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So im looking for artists that produce dub/ambient or whatever you like to call it that has some groove & flow in them aswell as melodies. Not just the beatless soundscape chillout that is so common these days (which I enjoy aswell for that matter).


Any suggenstions?


nothing I have heard yet gets to ott´s level, unfortunately...


all the rest of the chill stuff I listen is dubby too but not really like ott, so I dont know how much of it you would like... do you like more happier summer-feeling chill? If so, check out abakus and nada, v.a. wider horizons and v.a. butterfly dawn.... do you like more mid-eastern arab feeling? if so, check out kaya project and angel tears 3... do you like darker night feeling? if so, check out phutureprimitive.. do you like colder electric melodic feeling? if so, check out bluetech


i really don't think Stress Assassin gets the props it should... Within the Office of Eye and Ear is nothing short of amazing and Carrier Track is up to par. the thing is, it's dub spread with psychedelic influences and not the other way around...


who knew europeans could make such fine sultry caribbean music... i love it...



  amphiton said:

We definitely need a pinned 'Recommendations' thread.


naaaaah it's safe always having new threads about recommending stuff....


share thoughts is the spirit :)

  traveller said:

not that similar but really good:





yeah, nothing to do with ott, but I like it a lot too... though 2 or 3 tracks in the cd could have been not done hehe


If you like Ott, check out the Liquid Sound Design (that's sublabel of Dragonfly) releases. There are nice compilations with Ott participating in them.


I have got albums from Doof, Abakus, Younger Brother, Bluetech & Phuture Primitive. And the complication Wider Horizons aswell (awesome btw). I dig them all but as someone said, I think OTT plays in an own league really and it seems hard to find artists that I find equally great (it would be Younger Brother then). Thanks for all the tips and I will try to check some of them out.

  slyman604 said:

not electronic but you can hear the influence from augustus pablo in otts melodies.

if you like ott's melodies, check out pablo, his melodies are so beautifull.



Pablo who? Whole name?!


Ott is not that special... But i admit very few psy-chillout releases are possible to listen to without doing something else at the same time, which is possible with ott. He's got nice melodies but the music is a bit too shallow... But just a bit.


Woops, didn't participate with anything constructive in the thread =(


Ott is damn good, I just realized that yesterday. All the tracks on his album are great.

  Cinos said:

Ott is damn good, I just realized that yesterday. All the tracks on his album are great.


Yeah, OTT is brilliant. In Dub is better than his album though, but goddamn, he is very good.

  sherlockalien said:

nothing I have heard yet gets to ott´s level, unfortunately...





  traveller said:

not that similar but really good:






  Ov3rdos3 said:

Yeah, OTT is brilliant.  In Dub is better than his album though, but goddamn, he is very good.




I think Children of the Bong is a little dub oriented too

try that one

and a lot of lsd compilations wander around those fields

heck a lot of ambient came out of UK actually

they re into dubby terrotories


man, nobody has said androcell yet?

amazing music, somewhat in the vein of ott's (possibly one of the closest to ott's style), but noone really makes music exactly like him.

he is also coming out with a new album soon

in genral here are my dub recommendations, some similar to ott, some not:


kukan-dub-lagan (no need for a discussion on the merits of his music here, ok pavel?)


omnimotion is dubby, more like stressassassin than ott


as good as bluetech is, i find him nothing like ott


obviously get hallucinogen in dub if you like ott


pitch black is much more uptempo at times, but amazing unique dub-unfluenced music too


talisman compilation from interchill is the fucking ultimate dub compilation with an ott song on it actually


Shakatura sometimes puts out dubby songs, but rarely


now for really good psy-dub that i find nothing like ott:


neil sparkes


oliver jones at times (out with an album on iboga soon)

kick bong

red seal

bill laswell obviously, although not all of his stuff has something to do with dub

there is also this dude by the name of marley something or other you might check out


Thanks for the tips again mates.


I just found a great album I have to recommend to you: Hoopy Frood - Psychonaut. Awesome album that mixes a lot of different music styles (Only thing I can complain on is that it might be too much vocals in some tracks) , first track 'Sequence' is the bomb! :)

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