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Yo Alex, happy #26! I was trying to send Andrea up your way for a strip-o-gram, but unfortunately the tequila stash is running low and she needs more than beer to get her in the huge birthday cake.


But you will get your belated birthday teabagging in November. B) Until then, I hope this will do...


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As this is very intressting for the people in the Music Making section, I will move it to there :)


so they named a whole day after you?

that's kinda cool :)



No, he was born that day accidentaly :lol:



And I heard wonders about Final Scratch.. and my brother - deep/tech house DJ - will get a set soon.


And after you record a set, do you care to let us know? I'd love to hear it ;)


cool.How does it really works?,how does ur system gonna know when u turns the disks?

is it by takin the signal flow from the carteridge? :wacko:


there's a timecode on the vynil, so when you accelerate the record, it accelerates the file playing on your computer by the same amount you accelerate the record.


cooooool :)

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