn. And with the first rays of sunlight it went more positive and happy, but actually that´s another story...

I mean have you ever listened to Xenomorph by dawn? It just doesn´t fit the mood of a sunrise. Or what´s the point in listening to some happy fluffy stuff by night?


true again... :D

Do you see the night as evil and twisted? If you do, I can understand you say "night psy" when you hear dark stuff... to me the night is happy. Much lighter than the day, actually. (not literally, you ass!)


Night is happy when with friends because its a feeling of freedom.


Day is better alone.


But night is dark, and dark music illustrates the dark colors (it doesn't give yu nightmares right?)


This is a discussion board, and from time to time actual discussions do break out. But thanks to your enlightening (and extraordinarily punctuated) post, we'll do our very best to punish anyone who dabbles in the black arts of debate and argumentation openly on this forum, from here on.


...And with the sarcasm gland temporarily emptied, yes we went off topic. But you didn't exactly bring us back, did you? You could at least have mentioned what you voted for.


would be okay if you didn't sound like a bunch of bitches



''Bring your own bios'' is melting your brain.It was the first track I listened when I bought Folded View comp. from creamcrop :)


Logarhytmic but it is closely followed with Errorhead, Calculus, Degauss, Snickesnack, Tripple Nipple, Bring Your Own Bios and many more.


I really love Huxflux. for me the their best track is bring your own bios ;)

And by the way. For me the difference between dark and morning sound is quite much based on the feeling the music delivers. Personally I don´t want to hear morning sound at the darkest hours but ofcourse we all like different things and some for sure do. The ideal party for me starts in the evening a bit light and then at the darkest hour it turns darker, maybe a bit more aggressive, scary (not necessary) and if it is going to be fast, this is where it should be.

Atleast I enjoy beautiful melodies as the cold night ends and the first sunrays lit up the darkness and warm your cold body. Really beautiful and sometimes it can just be perfect when all elements combine precisely at the right point. It all reminds me a bit of a surfer who searches for the perfect ride you know. the perfect party with the right elements. Ofcourse the elements may be different for eveybody but I hope you understood my point ;)

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