Guest Le Lotus Bleu Posted October 18, 2005 Posted October 18, 2005 For me ,your problem of ego & leeching reviewing comes from your cd addiction. I mean if you would have bought a bit more cds in your life maybe you would reconsider your appreciation way. Since more than a year you're reviewing per month more than Damion+PKS, i definitivly put you in the leeching squad, why the need to review nearly all stuffs , do you really like 'em all? as you told you have nothing to hide, so please tell us :how many cds did you buy this last year? i speak about new cds with full price not second hand or discounted ones (personally i've bought 7 cds without counting second hand or discounted prices). Contrarily to what you're claiming, i'm not into a vandetta versus you, i just told it on isratrance like you mention, & now here, so i don't consider saying something twice could be considered as a personnal attack or a demolition. I'm saying very rawly & frankly something that doesn't fall in the politically correct, that's all.
traveller Posted October 18, 2005 Posted October 18, 2005 being an ex-reviewer for isratrance and receiving a bunch of promos every once and a while i know what it's like to review something when the label or artists expects something from you - it's VERY hard not to be biased. so don't bullshit here about being always 100% objective in reviews - and i'm talking to all reviewers here which review promo cds. the deal is simple - a bad review and you won't get cds anymore. anyway, i quit reviewing since i find it totally unfair and hard to write good words about something which is less than good, and then have the artist or label bug me in msn or icq or whatever "where's the review?" and then forcing myself to write something just to please them. most of what i get is crap anyway. i'll just go and buy the music i like and if i feel like writing something i will. 360246[/snapback] yeah I got fucking tired of it too.. not that I wrote that much but anyways..
moni Posted October 18, 2005 Posted October 18, 2005 oh god this Lotus Bleu idiot is jealous on everybody and attacks everything that moves. but it's ok i guess, that's the first step in admitting his inferiority. i have never seen such a phenomenon online there is nothing admirable in this guy ... the "i'm gonna tell on ya and labels will punish you" thing he did on damion totally made me laugh. sorry Lotus, you wuss. i wonder how the hell labels sent him promos for reviews. cause nobody seems to like this guy around here and in isratrance. both damion and DP are great people and get a lot of admiration and respect in the psy scene. Lotus, you should have used the money you spend on your 7 cds per year to save for some brain cells. some brain cells would surely help you deal with your envy. i hope i wasn't too evil on you boy, but you deserve it. remember when you called me an idiot cause you weren't smart enough to get my joke? but that's another funny story. you need to get some rest now. there there.
DeathPosture Posted October 18, 2005 Posted October 18, 2005 For me ,your problem of ego & leeching reviewing comes from your cd addiction. I mean if you would have bought a bit more cds in your life maybe you would reconsider your appreciation way. 360357[/snapback] You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about! I spend hundreds of euros every month on music... I currently own more than 2000 CDs, and at least 90% of those I've paid for... You are right on one account though - I am addicted to music! In all genres! I've worked in a record store for 2½ years and I work as a rock DJ in the weekends. My DJ job requires me to own original CDs, so I spend a large amount of money on CDs every single months! This month I've bought more than 30!! Since more than a year you're reviewing per month more than Damion+PKS, i definitivly put you in the leeching squad, why the need to review nearly all stuffs , do you really like 'em all? 360357[/snapback] Yes - I also get a lot of trance freebies - what's your problem with that? I do that because obviously people think I'm pretty good at what I do... And if you'd actually read some of my reviews, you'd notice that always include constructive critisism! No, I don't like everything - but I'm fortunate enough to like a lot of the stuff I receive... Pretty much all Israeli labels are filtered out - do you catch the draft here? as you told you have nothing to hide, so please tell us :how many cds did you buy this last year? i speak about new cds with full price not second hand or discounted ones (personally i've bought 7 cds without counting second hand or discounted prices). 360357[/snapback] In 2005 I've added well over 250 CDs to my collection... About 70 of those were free... Half were discounted and the other half were full price... Your point being? If this is not jealousy I don't know what is... Contrarily to what you're claiming, i'm not into a vandetta versus you, i just told it on isratrance like you mention, & now here, so i don't consider saying something twice could be considered as a personnal attack or a demolition. 360357[/snapback] Please, you know as well as me that you've launched these attacks on me a number of times... Not to mention the whole Damion incident... Le Lotus Blue - defender of moral - which eventually went on to open a tradepost pushing his own promos... *sigh* I don't know what your basic dysfunction is called, but it seems to me you feed on attacking people... Seems to be the case both here on Psynews, on Isratrance and on Psyforum... Why don't you just give it a rest, and mind your own business? I'm saying very rawly & frankly something that doesn't fall in the politically correct, that's all. 360357[/snapback] Oh please! Practice what you preach dammit! --- Look - when it comes down to it, I think we pretty much agree on musical taste... You don't seem to like mind-numbing full-on and neither do I... So let's just agree on that one, and leave this pointless bickering... We're never gonna agree anyway! Time to move on... Thanks! /DP
Guest Kris Posted October 18, 2005 Posted October 18, 2005 Why all these insults (from both sides)? Just respect that some people like positive reviews and some like it a bit more variated. There's no need to insult eachother over taste differences!
