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to me


- there are many valuable artists who produce good or great music for every taste. my taste had the chance to expand and diversify.

- there are great people who make wonderful decorations, art

- psynews

- the people on psynews are great

- the people i met in festivals/parties have been great so far

- many artists are also great people (with a few exceptions)

- psytrance has brought a few challenges in my life, and i made it through. and that's how i got to know myself better, and expand my limits. i'm not talking about drugs.


for me it is more than music, it is sensorial experience that when done right can be much more entertaining and engrossing than any movie or any 'recreational' experience (on your own ;) )


i listen to this music because i can get lost in it and in that respect i do belive it can be active meditation in some small way. Not mention hearing a great song puts a big smile on my face :)


the scene in general is open minded, relaxed and has very refreshing outlook on life, of people that refuse to conform to the benchmarks... and lead their lives like everyone else subjected to the same standards... call me naive but i think the people involved have more depth than your tipical gucci-shoes, prada-shirt and latest hip-hop flava... and if you don't have a benz don't even utter a word to me.


in essense a refreshing sub-culcure that in deed is turning into full fledged world-wide cultural phenomenom...


we have seen the bad things in music and the not-so hip people that it seems to drag, i say is time to keep those values and ideals, that originally attracted us and show everyone how and why these scene is different... if it works, there might a slight chance of making the world just a bit better


hope that was not to tree-hugging of me to say ;)


the music that still defies the mind, and whenever i do catch a party (i dont go to psyparties that often accually) however shit the music is,the whole atmosphere is still great.


there will always be a special feeling accosiated with it, i listen to long to the stuff to lose that.


it just changed thing change and it sometimes is for the good sometimes for the worse.


for me personally i lost interest, like said before the king is dead long live the king, time for another group of people to take over.


dont care that much accually


Hmm I don`t go that often to parties anumore, but here`s some pointers;


-Music that surprises you and makes you laugh.


-Small parties held by people who love music.


-Ravers who love the music, as opposed to teenagers whose main idea seems to be to take as much speed\xtc\ghb as possible.


-The whole indie *.mp3 releasing trance community, some crap, some gold, all free,

made by people just because they have a passion for making music.


-Adventurous labels, which still release fresh sounding stuff, and sign lesser\unknown artists, instead of offering money to already established producers which would just narrow the field, musicwise.


Thanks for this topic moni!! It's cool to have also some positive topics instead of the usual bitching...


- The music!!! :) For my taste there is amazing stuff around. First of all goa trance is making a comeback with artists like Filteria and the Suntrip label in general. Then there is stuff like Nystagmus that's also amazing to me and lot's of other stuff I really like. Sure there is also crap around but I find more stuff comming out right now that I want to buy than 2 or 3 years ago.


- I don't go to parties that often but what I can say is that most of the big artists come to Switzerland so I would be able to catch what I want when looking for a party. There are also huge and very small parties. Nearly everything you desire is available here...


- Open-minded people! The last (and only!! :( ) party I've visited this summer was a festival with different stages (remember trance, tekkhouse, techno and psy) and all the different people were getting along just great. Even when the cops turned down the music at the morning it was just so cool to see that no matter if it were house people and psy people together everybody was just nice to each other.


-the music of course

-the people, they are mostly open minded and very social, and often we are on the same level

-the festivals & parties, with that wicked atmosphere! :)

-creativity, backdrops, and still a part of the music is more art then just some paintings and some music

-the internationalism, from Brazil till Australia, from Canada till Japan, you find them everywhere, those freaks! :)


-the internationalism, from Brazil till Australia, from Canada till Japan, you find them everywhere, those freaks! :)


true. plus every "foreign" person that passes by in your life brings something new and leaves a smile on your face.

Alive in my heart? Oh, it's not just the heart, it's the head, the legs, the arms, the brain ... pretty much everything :)

The psy music energizes me ... and that's the main thing about it all. I guess if nobody in the world would listen to this music anymore from right now on, even then I wouldn't give a fuck and run with psy music on the ears. I can't go without anymore. And that's just one reason :)


Second reason are the people ... nearly all of them (unfortunately I must say NEARLY) are open minded, tolerant, nice, peaceful and everybody just wants to have a good time, nobody cares about your looks or anything, it's such a relaxed atmosphere, peaceful, nice ... this forum here proves it :)


Third reason is the awesome deko. Gosh, I have seen fluoro paintings I still get wet dreams when thinking of them - not to speak of sculptures and stuff ... LOVE it :wub:


And for the fourth reason allow me to quote myself from another thread about what I like about psy parties:

It's an ideal environment to let your thoughts fly ... into trance. You bash your enemies, thank people who helped you, live through important situations in your life in the last few weeks again and be happy that you made it through and are ready for new challenges. You let out your energies and make space for fresh ones. A mental rechargement. All in trance. All with the music.

