RAH Posted October 14, 2005 Posted October 14, 2005 Artist: REV Album: Inverted Label: Doof Records Web: www.doofrecords.com Year: 2005 Format: CD Songs: 1. Inverted [146 BPM's] 2. Saucy [144] 3. System Ducker [142] 4. Hairy Fishnuts [144] 5. Locket Rauncher [145] 6. Dirty Converter [145] 7. Dont Ask Why [146] 8. Dunky Funk [146] 9. CCL-Unleash The Beast [144] What's this about Inverted is the debut album of Rev, but not of Troy Leidich who released Fungus of light feat. Bonky in 2000 with numerous appearances on USTA and Doof. As for his newer stuff, the rhythmic drive in Inverted flows well continually, with a prevalence for jarring, liquid modulations spliced right in the middle of an FX tornado. The pace is hectically reserved with the bass stapled alongside the kick -otherwise we might not get to call it Doof material. The grumbling melodies manage playful and light thematic elements, which now and again turn a bit droning, while still offering some moment's lucidity, making it worthy of a few spins in the least. I mean, if it's the latest rasping and liquid synth lines you are looking for, you get your fix here. And in turn that similarity does opaque the album a bit. So, I would have cut short a few songs, but that would have made it a very brief album. If you listen close enough though, there are signs of creativity on most tracks. Never mind this sounds like tasty version of full on devoid of untreated whistle-along anthems. The knobbed tweakings echo in your head and that seems to work just fine, whether if it's dancing or chewing your face off in some dark corner. Per-song break-down 1. Inverted * The album opens with the self-titled moniker, "Inverted". I am going to take a shot in the dark here and guess there is some obscure effect that is inverted in the sea of different layers and thus the name. The pace of the song defines what is to come: breezy 140's with a fanfare for hammering kicks and enough tweaking on those synth lines to keep the middle ranges busier than an intersection at rush hour. 2. Saucy * I'll be damned if the track name "Saucy" actually sounds like it's supposed to. A tasty platter full meat and bass to keep trancers happy at any time of day. As the name points out we find synth's with enough liquid to slip your ass off if you're not careful where you are stepping. Congas appear at some point later accompanying the rhythm, adding a little diversity to the clatter. 3. System Ducker * In “System Ducker” we are treated to an assortment of gated effects, including an accordion. Being South American finding these sounds meshed in the middle of this kind of production hits it too close to home in a perplexing way. One thing Troy did learn well is the use sprinkled voice blips meshing with the effects indelibly. Halfway through the shindig we are introduced to a very straightforward synth burp, defining the song from the FX's storm. 4. Hairy Fishnuts * Not having any clue what is a "Hairy Fishnut" I googled it out for you. As it turns out there is a rather daft-looking penguin with a huge beak, named Opus in the Washington post (on the cartoons section). And hairy fishnuts is one of his favorite phrases. As for the song… well, there is definitely a quacking sound that could be confused with the conversation of two penguins. Overall, one of the more intricate chapters in the album, with enough ear candy to keep everyone happy no matter how un-sober you are. 5. Locket Rauncher ** This one is amongst the better tracks that pushed me to write this review. “Locket Launcher” is dying to open a mix and if 145 is not the magic number for this kind of music, I don't know which one is. The energy level is just above ground and the production in comparison to the previous songs remains a bit more minimal, as the effects tune in all the right spots with an emphasis on the groove. 'It was spiritual, like wave…' very tasty stuff. 6. Dirty Converter ** The “Dirty Converter” comes awash with a distorted riff that seems to hover over the pulsations to be followed by even more snarling sounds. To my ears it seems a little static on the lower ranges, missing a few chances to sneak in there a few congas or something. 7. Dont Ask Why In “Don't ask Why” we dare not wonder what exactly happened to the groove or the knobbed synth lines. It's a rather uneventful track smeared with samples that don't stand out. A rather freakish experiment of 'voodoo shit' echoing quasi-chants. Overall I don't find enough harmonics in the bubbling sounds by the end to keep me interested all the way. 8. Dunky Funk And we continue the streak of rather bleak tracks with “Dunky Funk” and to my ears it is not funky enough. It sounds a like a loop of a 40 second segment that never really develops, over the distant voice saying god knows what except ‘wake up' know and again. Does it work personally? I am not really sure… 9. CCL-Unleash The Beast And the inversion comes to and end with “Unleash the Beast” in a collaboration with Paul Elfferich (Zebra-N). Either this one is too wobbly too call out any attention on itself or the wine I had earlier is kicking strong. Either way I don't really feel like the beast left the cage on this one. The track is not bad and you can hear four hands on the sequencer with a fair share of trance-inducing interaction, strange melodies & an effect that sounds like growling or something, but is not pumping enough for my taste. I was expecting to get my head blown off with that name, while at this point I simply feel intoxicated… but that was probably the wine… * Favourites All and all A number of great tracks a number of misses, but looking back at it… I haven't really heard any album in 2005 that gets them all right in this realm of psy trance…yet. Part of the task in being a self-respecting listener and DJ is to try to find the gems in the rough and you do get a fair number with REV. My guess is Inverted works best in the dance floor, but you have every right -nay- obligation, to blast this at home and shake a leg if it floats your boat. Where to get http://www.beatspace.com/dettagli/dettaglio.asp?id=2183 http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/doo/doo1cd017.html http://www.saikosounds.com/english/display...ase.asp?id=4954 Quote
SkeletonMan Posted August 25, 2006 Posted August 25, 2006 I have tried my best to get this album under my skin since I got hold of it a year ago, but Rev excels in a type of trance that just doesn't do it for me. At least under every day circumstances. A monotone bass repeated practically unaltered back to back on all tracks, some FX to supply variety, and practically no lead melodies. At the right circumstances during a festival I might trip to a track or two here. Certainly, Rev can come across as quite sinister. But at home, at moderate levels, I really can only enjoy Rev in limited amounts. Still, I won't altogether dismiss Inverted. Like I said, the monotony does roam potential and individually the tracks have appeal. Dirty Converter, for example, manages to stay both monotonous and interesting. One hour of Rev's bass lines, however, is over the top for me. But if you want it monotonous, dark, simple, and bass line oriented in a grey area between progressive and full-on, I can't think of a much better pick than Inverted. Quote
abasio Posted November 8, 2006 Posted November 8, 2006 This is one of those albums that I absolutely love when I'm listening to it but that never seems to make it into my CD player. Although it's very good stuff. Intelligent, smooth, cool, stuff. It just isn't special enough to make itself remembered. Maybe I just need to give it more tries but as I said, it doesn't make it into the player too often. We'll see Quote
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