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Anyone have experience with ordering from Wirikuta?


Basically, I've noticed that Wirikuta usually get most darkpsy albums 1 day before the other shops. And I guess that what I want to know is - would I get Tumult faster if I order directly from Wirikuta, or should I wait 1 day to go for Psyshop? :P


good question/ I was thinking the same :


wirikuta is 100 % reliable ....


but in my case (I live in Belgium next to germany) It would be faster to order at pyshop since they always deliver very fast (I order monday and receive wednesday) ....


have ever ordered from anywhere else?




I still say Psyshop pwns everything.


Chaosunlimited is better for me, because the deliver the very next day. and they always pack their packages full of flyers and stickers and sometimes posters even.


I still say Psyshop pwns everything.


You really ARE my opposite in nearly every respect! FUCk! :huh:


Wirikuta is fine, the package came quick. Half the CDs were shattered (poor packaging) but hey, I'm overseas, and jewel cases are cheap. No big deal. I made the order to nab Dreams like Deserts, which I couldn't find anywhere else, and Magnetrixx - Phase Shift, which is also not commonly available.


You really ARE my opposite in nearly every respect! FUCk!  :huh:


How so? Don't you like fast deliveries and cheap prices?


Anyone have experience with ordering from Wirikuta?


Basically, I've noticed that Wirikuta usually get most darkpsy albums 1 day before the other shops. And I guess that what I want to know is - would I get Tumult faster if I order directly from Wirikuta, or should I wait 1 day to go for Psyshop? :P


I think the reason why they get some "darkpsy" rekkids before everyone else, is that they often are doing the distribution.


Just ordered 6 cds in psyshop. Fingers crossed to recieve a fine delivery.


dont worry, they are one of the best services. only reason i dont order from them any more, is because chaosunlimited is based in england and i get my cds the next day. but i have ordered scores of cd's from psyshop and they always arrive fine.


Yes, and apparently you like high prices and shitty customer service.


for me (located in Belgium near germany) psyshop has by far the best prices and the fastest delivery ...... I have already ordered shitloads of cd's and never had any problem ....


You are one of the lucky ones then - read any of the psyshop complaints threads on isratrance for example.


The problem is... if you get your order and it's fine, then okay. If they forgot a CD or the package goes missing, fucking forget about it.


Personally, I always found them more expensive than any other service.


The one time I ordered from Psyshop, it took 3 weeks for delivery.. so yeah..


ordered 3 cds from trance shop and 1 from beatspace

lets see how it goes


until now I ve ordered nearly from all online stores


without a doubt the best is Chaosunlimited (while living in Uk)

next day in the morning I was waking up around 7 and wait for the footsteps of the postman :)

I ordered when I was back in Turkey and it was as good as in Uk and still with flyers, stickers, you know those make me happy. They event sent me single cd once and mags before that...


Living overseas, Psyshop is reliable and good


But Saikosounds i also as fast and I try to pay them back for putting longer samples and actually making me hear the album :)


Hell I even ordered from Phonokols website and it came through with no problems


Avatar Records shipment was stuck in customs (my bad too many cds ordered

forgetting I was back in Turkey) but they were good...


Wirikuta is also reliable and as fast as the others


Has anyone bought from eat static website, twisted website and the other label or artist websites


wirikuta is all great people and very service friendly!

However.. i was thinking exactly the same and i ordered va-refused about 9 days ago now and i still havent seen it.. also the same with derango i ordered from wirikuta the other day.. so i hope it will arrive sooner or i might have to go back to psyshop... I simply cant wait 1-2 weeks for a cd to get delivered!


Lets Haul Assss

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