(At least that's valid for GOOD psy parties...)


for me it's just music... but I like the music very very much so...


why ???


because there's a lot of it :D

many genres

lot's of evolution

I have been following it since I was young it is a part of my youth....

I like reviewing it, I like analyzing...

I like the 'search' for the new goa kick, and the new goa wave...


goa is like a tv commercial... you can follow it, know all the information, always new information coming up, always changing, it's a soap serie but in a positive way, it just keeps you busy...


goa is my hobby !


Well, I love psytrance for many things.... let me try not to be negative for once about the music today :)


1. When I first started out listening to psytrance, I got to know some of the most wonderful people that i have ever met. (I love you guys a lot from Liquid Family! Tribe of Frog, you people just rock, Jason if you read this: I MISS YOU LIKE HELL) I could start a shoutout to all the people that I love, but the list would get boring and too damn long. I keep on meeting more and more people in the psytrance movement, and I must say, I dont meet too many people that I dont like (I guess im lucky).


2. It inspired me to do diffrent things with music than I did before, I started djing, and I started to make electronic music.


3. It made a dream come true, when I opened up a record label.


Well, these are the 3 most important things, and when I think about them, it makes me warm inside.


For all that I didnt mention, I love you guys very much! I will see you at a party next summer I hope :)


- The international expeditions, i dig them so much, 4 poeple,2 tents, 1 car and llloooooooots of Km's...nomad life. favourite 14 days of the year.

- All the people i met and became good friends over the years.

- Dark psy warehouse parties, don't exist anymore over here but i'll never forget those experiences.

- All those people putting their music for free on the net. The hidden diamonds. Music that I don't know and has a personal style with mediocre production is IMO better than famous music with perfect production but completely milked out.

-& the arts of course, only electronic music style that does it in such a way with backdrops, string-art, installations & videoprojections. psychedelic madness, the more the better imo. I don't know any NOS, AFA, punkadelic etc etc in other scenes, they only use those ugly strobo's & travellights. :blink: I think all the deco should be preserved as much as possible, very typical to psy & goa-trance.


amazing outdoor locations..


cool freaky people


lots of ppl that are open to meet others (I always meet someone new, and just one new cool person in my life is already worth a lot)


awesome music ocassionaly (just have to search what you like)


the psychedelic culture (yes, me likes)


sensorial trips (from lights to music to food to backdrops, etc)


keeping the fake social games to a minimum in the right parties..not affraid to be myself


being able to dance with my eyes closed without ppl thinking im weird


beautiful ppl


and so and so :)


i feel psytrance defining me... it's like the summary of my whole beeing.. all my thoughts, views, everything about me can be found in the music..


like Rain said, i feel it to be a hobby of mine.. i like the music taking up all of my free time..


it's just loads of fun, and i love it.. :)


Great people, as shown in this forum :)


The music appeals to me for many reasons. First of all, it seems to be one of the few genres that manages to combine wonderful and dreamy soundscapes, with a danceable rhythm - and on top of that, wonderful melodies. I love that.


Great musical diversity. There are so many different styles that there is something for each mood.


So far it's not very commercially oriented (in most cases :P). Much room for experimenting, and as mentioned before, adventurous labels that are actually willing to the release the stuff.


Probably a lot more but I'm tired, can't think clearly :)


- The Old-School

- Prog-psy

- Tech-psy

- The odd killargggh psy track now and then


And some bad points to even things out:


- "Dark" psy (pure noise if you ask me)

- Full-on

- Skazi & his followers

- $$$


- Old tracks

- Hoping for new Posford releases and hoping that they wont dissapoint me

- The fact that every now and then there actually still is something good released

- The fact that there isn't much new good stuff released on other genres anyway


-Ravers who love the music, as opposed to teenagers whose main idea seems to be to take as much speed\xtc\ghb as possible.




ouch... hey man.. guess what... i'm sixteen and in it PURELY for the music people and raw emotions ;) heh... don't worry about it... the majority of teenagers at trance parties are like that.... true. I stay away from the drug movement... for now anyway... no one knows what the future brings.


but ya... discovering new tracks, different styles, artists, etc keeps me in... psy-trance is probably the biggest most diverse subgenres out there (whoa, spacetribe- change your life, cool). i'm also in it because i have indian roots as in dad is from malaysia (country HEAVILY influenced by India) and that later seeped into my mother (white, from canadanada, lolz). but the fact that goa is a place in india makes my love for this music only deeper. you could say i live and breathe trance. anywayz...


lotsa love, see you ;)


Tee - Hee!! my first post


goa is like a tv commercial... you can follow it, know all the information, always new information coming up, always changing, it's a soap serie but in a positive way, it just keeps you busy...




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