Frontier Psychiatrist Posted October 18, 2005 Posted October 18, 2005 Mr. Le Lotus, shut the f*ck up. That's all. You don't worth more than 3 sentences.
Guest Le Lotus Bleu Posted October 18, 2005 Posted October 18, 2005 You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about! I spend hundreds of euros every month on music... I currently own more than 2000 CDs, and at least 90% of those I've paid for... You are right on one account though - I am addicted to music! In all genres! I've worked in a record store for 2½ years and I work as a rock DJ in the weekends. My DJ job requires me to own original CDs, so I spend a large amount of money on CDs every single months! This month I've bought more than 30!! Yes - I also get a lot of trance freebies - what's your problem with that? I do that because obviously people think I'm pretty good at what I do... And if you'd actually read some of my reviews, you'd notice that always include constructive critisism! No, I don't like everything - but I'm fortunate enough to like a lot of the stuff I receive... Pretty much all Israeli labels are filtered out - do you catch the draft here? In 2005 I've added well over 250 CDs to my collection... About 70 of those were free... Half were discounted and the other half were full price... Your point being? If this is not jealousy I don't know what is... Please, you know as well as me that you've launched these attacks on me a number of times... Not to mention the whole Damion incident... Le Lotus Blue - defender of moral - which eventually went on to open a tradepost pushing his own promos... *sigh* I don't know what your basic dysfunction is called, but it seems to me you feed on attacking people... Seems to be the case both here on Psynews, on Isratrance and on Psyforum... Why don't you just give it a rest, and mind your own business? Oh please! Practice what you preach dammit! --- Look - when it comes down to it, I think we pretty much agree on musical taste... You don't seem to like mind-numbing full-on and neither do I... So let's just agree on that one, and leave this pointless bickering... We're never gonna agree anyway! Time to move on... Thanks! /DP 360400[/snapback] I have absolutly nothing to hide about trading some of my promo & i assume it. I don't sell them , i trade them; there's a little difference between. Generally on promos it's written:not for sale. So since i just started very recently to trade them, i don't see where's the worry, you're maybe trading some of yours too no?
moni Posted October 18, 2005 Posted October 18, 2005 he quoted all what DP said (supposingly that he actually red the text), just so that he can state that he trades his promos? wow DP, i guess you just left him speechless, huh?
DeathPosture Posted October 18, 2005 Posted October 18, 2005 he quoted all what DP said (supposingly that he actually red the text), just so that he can state that he trades his promos? wow DP, i guess you just left him speechless, huh? 360495[/snapback] Haha - yeah! But that's his usual tactic - he completely disregards most of what I wrote directly to him... What a sad human being... /DP Oh, and for the record - I've never sold or traded a promo CD... The immortal words of Pavel would fit in well here...
Guest Le Lotus Bleu Posted October 18, 2005 Posted October 18, 2005 I remember Pavel proposing for trading his PTX promo album, i never said anything against that, it's ok for me.
Guest Posted October 18, 2005 Posted October 18, 2005 If I set up a site where I review reviewers, or even review other reviewers reviews would that be helpful? Blimey. I've received about a dozen promos this year, I've only reviewed about 5 of them, never given any a mark out of 10 (you can't quantify taste like that), been on the whole positive about them, aborted a couple of reviews half written because the album made it a chore, reviewed stuff that I have bought 'cos it was good...blah blah sound familiar? If you don't like it don't read it.
moni Posted October 18, 2005 Posted October 18, 2005 dude, if a label gives you a release, i suppose they want a review. after you have reviewed the release, do they ask the CD back? no. cause it's yours. it's not a birthday present, to have sentimental value or anything. it's an exchange, a trade. product vs service. trade brings along the term of "property". it's an exchange of property. which of course means you become the owner of the new product that is in your possession, and you loose the property of the one you have traded. so if anyone chooses to sell their own property, why should Le Lotus Bleu give a f*ck? i haven't heard any labels or atists coming back after 10 years to see if you still have their CD. it goes the same for trading CDs, Lotus boy. exchange of property. so if selling something you own is SO WRONG to you, why should TRADING be less?
