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don't use the purple Menu from the left side of the page.

use the other one, on the middle.


but yeah, i know what you mean. this site could use a few touches :)


its ok just leave it like this , old skool . just thank god psynews is still working  ;)


you look like a scared puppy

but its ok


Ok i know i know, psynews is only a forum now. I still hope to make something new out of it...one day


well, if you'd consider asking in the forum, maybe you'll find out some people might like to contribute


they are contributing allready :)


Ok i know i know, psynews is only a forum now. I still hope to make something new out of it...one day


There are plenty of enthusiasts here. We can help you! That's actually ourselves, sinse we are community... lets think of something together!


Ok i know i know, psynews is only a forum now. I still hope to make something new out of it...one day


Sounds like me :)


Start up a collaborative coding project perhaps? If anyone around here has PHP knowledge it could go a long way.


I'm happy that I'm working hard on my new site, FINALLY... no more astralogue though. But oh will there ever be REVIEWS!@# AHHH :D


All right, i've already done this and i remember the results :


Because i've tried, it is virtually ipossible to remake Psynews in php. So J2EE over a cool AppServer would be the solution.


I need J2SE 5.0 (means java, generics-aware) programmers, using Eclipse 3.1,

The framework used would be JSF 1.1, Hibernate 3, and lots Jakarta stuff,

The platform would be Tomcat 5.5, Apache2, Mysql 4.1


Anyone ?


A lot of stuff has already been done but i've stopped, i'm on other things (Suntrip for example).




All right, i've already done this and i remember the results :


Because i've tried, it is virtually ipossible to remake Psynews in php. So J2EE over a cool AppServer would be the solution.


I need J2SE 5.0 (means java, generics-aware) programmers, using Eclipse 3.1,

The framework used would be JSF 1.1, Hibernate 3, and lots Jakarta stuff,

The platform would be Tomcat 5.5, Apache2, Mysql 4.1


Anyone ?


A lot of stuff has already been done but i've stopped, i'm on other things (Suntrip for example).




thanx for the work you haven been doing, we appreciate it and are glad psynews still exist...


peace mars :)


Yes, I also think it would be alot easier with PHP... I'm a bit into web-developing (but not into programming) and I'm willing to help.


There nice Content Managing Systems... so CMS + PHP knowlage will do the trick.


First of all we have to know exactly what do we want, what is our aim.


There are alot of us, so everyone could be responsible for some part of developing process and updating psynews with cd/party reviews, news, pictures and stuff...


I'm in if you are going to work something out!


All right, i've already done this and i remember the results :


Because i've tried, it is virtually ipossible to remake Psynews in php. So J2EE over a cool AppServer would be the solution.


I need J2SE 5.0 (means java, generics-aware) programmers, using Eclipse 3.1,

The framework used would be JSF 1.1, Hibernate 3, and lots Jakarta stuff,

The platform would be Tomcat 5.5, Apache2, Mysql 4.1


Anyone ?


A lot of stuff has already been done but i've stopped, i'm on other things (Suntrip for example).




I'll probably learn Java next semester, so after the next semester I'll be able to help :D


Anyway, honestly, for me the forum is absolutely enough, I don't need anything else! But that's just what I think, others seem to want more...

Certainly it wouldn't hurt. But I prefer a good forum and a good label as it is now to a new site and some of the two other things disregarded (not that I think it would be like that, it's just a thought) :)

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