Frontier Psychiatrist Posted October 18, 2005 Posted October 18, 2005 I remember Pavel proposing for trading his PTX promo album, i never said anything against that, it's ok for me. 360503[/snapback] Is it ok for me to go and wee in the bathroom? Does the master approve?
moni Posted October 18, 2005 Posted October 18, 2005 Kris, you just want to be in this thread too or something? i don't see the point of your post.
Guest Kris Posted October 18, 2005 Posted October 18, 2005 Kris, you just want to be in this thread too or something? i don't see the point of your post. 360518[/snapback] Maybe the point was to lighten up a little
moni Posted October 18, 2005 Posted October 18, 2005 oh, cool then. cause your post just pissed me off.
Guest Kris Posted October 18, 2005 Posted October 18, 2005 your post just pissed me off. 360523[/snapback] Maybe that's why "both sides" should chill a bit and stop being so insulting to eachother Of course just a friendly advice
GaySatanicHippie Posted October 18, 2005 Posted October 18, 2005 I personally like both DP and Profanes reviews, particularlry just BECAUSE they alwas use the same format, you know where to look, and they are both well informed and very constructive. I personally think profanes reviews are more helpful, the only reason being that I can judge Profanes taste a lot better, DPs taste is very broad, he likes stuff i absolutely despise, but thats personal taste and has nothing to do with the qualityof the review itself. The only time I ever do Full-length reviews is when I really like something a lot. My reviews are always very subjective and therefore the record has o tickle my urge to express myself, otherwise i cant be bothered. When I was between jobs and had nothing to do I did a couple of long reviews that were not so positive, but i wont do that anymore, im not gonna spend my freetime on bashing something.
Guest Kris Posted October 18, 2005 Posted October 18, 2005 im not gonna spend my freetime on bashing something. 360533[/snapback] The issue here as I see it is that some people here think it's bashing to do a negative review. In my opinion it's not bashing at all. It's to be honest and say that the CD in quest is not good because of various reasons. Again I want to say that a negative review can be just as informative and indeed positive in many various ways than a review that gets 10/10.
moni Posted October 18, 2005 Posted October 18, 2005 Maybe that's why "both sides" should chill a bit and stop being so insulting to eachother Of course just a friendly advice 360527[/snapback] you have no idea what you're saying there. knowing DP and knowing you, i can tell for sure that you'd be boiling with anger if Le Lotus Bleu would attack you with every chance he got. so just cut it. he also did attacks on damion, pavel, and others. me, he just called me an idiot, so i guess i got away easy. now that i see how low he is, i just couldn't let it go without giving him a piece of my mind. friendly advice for what? that wasn't a friendly advice. "The Kindergarden is open " - that's kinda mocking.
GaySatanicHippie Posted October 18, 2005 Posted October 18, 2005 of course negative reviews are informative, and IMHO 95% of all Psy releases are absolute shit, but i dont buy those releases, and if i by accident buy a bad record, i throw it away and dont think of it, rather than wasting my precious time. The only time I openly bash is when someone I used to like turns shit, then I speak up.
Guest Kris Posted October 18, 2005 Posted October 18, 2005 of course negative reviews are informative, and IMHO 95% of all Psy releases are absolute shit, but i dont buy those releases, and if i by accident buy a bad record, i throw it away and dont think of it, rather than wasting my precious time. The only time I openly bash is when someone I used to like turns shit, then I speak up. 360538[/snapback] I was nort so much refering to you as a reviewer. But some of those that review here and on isratrance do get quite a few promo CD's.. Yet I rarely, if ever, see them do a negative review. And I am pretty sure that some of those promo's are "shit" as you put it. So I still wonder why we never see any negative reviews from them. I am not saying they have to do negative reviews. It just puzzles me why most of their reviews are positive.
Guest Kris Posted October 18, 2005 Posted October 18, 2005 you have no idea what you're saying there. knowing DP and knowing you, i can tell for sure that you'd be boiling with anger if Le Lotus Bleu would attack you with every chance he got. so just cut it. he also did attacks on damion, pavel, and others. me, he just called me an idiot, so i guess i got away easy. now that i see how low he is, i just couldn't let it go without giving him a piece of my mind. friendly advice for what? that wasn't a friendly advice. "The Kindergarden is open " - that's kinda mocking. 360537[/snapback] Listen I am not your enemy here. I just think people should chill a bit. But dont listen to me
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